43-year-old Shu Qi suspended her career as an actress: all of our overdrafts have terrible costs!

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Two years ago, actor Shu Qi posted a Weibo.

Announcement for the actor career, thanks to the wrong love, everyone, goodbye!

43-year-old Shu Qi suspended her career as an actress: all of our overdrafts have terrible costs! - Lujuba

Many people were confused, thinking that something happened to the goddess and they would retreat, and only then knew that the goddess was actually due to physical problems. As I grow older, all the sins committed against my body in my youth appear little by little. It is time to stop and wait for my body. Reminiscent of last year, a picture of Jet Li went viral on the Internet. However, at the age of 55, he has gray hair, full of fatigue, tormented by hyperthyroidism, and extremely fragile body. When we are young, we always feel healthy, so it doesn’t matter what we do. However, we don’t know until the peak of our bodies that everything comes at a price. The sins we have committed against our bodies will eventually retaliate against ourselves. Body. The biggest mistake mankind can make is to exchange health for other things outside the body.


Those who neglect health

Some time ago, a friend was unemployed, and had a "relaxing" day at home. Every day, I only wake up in the afternoon when I slept in the bar. I often get drunk all night and go to bed the next day. Last whole day. He originally had stomach problems, and his friends advised him to stay a little longer, but he was fine. He said that the buddy was young, and then went on toss. In less than a month, he was admitted to the hospital because of a stomach perforation and lay in the hospital for several weeks. Many young people nowadays, while talking about their fear of death, are chronically committing suicide. They always think that their bodies are like iron walls and do whatever they want with their youth. It’s normal to stay up until three or four o’clock. It’s okay to comfort yourself when you finish it up. It’s okay, and you’ll be back with a supplement the next day; go downstairs at two o’clock in the evening and then comfort yourself after you finish it. Just go home and drink yogurt for digestion. ; In order to sleep late, I often sleep until noon, brunch is saved, three meals a day become one meal a day, after overeating, drink a cup of nourishing stomach powder, tell myself that it’s okay, the stomach has been compensated. In such self-deception, it spoils one's health bit by bit.


Life is a very long runway, you don’t have to rush for a while.

I have watched a movie called "Fuck Off!" The movie "Tumor" is based on a real story. The heroine, as a cartoonist, has been living an extremely irregular life. It is normal to stay up late and work overtime. It is not uncommon for her to work all night. In this state of life, the 29-year-old suddenly fainted at her birthday party and was diagnosed with cancer. I still remember that when I was watching the movie, I sighed at what happened to the protagonist and looked at my own life. In real life, why not so many people? Before becoming famous, your peers have already abandoned your remarks, the anxiety of this society is getting worse. More and more young people keep running forward, not daring to stop, for fear that they will be overtaken by their peers if they are not careful, and even more afraid that they will be beaten to death on the beach as front waves. Staying up late and working overtime, 996 work system, are like a huge curse, forcing people to breathe.

I think of a short film I watched before. The protagonist of the story is a dead person, a dead person who is too busy to forget that he has died. How ironic is

, so busy that I didn't even realize that I had passed away, so busy that I lost my life without feeling. Being busy is to live a better life, but many times, are we like the protagonists of the story, turning the cart before the horse? Running forward like a machine, but forgot to look back and look at yourself. "Get out! The reason why the protagonist of "Tumor" works so hard is to live better, to realize her dream, but at the age of 29, she was diagnosed with cancer and was forced to let go of what she loves. When the body can't keep up with the dream, all the beautiful longings can only be regrets. I always feel that life is a very long track. There is no need to rush for a while, as long as there is enough physical strength to run to the end, there are endless possibilities in the middle.


Take care of your body and cherish your family members.

I know that for many people, working hard is not just to achieve fame, but to make their families live a better life through their own efforts. However, it is neglected that ruining one's own body is the biggest harm to the family. Some time ago, there was a topic on Weibo that was particularly hot. The most difficult exam for adults is the physical examination. Many people agreed. No one is not afraid of illness. What's more, what is more terrifying than illness is that one's own savings cannot afford the cost of treatment. Stars are sick and don’t have to worry about money and good medical conditions, they can be as ordinary asOnce we are sick, we must devote ourselves to the whole family. The ICU of hospital is like a bottomless pit. Many people spend their entire lives in front of the ICU, as small as a grain of sand. exchanges his life for money in the first half of his life, and exchanges money for his life in the second half of his life. Remember the movie "Get Out, Tumor!" There is a scene in "Xiong Dun, the protagonist, suffers from cancer, and his parents immediately came to Beijing with their savings to treat him. They pretend to be strong in front of her and never show half fragility, but in places where Xiong Dun is absent, her mother will hide and cry and cry, and the pillar-like father will also go to the supermarket to buy a bag of potato chips. Crash down. I saw a movie called "Wedding Dress" many years ago. The protagonist is a single mother and her child. Because of her career, this mother neglects to take care of her children. After learning that she was terminally ill, her mother wanted to do her best to make up for the child, but found that no matter how she made up, whether it was to give her enough care or leave her enough money, she always felt not enough. How can

be enough? What they originally possessed and can accompany each other is the remaining decades of each other’s life, compressing decades of life into days, months, and years. For those we love, how could it be? Enough? The family is the one who loves us the most. We always think that getting sick is a matter of one person, but we neglect that those who love us feel uncomfortable when they see their loved ones.


only once in life, be better for your body

remember to read a famous sentence: body is 1, reputation, wealth, work, etc., everything behind is zero, if there is no healthy body, all zeros are meaningless. Yes, people live a lifetime, and no matter what they do, they must rely on their own bodies. Everything we want to do has the major premise of "living". Remember that there is a plot in the short film mentioned above. The dead man leaves the world in a taxi. Looking at his wife, parents, and friends behind him, he felt extremely sorry. He wanted to walk in the streets with his wife again, eat another meal cooked by his parents, and sing a song with his friends again, all the time he was alive. Normal things have become a luxury. There is a plot in "Please Answer 1988". During an examination in the hospital, Deshan's mother was found to be suffering from cancer. While waiting for the results, the family's hearts were hanging in the air. What moved me most was not the process of waiting for the result, but the moment when I learned the result, the couple who had been hiding their emotions before collapsed with joy. may people really only know to cherish when they are on the verge of losing! But life is not a TV series, real life, how many times do we have this lost opportunity? Therefore, from now on, eat well, exercise well, sleep well, check regularly, and combine work with rest. Life is a one-way street, there is no chance to regret, there is no possibility of coming back. When the disease stands in front of us, we have no chance and no strength to go back.

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