There is a "KIMO" dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e

entertainment 6171℃

There is a "kimo" dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou.

It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall.

During the interview, there was no one in the dance studio.

But the door was open.

Ms. Luo said.

Her child is in kindergarten. He has other interest classes

There is a 'KIMO' dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e - Lujuba

Ms. Luo: So we think Joy City is more convenient, and then we also want to develop some other interest classes for him, so we want to come here to see children's hip-hop dance, etc., which he is also more interested in. .

There is a 'KIMO' dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e - Lujuba

Ms. Luo said

She brought her children to experience it several times in March

She felt that the dance teacher was more responsible

So she spent 8664 yuan to sign up for 48 classes

Currently there are 34 classes left

The remaining balance is 6165 yuan

html On June 14th, the clerk suddenly came to the group A notice was posted

saying that due to public pressure

classes were to be suspended

Now the group has been disbanded

Regarding the so-called "pressure of public opinion"

reporters found out

A few days ago the topic "5km collapsed" became a hot search topic

5km The dance studio belongs to

Shanghai Weidan Strontium Culture Communication Co., Ltd.

The children’s dance studio that Ms. Luo signed up for is one of the brands under 5km.

There is a 'KIMO' dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e - Lujuba

There is a 'KIMO' dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e - Lujuba

There is a 'KIMO' dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e - Lujuba

There is a 'KIMO' dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e - Lujuba

There is a 'KIMO' dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e - Lujuba

Ms. Luo: Well, our parents don’t know much about this situation. We don’t know much about it. Pay attention to public opinion. Reporter

: After sending this notice, did you come to attend classes later?

Ms. Luo: I have taken two free classes. The teacher "generates electricity with love". The teacher is very responsible. In fact, he also wants to educate his students. Because the teacher also resigned before and clearly told us that he would stop teaching until the end of June. This incident happened to us in June as well.

reporter: Can you contact this store manager now?

Ms. Luo: I can’t be contacted, and other parents haven’t added me on WeChat either.

Reporter: What about mobile phone numbers?

Ms. Luo: None.

Reporter: Have you ever visited the mall?

Ms. Luo: What the shopping mall means is that they only have a lease relationship and have no law enforcement rights. Let us protect our rights ourselves.

There is a 'KIMO' dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e - Lujuba

Ms. Luo's payment record shows

The payee is called

"Hangzhou Puwu Culture Communication Co., Ltd."

The reporter called the phone number displayed on the public platform

Hangzhou Puwu Culture Communication Co., Ltd.'s public phone number: I was there before I went to work, but I have resigned now. I don’t work in Hangzhou.

Reporter: Then why is your phone number left here? Public phone number of Hangzhou Puwu Culture Communication Co., Ltd.: Maybe I left it when I was filing industrial and commercial declaration.

Reporter: Do you have the phone number of the person in charge in Hangzhou? Hangzhou Puwu Culture Communication Co., Ltd.’s public phone number: I don’t have it now because my group has been disbanded. I heard before that someone has already taken over.

Ms. Luo: I have two demands now. The first one is to allow us to complete the remaining 34 classes without spending any additional money. If it's the second one, I'll get a refund.

Reporter: Is it a choice between the two?

Ms. Luo: Yes.

I found the Joy City Property Service Center on the sixth floor.

The staff helped me contact my colleagues from the commercial management department.

There is a 'KIMO' dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e - Lujuba

Hangzhou Joy City Property Service Center: My colleague called me. He said that he had communicated with me, and then the person said, responsible ( Store) This person is out on a business trip today, but you leave your phone number and ask him to call you later.

The reporter left a phone number

As of press time

has not received a reply from the mall management

Ms. Luo is preparing to take legal channels to defend her rights

There is a 'KIMO' dance studio in Joy City, Hangzhou. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall. There was no one in the dance studio during the interview, but the door was open. Ms. Luo said that her child was in kindergarten and she happened to enroll in something e - Lujuba

(1818 Golden Eye)

Tags: entertainment