On April 20, the love movie "The Years I Missed You" directed and written by Fujii Michito, starring Xu Guanghan and Kiyohara Goya, was officially announced to be released on May 20. The movie simultaneously released the "late" version of the final trailer and the "18×2" version

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The movie "The Years I Missed You" starring Xu Guanghan and Kiyohara Goye is scheduled to be released at 0520 Duration: 01:37 Source: Movie Network

The movie "The Years I Missed You" starring Xu Guanghan and Kiyohara Goye is scheduled to be released File 0520 Collapse

Duration: 01:37 It is recommended to open

1905 Movie Network News on April 20, directed and written by Fujii Michio, starring Xu Guanghan and Kiyohara Goya, the love movie "The Years I Missed You" was officially released It is officially announced to be released on May 20. The film simultaneously released the late version of the final trailer and the 18×2 version of the final poster, meeting the audience at 520 to make up for the regrets left in youth. Xu Guanghan and Kiyohara Goya collaborated for the first time to interpret a touching love story spanning 18 years. The film uses a journey to slowly tell the story of the people and love missed in youth, awakening the beauty sealed in limited memories.

On April 20, the love movie 'The Years I Missed You' directed and written by Fujii Michito, starring Xu Guanghan and Kiyohara Goya, was officially announced to be released on May 20. The movie simultaneously released the 'late' version of the final trailer and the '18×2' version  - Lujuba

is scheduled to be released in 520 with a sense of ceremony.

Xu Guanghan Qingyuan Gooye’s affectionate monologue. I wish to love and never miss it.

In the preview of the scheduled release, in the intersection of two 18-year-olds, they affectionately talk about missing and deep love in those youthful days. story. The trailer takes tardiness as the theme, the helpless look when you are late for work, the regretful emotion after being late for a date, and countless passing moments in life are condensed in it, telling the regrets that are hidden in the memory. In the midsummer of Tainan 18 years ago, shy greetings from boys and girls, motorcycles riding in the sea breeze, wishes for you under the sky lanterns, the green and beautiful feelings of first love spread between Jimmy (Xu Guanghan) and Ami (Kyoya Kiyohara) ), and 18 years later in the winter of Japan, Jimmy started a late appointment alone, searching for traces of Ami along every common memory. But on this day, the sincere monologue of "I Don't Want to Miss You Again" also reached a tacit agreement with the audience, fully revealing Jimmy's thoughts and pushing the regret of missing out to the extreme. In the summer when they turned 18, the intertwined fates of the two profoundly interpreted the ultimate definition of love in youth and the adult world. The atmosphere of pure love in the trailer of

is very appropriate. The summer in Tainan condenses the beautiful memories of youth, and the journey to the snow country that I set out to find alone. At this special node, I have a healing dialogue with all the viewers and go to a journey together. About youthful love. Director Fujii Michito also uses a narrated image style to convey pure white memories full of sentiments, making an affectionate wish that love will never be missed, leading the audience into a dream-like time and space, and composing a romantic love letter about first love in the current era. .

On April 20, the love movie 'The Years I Missed You' directed and written by Fujii Michito, starring Xu Guanghan and Kiyohara Goya, was officially announced to be released on May 20. The movie simultaneously released the 'late' version of the final trailer and the '18×2' version  - Lujuba

The ceiling of youthful feeling interprets the beautiful first love

The overlapping posters interpret the missed time

As one of the most prolific directors in Japan in recent years, Michio Fujii's works cover social issues, daily life and other multi-dimensional dimensions. He is said by the media to be capable of anything. An all-around director. This time, Fujii Michio once again tried the theme of youth love after "The Years of My Life". He collaborated with Zhang Zhen, who was the first producer, and invited Xu Guanghan and Kiyohara Goya, representatives of the ceiling of Chinese and Japanese youth, to interpret the clarity and beauty of first love. Tell the story of missing out on the journey of life. The film interweaves the dual time and space of Taiwan, China and Japan, starting from a late appointment, telling the story of the midsummer that belonged to a high school student in Tainan and a Japanese backpacker girl 18 years ago, and the winter of embarking on a journey of remembrance alone 18 years later. , in a misplaced age stage, gently asks about the proposition of love.

The final poster released by the movie conveys to the audience the regret of missing out in the form of overlays. The 36-year-old Jimmy (played by Xu Guanghan) looks back affectionately at the memory of that beautiful summer 18 years ago, lonely. The loneliness of one person and the bright smiles of two people when they get together are intertwined with the missed time in those years. In the same poster, two time and space overlap at this moment, and two different 18-year-olds connect the journey to youthful memories. The missed love between Jimmy and Ami may be due to timidity or different opportunities.In the youthful days, a beautiful fate was marked by ignorance. Behind that late agreement was the hope that regrets would never come again.

The movie "The Years I Missed You" is directed and written by Fujii Michio, with Chang Chen serving as the producer, starring Xu Guanghan and Kiyohara Goya, and starring Michieda Shunsuke, Kuroki Hana, Matsushige Yutaka, Kuroki Hitomi, Chang Hsiao-chuan and Chen Yanfei. .

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