1905 Movie Network News The sequel to the popular horror film "Megan", "Megan 2.0" has been rescheduled and postponed for several months from January 17, 2025 to May 16, 2025, in North America. It is understood that in this sequel, the story will continue to explore the development and upgrade of the horror doll, and will enter a world of artificial intelligence.
The story of "Meghan" is relatively tacky, telling the story of a woman who is busy with other things and decides to entrust the raising of her children to a robot. Then things reached a point of no return. The director's point is clear: despite AI's efficiency, you still need to treat it as a tool, not a guiding principle. Just like software cannot capture and understand the subtleties of the human condition, AI-generated text cannot create content that will satisfy moviegoers. After the film was released, it received excellent reputation at the box office and earned US$180 million worldwide. The production cost was 12 million.
In an interview with Empire Magazine, James Wan revealed what they're working on for the sequel, but admitted that fully diving into the story is still far off. However, it can be said that the development of artificial intelligence and the popularity of platforms like Chat GPT will definitely be reflected in the story, as James Wan emphasized: It is still early, but "M3GAN" will return in a bigger way. The first movie came at the right time (when people were worried about artificial intelligence), and we're definitely getting a continuation of that in the next movie. We will further explore the world of artificial intelligence.