Behind the 296 lives is the truth more terrifying than the movie

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On April 16, 2014, the South Korean passenger ship Seyue suffered a shipwreck, resulting in 296 deaths. Most of the victims were high school students.

After 5 years, Shiyue has once again been searched. When

Behind the 296 lives is the truth more terrifying than the movie - Lujuba

saw the hot search, Xiao N was in a daze, as if it happened yesterday. It turned out that five years have passed.

Five years, more than two thousand days and nights, the innocent victims have not yet waited for an answer.

The truth behind the so-called accidents, there is a documentary that may give us a glimpse-

"The Day, the Sea"

Behind the 296 lives is the truth more terrifying than the movie - Lujuba

​​At the beginning of the documentary, the director simulated the sinking of the Seyue from the perspective of the captain on the rescue vessel. The whole process. The gloomy tone of the

film brings inexplicable depression, and it weighs heavily on the hearts of every viewer.

Behind the 296 lives is the truth more terrifying than the movie - Lujuba

In this clip, the director also interspersed the real videos of the high school students who were killed. In the lens of

, they were laughing and arguing with each other. No one thought that such an extremely difficult rescue accident would have claimed their lives. The director of

Jin Zhiyong mentioned that this was an unprepared shooting.

didn't know about Shiyue, and didn't have the psychological preparation. It only knew that the rescue work was not done well, and a big tragedy happened.

But looking at the face of the young survivor, he couldn't say anything when he refused.

(the grieving young survivor

, therefore, the documentary team took 4 years and spent 900 million won to conduct careful investigations. After scientific verification and CG restoration, the shipwreck process of the Seyue was reproduced. The

male god Zheng Yusheng also joined as the voice of the The results of the investigation are informed to the public.

full of suspicious physical evidence

, as we all know, there are many unreasonable phenomena in the Seyue incident:

South Korean government's poor rescue and time wasted;

then President Park Geun-hye was missing for 7 hours at the time of the incident;

The boss of Seyue once founded a cult and died bizarrely after the incident...

. In the subsequent investigation process, the South Korean government slapped himself in the face again and again. The simple accident caused by the rapid right turn of

, this is The government started the accident investigation conclusion given by the AIS trajectory map.

AIS, also known as the trajectory record, is like a car navigator. It can send and receive position, route, speed and ship to the management agency and nearby ships during the voyage. Head angle and other information.

and Shiyue’s AIS track map happened to be disconnected on the day of the accident, resulting in data missing. During the period when

lacked data, was Shiyue shutting down AIS itself? If so, Was that to hide something?

then officially released the AIS track map, which and the crew’s testimony both showed that the Shiyue continued to go straight before the incident, and only made one right turn.

was subsequently released by the Navy. The radar tracking image of

is very different from the AIS track map. The actual route information tracked by the

radar shows that the

Shiyue made a left turn and right turn repeatedly before capsizing.

AIS, which was previously the core evidence of the investigation The trajectory map is therefore suspected of falsification.

If the government and crew are lying, what is the truth?

The truth to be clarified

The second half of the documentary is an analysis of the cause of the shipwreck based on various evidences:

on the ship’s location The restoration of the driving recorder carrying the vehicle; the

survivor’s account of the situation at the time; the left anchor with the obvious paint peeling of


everything shows that the simple rapid right turn is not the cause of the accident.

The radar-tracked Shiyue’s route is overlaid on an accurate topographic map of the sea reef, and an amazing coincidence can be obtained: the

route is highly coincident with the sea reef bulge! Director

and his team further gave a bold statement Conjecture:

someone deliberately lowered the anchor, causing it to rub against the topography of the reef, causing the final ship to capsize.

and why did you do this? Science alone cannot explain it. This conjecture of

still Has not been finally confirmed, withThe in-depth follow-up investigation may also be subject to new questions.

But just thinking of this possibility makes people feel cold in the back. What is rare is that the entire documentary is from a very rational perspective, trying to analyze the real cause of the accident from the existing evidence.

rather than crazy conspiracy theories, or emotional accusations. This is exactly what

has won the unanimous affirmation of the audience. More than 10,000 people have scored 9.3 points on Douban:

is made into a documentary and it is promoted at foreign film festivals. Can the government no longer ignore it? This is what the director thought when shooting.

Citizens’ subsidies and family members’ support, thanks to these, this documentary was able to meet us.

Perhaps, this documentary is still some distance from the truth behind it.

But it will carry the obsession of countless survivors, waiting for the truth to come to light.

Tags: movie