A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary "Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms", which exposed the ugly details of the "Victory Case" that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In

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A while ago, BBC aired a documentary "Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms", which exposed the ugly details of the "Victory Case" that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(bbc Documentary)

In the film, a Korean reporter who participated in the investigation of the scandal revealed that there were many difficulties and obstacles during their investigation. When the clues were interrupted for a time, it was the Korean female star Goo Hara who stepped forward and secretly helped collect evidence. Only then did the clues reconnect... (click here for review)

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(Goo Hara)

Before the case was pronounced, Goo Hara, who was suffering from depression, committed suicide and passed away...

And what happened after Goo Hara's death? Two months later, her brother Goo Ho-in discovered that her home had been burgled.

All valuable brand-name clothes, watches and other items were kept intact in the cloakroom on the second floor. There was no trace of rummaging in the house, but only the safe was missing...

It was revealed that there were items from Goo Hara's past in the safe. Several used mobile phones, some letters written by her brother, real estate certificates, acting contracts, etc.

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba


The thief went straight to the safe, maybe he didn’t care about the money...

Goo Ho-in checked the CCTV around his home and found that shortly after midnight on January 14, a strange man broke into the front yard and entered from the second floor. Sneaking into the balcony...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(surveillance video)

Goo Ho-in quickly called the police. The police determined that the suspect was most likely an unidentified criminal, a temporary worker who took on tasks and received money, because the suspect did not activate the door code. Entering the password into the lock resulted in a failure to open the door. Obviously, he knew the password but did not know how to use it. He was probably commissioned by someone to commit the crime. He did not know Goo Hara personally.

After a year of investigation, the police still could not determine the identity of the culprit, and the theft case became an unsolved case...

Fortunately, Goo Hor-in transferred the contents of the safe in advance, and Goo Hara's mobile phone was stored in a safe place, waiting to be unlocked technology, and what the thief stole was just a safe.

A few days ago, Goo Hara's brother released the surveillance video of the time and the AI ​​portrait of the safe thief on the SBS program "Want to Know the Truth"...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(video and portrait)

There are also media based on surveillance The restored high-definition restored picture... I didn't expect to find something new...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(HD restored picture)

The video shows that the safe thief is a sturdy man in his late 20s to early 30s, about 170 cm to 180 cm tall, with a narrow chin Long, slightly protruding cheekbones, high nose, wearing earrings on the left ear, very fashionable...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(Screenshot of comments from Korean netizens)

Korean netizens thought he looked very familiar, so they turned into investigators and after comparing a series of clues, they locked the suspected thief. Suspicious person - Korean singer Zico...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(surveillance screenshots vs the person)

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(Korean netizen comments screenshots)

Comparing the AI ​​portrait, the similarity is amazing...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(Portrait vs the person)

Zico's walking style and the thief who sneaked into the front yard The similarity is also high...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(comparison of walking postures)

The back looks even more confusing when viewed from a distance...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(comparison of back, the picture is from Weibo@vivaciousrereader)

And Zico is indeed inextricably linked to the "Victory Case" Contact...

As we all know, zico is one of the main criminals in the "Victory Case", and Jung Joon Young's acquaintance , who once called Jung Joon Young's mobile phone a "golden phone" on the show.

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(Jung Joon Young, Zico)

In 2016, Zico and Jung Joon Young exposed each other on the variety show "Radio Star". Zico said that Jung Joon Young used a "golden mobile phone". That phone was not a mobile phone for daily use, but a special phone. I came to send kakaotalk (chatting software), I have saved a lot of people, and I will only use it in emergencies...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

("Radio Star" clip)

And Zheng Junying also revealed that Zico often goes to his house, and after hanging around for a while, he asks : "Brother, where is the golden phone..."

In other words, the golden phone is probably Zheng Junying's crime tool, and Zico is also likely to have always known the details of Zheng Junying's crime...

And when Zheng Junying exposed Zico, Zico also He touched Zheng Junying's shoulder nervously.

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(clip from "Radio Star")

By the way, the two of them were busy setting up their characters on that show. One said he wanted to find true love this year, and the other said he didn't fall in love but only had a crush... It was all a joke.

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

("radio star" clip)

After the "Victory Case" incident, Zico explained the matter of the "golden mobile phone", saying, "They are all the address books of acquaintances, and we have not communicated privately for a long time."

Then He also responded in the lyrics, "I haven't seen that kind of video, I swear to God"...

After the scandal broke out in the past few days, Zico's ins comment area was besieged.

He posted another emo message, "You are the most humane and express all your inner emotions without reservation. I hope you will stop wasting your life hesitantly." He looked very troubled...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(zico's ins Screenshot of the comment area)

On the other side, Zico’s agency koz entertainment also issued an official statement denying the rumors, saying that “all rumors” currently circulating on the Internet are indiscriminate insults and damage to Zico’s reputation.

spreads false content. Messages, articles, and malicious rumors are so serious that they cannot be tolerated in silence.

Therefore, the company will take legal measures and will not be dealt with lightly. It will regularly collect malicious articles on various forums and social media for prosecution, etc...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(Screenshot of Zico’s Instagram)

In short, the company denied it firmly, but in Korean entertainment, the company has always been tough. In the end, it is not uncommon for artists to be arrested after being found with substantial criminal evidence. I can only say that we look forward to the follow-up investigation by the police. Well...

It has been more than four years since the Seungri case was exposed. Innocent people like Goo Hara have died, and the criminals who were originally convicted have gradually been released from prison. Who would have thought that there might be other people involved who have been hiding in plain sight...

It’s scary to think about it...

A while ago, the BBC aired a documentary 'Burning Sun - Revealing Secrets in Hallyu Stars' Chat Rooms', which exposed the ugly details of the 'Victory Case' that caused a sensation in Korean entertainment in 2019, and once again attracted social attention... (BBC Documentary) In  - Lujuba

(Jung Joon Young)

Tags: entertainment