Gundam series, and the characters of different princesses can be roughly divided into three types after careful sorting by fans. This time I will briefly summarize and explain them to take a look at the different princesses. Among the characters, the most special ones are Lilina and Duck Girl.
Let me first explain these three meanings, including badass and ambitious (very powerful), useless (waste snack) and crazy (crazy woman). In the current Gundam series, there is a princess with a special identity. The summary and description of all the heroines are quite accurate.
Let’s talk about the useless three first. Sister, Mimi and TV Girl. Now that I think about it, they are really useless. There is no way. If a fool’s favorite is not Gundam, TV Girl may have some use. It’s a pity, this girl is A pure idealist who cheats and throws. However, I personally feel that Mimi is not useless. At least her goal of moisturizing the earth has been exceeded in a sense. But the actual result seems to be that she has ruined her family?
The funniest thing here is Lilina Dorian, a pure crazy woman character. Although she looks very serious, she can only be said to be a girl who can be on the airwaves with a man with a self-destructing vest. A perfect match. After all, in the eyes of normal people, the conversation between these two people, which had no beginning and no end, but could perfectly understand each other, looked similar to a conversation between people with a high degree of mental disorder. (Dior: Stop talking, I’ve already started to have a headache)
But the most special thing is Cagalli. She is a princess character who is somewhere between very powerful and useless and a little crazy. But thinking about it, it seems that this is indeed the case, Cagalli. Carrie is indeed a bit powerful, but she is also a bit useless and crazy in some cases. She has a little bit of everything, so there is no problem if she is placed in the middle.
In addition, Cecily is missing here. Why do you look down on the proprietress of the bakery?