"If you don't have a family, you won't have a career, and you get scolded every day." Chen Guoping, a former policeman who has been popular for more than two years and promotes anti-fraud through live broadcasts, and the anchor "Yu Huatian" who helped him get out of the industry,

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"If you can't have a family, you can't have a career, you get scolded every day." Chen Guoping, a former policeman who has been popular for more than two years and promotes anti-fraud through live broadcasts, and the anchor "Yuhuatian" who helped him get out of the industry, broke down in tears in front of the camera.

A few days ago, Chen Guoping released a video in which he publicly applied for a job to the police from all over the country. "If the police from all over the country dare to use me, want to use me, or can use me, you can contact me to work as a co-worker or re-employ."

Many netizens asked him to find a job. Some suggested that he become a security guard, some suggested that he be a driver, and some suggested that he go to a funeral parlor. He responded that it was not because he was unable to survive openly for job hunting, but because he wanted to try more ways to publicize anti-fraud. Since

started applying for jobs publicly, there have been many opportunities, but there have been more cynicisms. On February 28, Chen Guoping updated the video and stated that he would sue "commentator Liu Xuesong", believing that he used Chen Guoping's video material without consent, suspected of infringement of portrait rights, and his words were insulting and defamatory.

"A big V with nearly 10 million followers should be responsible for what he says. You can't make nonsense without knowing my details." Chen Guoping told Jiupai News that he had tried to send a private message to Liu Xuesong, hoping that he would delete the video, because the other party's settings , could not be sent, and the message in the comment area was not responded to. "I have already found a lawyer. It is not money to sue him. Even if it costs him only one yuan, I will sue him."

'If you don't have a family, you won't have a career, and you get scolded every day.' Chen Guoping, a former policeman who has been popular for more than two years and promotes anti-fraud through live broadcasts, and the anchor 'Yu Huatian' who helped him get out of the industry, - Lujuba

Chen Guoping publicly applied for a job. Picture/video screenshot

[1] "I'm really a little confused, I don't know what to do next."

"I usually have a good mentality, but it seems that two years of pressure have accumulated together and exploded." Chen Guoping said, "Yesterday I was really I'm a little confused and don't know what to do next."

Before the live broadcast on February 27, Chen Guoping and Yu Huatian were chatting privately. The other party suggested "Let's chat on the air and let everyone watch it." "It started well, chatting. I can’t stand it anymore while chatting.” In the

live broadcast room, Chen Guoping had tears in his eyes and put his hand on his forehead, claiming that he “didn’t dare to go home because my children would be scolded after me.” He sighed: "I can never go back."

Yuhuatian advised Lao Chen: "Let's just be a good anchor. If you do anti-fraud, even if you are not online, you will be a brick wherever you are, and the anchor is also a Career."

Four days ago, Chen Guoping publicly applied for a job to public security agencies across the country. Some people questioned his hype, while others said he had "lost his 'iron rice bowl' and could no longer afford to eat." He responded that in recent years, he and his friends have partnered in the breeding and transportation business, and they have a stable income and a relatively secure life. He even said that he does not need a salary to find a job.

According to the Southern Metropolis Daily report on the 26th, Chen Guoping revealed that the police had contacted him. His idea is that he can work as a co-worker on short-term rotations in many different public security agencies across the country to train new people and bring traffic. "It can launch anti-fraud propaganda work into a small wave."

'If you don't have a family, you won't have a career, and you get scolded every day.' Chen Guoping, a former policeman who has been popular for more than two years and promotes anti-fraud through live broadcasts, and the anchor 'Yu Huatian' who helped him get out of the industry, - Lujuba

Chen Guoping. Picture/provided by the interviewee

[2] Anti-fraud propaganda is a good thing worth doing. It is more painful to see people being cheated than it is now.

has experienced live broadcast reward controversy, resignation storm, even Mai female anchor was questioned for discriminating against women, etc. Chen Guoping said that in the past year, every time he broadcast live, the negative voices far outnumbered the supportive ones.

"I'm not a saint, I'm an ordinary person. Why do you hold me to such a high standard?" Chen Guoping felt unwilling. "I have worked hard for so many years without any credit. No one sees our efforts. Just judge me from a vantage point."

Even my family members were affected. Chen Guoping's son was ridiculed by his classmates at school, saying, "His father was expelled and was a bad person." For this reason, Chen Guoping posted his "Civil Servant Resignation Application Form" online. The reason for his resignation was: "Due to long-term Due to poor sleep, trigeminal neuralgia, severe depression, rheumatism and other physical reasons, I voluntarily resigned from my position as a civil servant."

When talking about resigning, Chen Guoping still insisted that he did not regret it. He only admitted that he was indeed impulsive at the time and that this decision was a mistake. "I regret it. It doesn’t change anything,” he said.

commentator Liu Xuesong has 9.65 million fans on the video social platform. He said in the video: "Old Chen took off his uniform and became an Internet celebrity. He came for money, but found that the traffic was gone and the money was gone. People woke up, but Can not go back.

Chen Guoping felt angry about this, "A big V with nearly 10 million followers should be responsible for what he says. You can't make nonsense without knowing my details." He said that part of the money he earned through live broadcasts since his resignation was used for donations. He also spent 200,000 to shoot an anti-fraud short film at his own expense. "Maybe he spent more than he earned." "Chen Guoping said, "Actually, you can see that we have not given up on anti-fraud and have been doing it. "

Chen Guoping said that if we could go back to the past, based on our understanding at the time, we would definitely still do this. "At any time, I believe that anti-fraud propaganda is a good thing that should be done. Seeing people being cheated makes me feel tortured. That scene is even more uncomfortable than it is for me now. If I can help them and less people get cheated, I think it’s worth it. "

[3] Lawyer: Quoting other people's videos and including other people's portraits constitutes infringement, and the definition of insult is relatively subjective.

Regarding Chen Guoping's plan to sue commentator Liu Xuesong for infringing on his portrait rights and reputation rights, a senior partner of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm Zhao Liangshan, a well-known public interest lawyer, believes that regarding the protection of other people’s portraits, Article 1019 of the Civil Code clearly stipulates that no organization or individual may infringe on the portraits of others by vilifying, defacing, or using information technology means to forge them. Rights. Without the consent of the portrait right holder, the portrait of the portrait right holder shall not be produced, used, or disclosed.

The self-media quoted Chen Guoping’s video, and his portrait was included in the video. Therefore, the self-media infringed on Chen Guoping’s portrait rights and constituted infringement. Chen Guoping According to Article 179 of the Civil Code, self-media can be required to bear civil responsibilities such as stopping the infringement, eliminating the impact, making an apology, and compensating for mental losses.

Zhao Liangshan emphasized that if the self-media quotes Chen Guoping’s video and makes bad remarks, denounces, and Defaming Chen Guoping, at a minor level, infringes on Chen Guoping's right to reputation. According to Article 1024 of the Civil Code, Chen Guoping can file a civil lawsuit in court on the grounds that others have infringed on his right to reputation.

If the self-media publishes false statements online, it is fictitious In fact, Chen Guoping openly insulted Chen Guoping. According to Article 42 of the "Public Security Management Punishment Law", Chen Guoping can choose to report the case to the police, and the police will punish the self-media accordingly. Of course, if the circumstances are serious, the self-media may be suspected of insulting or slandering Chen Guoping can file a criminal private prosecution with the court and pursue his criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

Zhao Liangshan also pointed out that the definition of insult is relatively subjective, and whether commentator Liu Xuesong has committed insults or other behaviors still needs to be determined by relevant departments.

Jiupai News Reporter Wang Jiaqing

Editor Wen Yanli Ren Zhuo

[Source: Jiupai News]

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