The premiere of the documentary "The Story of the Eyes" was well received and attention to eye health became a topic during the back-to-school season

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"If tears are not caused by emotion, then it is very likely that our eyes are sending an alarm." This is a line in the documentary "The Story of the Eyes". What should we do if our eyes are "sick" and appear dry, blurry, and watery? Under the guidance of the Department of Sports, Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, and jointly produced by Hunan Satellite TV, Mango TV, and People's Daily Video Client Vision, the first eye health science documentary "The Story of the Eye" produced by Mango Bojing will be released today (August 29) 19: 30 Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV simultaneously broadcast the second episode, which will take you to learn more about the world of eyes and the eye diseases that have been overcome by humans.

The premiere of the documentary 'The Story of the Eyes' was well received and attention to eye health became a topic during the back-to-school season - Lujuba

The whole nation focuses on eye health. "The Story of the Eye" has become a hot topic in the school season.

The documentary "The Story of the Eye" revolves around vision itself and reveals the mysteries of the eyes for us.
breaks the stereotype that documentaries are boring and monotonous in our eyes. It presents a scientific beauty that is both rigorous and lively. What is the refraction of light in the eye called? How to distinguish between good and bad eyes? What are the organs that protect the eyes? Every issue is explained in the film, and images are used to explain eye health issues that most people have not paid attention to.

The premiere of the documentary 'The Story of the Eyes' was well received and attention to eye health became a topic during the back-to-school season - Lujuba

Eye health issues are closely related to everyone. To this end, as the new semester approaches, Hunan Satellite TV is the first to do so. On the night of its premiere, "The Story of the Eyes" will be broadcast simultaneously on dual platforms, the People's Daily client and new media accounts to arouse the public's attention to eye health. After the documentary was aired, it quickly became a hot topic on Weibo and became a real-time hot search topic, making it onto the top news list. While watching, netizens recognized the educational significance of the film. They left messages in the comment area: "This popular science film is released in time! It is just in time for the start of school." "There should be more documentaries like this, it is very suitable for students... .." From the unknown to the understanding of eyes, to the conscious protection of eyes, this is what "The Story of Eyes" wants to achieve.

The premiere of the documentary 'The Story of the Eyes' was well received and attention to eye health became a topic during the back-to-school season - Lujuba

Watch "The Story of the Eye" from a teardrop: Do you know these signs of eye diseases

In the emotional world, crying is a way to vent emotions, but in the scientific world, crying is a kind of protection for the human body. If you cry one day not because of emotion or stress reaction, then it is very likely that your eyes are "alarming". For example, the symptoms of "dry eyes" include dry, sore and swollen eyes, and tears when the breeze blows. Dry eye, also known as keratitis sicca, is medically known as tear film dysfunction. One of the more obvious symptoms of dry eye is the feeling of a foreign body when a breeze blows gently, resulting in "tears in the wind".

The premiere of the documentary 'The Story of the Eyes' was well received and attention to eye health became a topic during the back-to-school season - Lujuba

Human eyes not only signal illness to us through tears. If you accidentally suffer from "conjunctivitis", your eyes will also "cry for help" through itching, blurred vision, increased secretions, etc. Common conjunctivitis is divided into two types: viral infection and bacterial infection. Inflammation will cause the small blood vessels in the conjunctiva to become obvious and cause the whites of the eyes to turn red or pink, so it is also called "pink eye". When most people feel discomfort in their eyes, they will subconsciously pick up an eye drop. However, most eye drops are used to treat the condition. If the eye drops are not suitable for the condition, not only will they have no therapeutic effect, but they may also cause damage to the eyes.

The premiere of the documentary 'The Story of the Eyes' was well received and attention to eye health became a topic during the back-to-school season - Lujuba

The premiere of the documentary 'The Story of the Eyes' was well received and attention to eye health became a topic during the back-to-school season - Lujuba

With the rapid development of modern technology, eye diseases such as dry eye and conjunctivitis have relatively effective treatments and preventive measures. However, you still need to pay more attention to your eye habits, such as not overusing electronic products, not staying in a closed air-conditioned room for a long time or applying mascara for a long time, washing your hands with running water, not rubbing your eyes with your hands, using separate towels and handkerchiefs, etc. There are also two major eye diseases: "floaters" and "cataracts". Currently, pathological floaters can be treated with corresponding laser treatments, and cataracts are currently the leading cause of blindness in the world. People aged 60 to 89 years old The incidence of cataracts in the elderly is about 80%. But cataracts are not terrible and can be restored through surgery.

The premiere of the documentary 'The Story of the Eyes' was well received and attention to eye health became a topic during the back-to-school season - Lujuba

The premiere of the documentary 'The Story of the Eyes' was well received and attention to eye health became a topic during the back-to-school season - Lujuba

The premiere of the documentary 'The Story of the Eyes' was well received and attention to eye health became a topic during the back-to-school season - Lujuba

Protection is based on understanding, and protection relies on science. Today at 19:30, we will focus on "The Story of the Eye" on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. We believe in the power of science and use scientific methods to treat our eyes well.

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