Editor's note: The 2024 Jiading District Grassroots Theory Propaganda "Hundred Famous Mouths" selection competition has come to an end, but the preaching path of all "famous speakers" is not over yet. They will join the Jiading District Public Lecture Group to bring wonderful the

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Editor's Note

The 2024 Jiading District Grassroots Theory Propaganda "Hundred Famous Mouths" selection competition has come to an end, but the preaching path of all "famous speakers" has not ended yet. They will join the Jiading District Public Lecture Group to bring wonderful theoretical lectures to more citizens. As a bridge between the people and theory, they use down-to-earth, warm and dew-filled preaching language to infect people's hearts and touch their souls, pass down policies and let theories take root. From now on, the Propaganda Department of the Jiading District Party Committee and the Jiading District Media Center will launch the column "The Development of Famous Talkers" to lead everyone to understand the contestants who reached the finals and see how these "100 Famous Talkers" were developed?

On the final stage of the 2024 Jiading District Grassroots Theory Propaganda "Hundred Names" Selection Competition, in order to explore which is more important, "new" or "quality" of new quality productivity, contestants Tong Xuan and Wu Chen from Anting Town will "debate" "Game" was moved into the lecture, which not only made everyone listen with interest, but also incorporated their own speculation and thinking.

Editor's note: The 2024 Jiading District Grassroots Theory Propaganda 'Hundred Famous Mouths' selection competition has come to an end, but the preaching path of all 'famous speakers' is not over yet. They will join the Jiading District Public Lecture Group to bring wonderful the - Lujuba

Wu Chen (left) and Tong Xuan (right)

Use debate and dialogue to innovate the theoretical presentation mode

"Next, you will have a 'small debate' around the hottest term 'new quality productivity'." The voice-over sounded, Tong Xuan, a part-time teacher at Anting Chengdu School, and Wu Chen, deputy director of the Economic and Trade Office of Anting Town, imitated the pros and cons debaters and started a "new quality productivity" on the stage. Injecting new momentum into high-quality development, we should pay more attention to 'New', or should we focus more on 'quality'?"

Editor's note: The 2024 Jiading District Grassroots Theory Propaganda 'Hundred Famous Mouths' selection competition has come to an end, but the preaching path of all 'famous speakers' is not over yet. They will join the Jiading District Public Lecture Group to bring wonderful the - Lujuba

"New productivity is an inexhaustible driving force for high-quality development. 'New' means new life and innovation, which means a new golden era." Tong Xuan moved out intelligent network connections, new materials, innovative drugs, and big data artificial intelligence The example of intelligence fully illustrates that new productivity is different from traditional productivity. It is precisely because of the continuous emergence of "new" production factors that the leap in productivity has been achieved.

On the other side, Wu Chen, who holds the opposite view, is not to be outdone. He brings out scientific research and innovation cases such as the "Shenzhou" series of spacecrafts and the 10,000-meter manned submersible "Struggle" to strongly demonstrate that generation after generation of people tirelessly pursue "quality" improvement. Only then did the millennium dream of reaching heaven and sea come true, and traditional industries were transformed and upgraded.

"Although it is in the form of a debate, 'new' and 'quality' are not actually a set of antonyms. New quality productivity promotes high-quality development, and 'new' and 'quality' are closely connected and complement each other!" After some debate, They finally came to this conclusion. “We hope that through this relatively novel form, we can lead everyone to have a deeper understanding of the characteristics of ‘newness’ and ‘quality’, so that theoretical propaganda will be more down-to-earth and more acceptable to the audience,” Tong Xuan explained.

Start with “interesting chatter”

In Tong Xuan’s view, “hundreds of famous voices” is an important way to promote the party’s innovative theory to penetrate into the front line, the masses, and the hearts of the people. “I think it is the responsibility that a preacher needs to bear It is to get close to the masses and turn the party's innovative theories into popular truths through 'interesting chatter'."

Editor's note: The 2024 Jiading District Grassroots Theory Propaganda 'Hundred Famous Mouths' selection competition has come to an end, but the preaching path of all 'famous speakers' is not over yet. They will join the Jiading District Public Lecture Group to bring wonderful the - Lujuba

Theoretical propaganda must insist on "coming from the people and going to the people" in order to be better accepted and accepted by the grassroots masses. Absorb. Therefore, in different competition schedules, faced with different themes and scenarios, Tong Xuan chose different presentation angles and cases based on herself, bringing completely different theoretical presentations.

"During the preliminary competition, I used my own personal experience to tell the story of how the community provides a platform for residents to develop their talents, which reflects the two-way relationship between us and the community." She started with the little things around her and told them in a "nagging" way. , preachers can better implement grand theories into practice, and can also make ordinary people willing and willing to listen.

The same is true for Wu Chen. In the impromptu lecture session, when faced with the topic "China is modernizing and people's livelihood is the most important", she started from a well-known case and told the story of Wu Mengchao, a hepatobiliary surgery expert who was in his 90s. Even now, he still sticks to the front line of work and devotes his whole life to science and the people. “We hope to embed theory in the form of stories so that the audience can better understand the party’s innovative theories."She said, "Theory guides practice. In the future, I will study theory more seriously and comprehensively and bring rich theoretical knowledge to work. "

Source: Shanghai Jiading

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