Rose Prince Tai Zhengxiao released his latest album "Rekindle Love 2 Walk On" after eight years. He recently held his only autograph session in Taiwan, China, and the enthusiastic fans packed the venue both inside and outside the venue. Tai Zhengxiao expressed his gratitude for t

entertainment 5592℃

Prince of Roses Tai Zhengxiao released his latest album "Rekindle Love 2 Walk On" after eight years. He recently held his only autograph session in Taiwan, China, and the enthusiastic fans packed the venue inside and outside the venue. Tai Zhengxiao expressed his gratitude for this autograph session that had not happened for 7 years, saying, "I am very happy to be able to meet fans face to face and up close. I feel sorry for the fans outside the venue. I am also grateful to everyone for standing outside and listening. I will work hard." We won’t let you wait another seven years for the next party!”

Rose Prince Tai Zhengxiao released his latest album 'Rekindle Love 2 Walk On' after eight years. He recently held his only autograph session in Taiwan, China, and the enthusiastic fans packed the venue both inside and outside the venue. Tai Zhengxiao expressed his gratitude for t - Lujuba

This time, Tai Zhengxiao took the original sound as the theme and sang close to the fans. Amid the expectations of enthusiastic fans, Tai Zhengxiao sang his first new song " "No matter", as soon as he started to speak, the song was interrupted by tears drowning him. Tai Zhengxiao said that after seven years of absence from the autograph session, he was both excited and nervous. Seeing the loyal fans in the audience had mixed emotions. Especially after the epidemic, it was deeply meaningful and he cherished every performance opportunity. Tai Zhengxiao said with emotion : "When I saw some female fans in the audience wiping away their tears, it instantly touched my heart. Tears came out of my eyes without any control. I composed the new song "No Matter" as the prelude to the autograph session. For me, I would like to thank my fans for their support in the past, and I would also like to encourage my new self in the future to welcome a new stage of life. This is also my only autograph session in the past seven years, for my new album "Reigniting Love" 2" conveys the positive energy of inspirational sunshine, and I am very happy to echo the positive energy with fans!"

Rose Prince Tai Zhengxiao released his latest album 'Rekindle Love 2 Walk On' after eight years. He recently held his only autograph session in Taiwan, China, and the enthusiastic fans packed the venue both inside and outside the venue. Tai Zhengxiao expressed his gratitude for t - Lujuba

Tai Zhengxiao and his friend Bee Toast Band performed the new songs "The Only Rose" and "Continue" in the original sound reproduction. "Move forward", "No matter", etc., as well as the classic songs of his idol The Beatles. Tai Zhengxiao played guitar and sang live, showing the charm of a love song prince. He couldn't put it down, and the hit song "Never Look Back", which he collaborated with Zhang Yusheng, As a perfect ending to the autograph session, the fans at the scene excitedly sang along, and the atmosphere was very warm and touching. During this period, Tai Zhengxiao did not forget to happily share: "The Beatles play a very important role in my singing journey. The Beatles are also my first teachers, because these songs inspire me to create and allow me to realize my love for music." Dream!” In addition, die-hard fans from Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, Canada, Hong Kong and Mainland China sent gifts one after another. Female fans gave Tai Zhengxiao desk lamps at the autograph session. They thanked Tai Zhengxiao for accompanying him all the way and hoped to continue to use the desk lamp to lead the way. They were also surprised. Seeing fans bringing 30 albums since his debut to the scene, Tai Zhengxiao said that seeing the vinyl of his debut album made his whole body goosebumps and reminded him of the youthful memories of the past. Thank you everyone for taking such pains to keep it intact!

Rose Prince Tai Zhengxiao released his latest album 'Rekindle Love 2 Walk On' after eight years. He recently held his only autograph session in Taiwan, China, and the enthusiastic fans packed the venue both inside and outside the venue. Tai Zhengxiao expressed his gratitude for t - Lujuba

Rose Prince Tai Zhengxiao released his latest album 'Rekindle Love 2 Walk On' after eight years. He recently held his only autograph session in Taiwan, China, and the enthusiastic fans packed the venue both inside and outside the venue. Tai Zhengxiao expressed his gratitude for t - Lujuba

During the autograph session, Tai Zhengxiao interacted enthusiastically with his fans, and there were climaxes one after another. Fans almost stripped Tai Zhengxiao naked, and screams were everywhere. Tai Zhengxiao also acted like a happy prince, impromptuly giving away his clothes, accessories, etc., including those from many years ago. The debut outfit, the denim jacket for the new song "Keep Moving Forward", and the creative guitar that has been with him for more than ten years will be given to fans. Tai Zhengxiao said frankly: "This guitar is my creative artifact. I have performed all over the world. I will always carry it with me, and when inspiration strikes, I will play it and complete the creation. Giving it to my fans today also represents the end of a stage of creation and symbolizes the beginning of a new stage, so I will not be reluctant to part with it and look forward to a new guitar. If it can bring me new creative power, I will work hard to create, and don’t let fans wait another eight years to release a new album!”

Rose Prince Tai Zhengxiao released his latest album 'Rekindle Love 2 Walk On' after eight years. He recently held his only autograph session in Taiwan, China, and the enthusiastic fans packed the venue both inside and outside the venue. Tai Zhengxiao expressed his gratitude for t - Lujuba

In addition, in response to fans’ concerns and greetings, Tai Zhengxiao shared that he recently contracted fascia due to excessive exercise! My inflammation was so severe that I almost had to walk with crutches. I overcame the pain in the past two months and was actively treated with fascia gun. It has generally recovered. I cherish my health now. Thank you everyone for your concern. Being happy is the most important task at this stage. I hope you will Work hard to achieve your goals in this new stage of your life!

Rose Prince Tai Zhengxiao released his latest album 'Rekindle Love 2 Walk On' after eight years. He recently held his only autograph session in Taiwan, China, and the enthusiastic fans packed the venue both inside and outside the venue. Tai Zhengxiao expressed his gratitude for t - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment