After the release of the car accidents, "Gemini Killer", is it worth 100 yuan?

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After the release of the car accidents, 'Gemini Killer', is it worth 100 yuan? - Lujuba

Why is the word-of-mouth bleak after the release of "Gemini Killer"? "A giant sci-fi action film shot with 120 frames of black technology! World famous director Ang Lee and box office star Will Smith join forces!" From the very beginning of the

After the release of the car accidents, 'Gemini Killer', is it worth 100 yuan? - Lujuba

poster of Will Smith, the film was dubbed "120 The gimmick of "frame" is so amazing. But after it was released, word-of-mouth was bleak, and "the plot was terrible" became the most tacit impression of the film by domestic and foreign audiences. The plot of "Gemini Killer" is really lackluster-there is nothing to say about Brother Xiu. But for those early adopters who are focused on the disruptive visual effects brought by the 120-frame technology, it doesn't matter how mediocre the plot is, because it only exists as a carrier of the technology.

After the release of the car accidents, 'Gemini Killer', is it worth 100 yuan? - Lujuba

Children's shoes who have not touched 120 frames can refer to this picture. However, if you want to get the best visual experience, there is a fatal premise that cannot be avoided: only watching the top of "Gemini Killer" 4K+3D+120 frames Only with the version can you enjoy the most ideal live look-if 120 frames are not available, 60 frames are actually okay, but the gap exists objectively. Whether the naked eye can distinguish between different people is completely different. 24 frames and non-3D are completely different. consider. The problems derived from the above are more than one after another. For example, what are the problems?

first, the fare of the top version is not cheap. The price of the 4K+3D+120-frame top-matched version of "Gemini Killer" is at least 100 yuan or more, and in some places it is even priced at two or three hundred at first. This price alone is enough to make many people retreat.

Second, the hardware configuration of a large number of theaters cannot keep up. Up to now, most theaters in China do not support the screening of the 4K+3D+120-frame top version of "Gemini Killer". why? Don’t want to make money? Still have an opinion on the director Ang Lee? No, due to the performance limit of the hardware configuration, many theaters want to put the top version but can't release it. At present, only the most advanced CINITY cinema system has enough hardware and technical support to perfectly show the 4K+3D+120-frame top version of "Gemini Killer". And even if you look at the whole country, the total number of CINITY theaters is only more than 20-and some are under construction. Second, the coverage density of Dolby Cinema is larger, but it only supports 2K+3D+120 frames. The cinema below basically only supports up to 60 frames. And if the movie ticket does not clearly indicate whether it is "60 frames" or "120 frames", then I am afraid it will be the 24 frames of the "castrated version". The objective conditions are not optimistic, and many viewers who are willing to rise to the difficulties have struggled even more. But do you think this is over?

"Gemini Killer" 3D+60 frame version of the actual shooting accident third, "Gemini Killer" created the most spectacular "screening accident" in history. If you think you need a headache, just as simple as expensive fares and outdated equipment, you can't be blamed. After all, the sudden accident caught the theater staff off guard. It is no exaggeration to say that "Gemini Killer" created the most "tragic" series of screening accidents in mainland history. At the premiere of "Gemini Killer" on October 18th, theaters all over the country heard the wailing of "accidents occurred during the screening, and the car overturned tragically". This is not an isolated phenomenon, but is common in theaters across the country! Not only was the audience complaining, but the theater staff were also devastated. 00:02 When the screen ratio is out of adjustment, the audio track is out of sync, and the frame is dropped, it is the most common. 3D jumping to 2D is also a frequent problem. Mistakes such as green screens or server downtime make the staff panic. Since many theaters are also playing 60/120 frame movies for the first time, they lack experience in handling this unexpected situation, which can not be solved by restarting the machine. Some theaters can only be refunded after tossing back and forth for hours. thing. So, why did "Gemini Killer" have a bad reputation after it was released? Just imagine: this is a movie with negligible plot and fully supported by visual effects technology. After reluctantly buying expensive movie tickets, after struggling to find a theater that supports the top version, you buy popcorn, walk into the theater, find a seat, sit down excitedly, and are ready to enjoy the visual feast immediately ——Then the staff Shi Shiran walked in and politely announced: Ledisan’s shoulders, tell you an unfortunate news... Our machine exploded... Is this movie worth 100 yuan? Ticket price? This oneThe answer to the question depends entirely on the crowd. For those friends who have personally experienced the scene of the car accident, and those who value the plot of the movie very much, we have reason to believe that it is definitely difficult for this part of the audience to look good when facing this problem. There were shocking exclamations and disappointed boos.

For many years, the film industry has been following the traditional convention of "perfect 24 frames can meet the art of film". However, Ang Lee believes that "120 frames will be the future of movies." In the past, cinema equipment stayed at the level of 24 frames for a long time, until the unsolicited high frame rate movies.

In fact, before Ang Lee shot the two 120-frame movies of "Billy Lynn" and "Gemini Killer", "The Hobbit", which was shot at 48 frames, had already encountered "hardware sniper" in theaters. Experience. But compared with Peter Jackson's "pragmatic", Lee's actual operation is obviously much more "radical". You should know that compared to high frames, low frames are indeed not smooth enough, but even so, low frames have the advantages of low frames: 1. Low cost. 2. All theoretical/technical/practical systems related to lighting, mirror movement, etc. have been developed very well. 3. Lower requirements for actors. 4. Motion blur is in line with the naked eye habits of mainstream audiences-or it can be called "movie sense" or "feelings". Although Peter Jackson challenged the traditional 24 frames in "The Hobbit", the steps he took were not far away, and the risks he faced were still under control. Ang Lee is different. On the basis of 24 frames, he directly doubled up five times, and regardless of the consequences, he marched toward the "unknown territory" of 120 frames... As emphasized in bold above, high frames The essential difference from low frames is reflected in this "motion blur". The lower the motion blur, the smoother the dynamic picture. What is the difference between the smoothness of motion at 24 frames and 120 frames in the subjective feelings it brings to the audience? This kind of visual perception is difficult to understand deeply if you have not experienced it with your own eyes, because it is difficult to accurately describe it in words. But if you have played large-scale stand-alone games, you will certainly not feel unfamiliar with the CG animation of the cutscenes. If you have to describe the feeling of 120 frames, then I will describe it as a kind of "CG sense." 120 frames are smoother, which is only the most superficial performance. With 3D on this basis, the picture received by the naked eye of the audience will be more realistic, immersive and present. When

released the trailer earlier, there were several clips that focused on editing train sniping, motorcycle chase, square pigeon flock, small shop battle and so on. At first, when I watched it on the screens of mobile phones and computers, I only found the pictures to be bland. But when I was sitting in the theater and looking at the 120 frames + 3D effect on the screen, the incredible "realism" shocked me. No blows, no black, even though I have seen many 3D movies before, "Gemini Killer" is definitely the "most 3D" 3D movie I have ever seen in my life! The shots that impressed me the most in the whole film were the shots where the grenade exploded sawdust flying across the small building, and the other shots where the pigeons scattered around the square. The realism and delicate feeling of that image is unprecedented. But it is not to say that the stunning 120-frame martial arts can conceal the failure of the 120-frame literary drama. The 120 frames are extremely smooth, and the improvement in the look and feel of the action scene is indeed "subversive". I have no doubt about this. But at the same time, the high frame rate is too smooth to capture the camera, which also makes the requirements for the actor's facial expressions extremely high. When the actor’s acting skills are a little bit unnatural, it may not be obvious under the 24-frame shot, but under the 120-frame shot, it will be magnified exponentially, giving the audience a kind of "artistic" and "awkward" Feel, get off the scene in minutes. This is devastating.

Now many stand-alone games are pursuing the so-called "movie-quality picture quality", but no matter how clear the picture is, it will always give people a feeling of "something seems to be missing". What is this little one? "Movie Sense". The reason why a movie is a movie is because it has a "movie feel" and is not smooth and realistic enough. For playing games, in order to have a better gaming experience, you definitely have to pursue fluency, but the problem is that even if you buy a 2080ti graphics card to get 120FPS, 240FPS, there is no way to have this kind of "movie feel." Because it requires one card and one card to be called "movie sense"...

Conclusion Li Ang is a very talented world-class director. He explores the "unknown territory" in pursuit of new film technology, even not hesitating to drop it. DropThe courage of his own signature and reputation is really worthy of admiration. From "Billy Lynn" to "Gemini Killer", the two 120-frame movies in succession are actually groping and trial and error. As the first person to eat "crab", the unknowns and risks faced by Ang Lee are also huge. The future of film, is it "120 frames" or how many other frames? This issue is left to professional filmmakers to discuss. But in any case, at least we now realize that in order to achieve high frames, the problem of "loss of cinematic sense" is bound to be inevitable. At the same time, we have also felt that the high frame rate is indeed an amazing "finishing finishing touch" at the level of action scenes. As for the question of whether "Gemini Killer" is worth the 100 yuan fare. I believe that after reading this article, everyone has their own conclusions. And what I want Brother Xiu to say: movies with good plots will be endless in the future, but 60-frame, 120-frame movies, maybe there is only one in this life... At the end of the article, I forgot to mention one very important thing. Thing, that is-

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