The world's first fully AI-generated movie "Our Terminator 2 Remake" recently premiered in Los Angeles, USA, attracting the attention of netizens. The film is a remake of James Cameron's classic science fiction movie "Terminator 2". It was created in sections by 50 AI artists ove

movie 1817℃
The premiere of the world's first fully AI-generated full-length film has attracted netizens' attention Duration: 01:02 Source: Movie Network

The world's first fully AI-generated full-length film has premiered and attracted netizens' attention Collapse

Duration: 01:02 It is recommended to open

1905 Movie Network News The world's first completely AI-generated movie "Our Terminator 2 Remake" recently premiered in Los Angeles, USA, attracting the attention of netizens. The film is a remake of James Cameron's classic science fiction film "Terminator 2". It was created in sections by 50 AI artists over a period of three months. They used cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies such as Chat GPT to generate every detail and all content in the film. All original.

The world's first fully AI-generated movie 'Our Terminator 2 Remake' recently premiered in Los Angeles, USA, attracting the attention of netizens. The film is a remake of James Cameron's classic science fiction movie 'Terminator 2'. It was created in sections by 50 AI artists ove - Lujuba

AI From generating short videos of a few seconds to generating feature films, the technological wave has swept across. Film and television practitioners should also speed up the follow-up, so that AI can truly empower the film and television industry and bring more possibilities to future film and television creations.

Tags: movie