The realistic comedy film "Article 20" directed by Zhang Yimou will be released nationwide on February 10. The film has released the ending song "You Too" MV, which is sung emotionally by Zhang Bichen. The warm and healing voice reaches people's hearts and gently comforts everyon

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"Article 20" released the ending song "You Too" MV "You must understand how I feel" Duration: 02:17 Source: Movie Network

"Article 20" released the ending song " You also" MV "You must understand how I feel" Hide

Duration: 02:17 It is recommended to open it under WIFI
The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou will be released nationwide on February 10. The film has released the ending song 'You Too' MV, which is sung emotionally by Zhang Bichen. The warm and healing voice reaches people's hearts and gently comforts everyon - Lujuba Total 9 pictures

1905 Movie News The realistic comedy film "Article 20" directed by Zhang Yimou will be Released nationwide on February 10, the film released the ending song "You Too" MV, sung emotionally by Zhang Bichen, whose warm and healing voice reaches people's hearts and gently soothes every fragile and restless soul. The MV revolves around the hardships and mutual help of Li Maojuan (played by Ma Li), Hao Xiuping (played by Zhao Liying), and Lu Lingling (played by Gao Ye) in the movie "Article 20". I know you will understand it, and you will also feel pain. , fate can hurt people, count down the darkest moments of deep frustration in life, still be tenacious, still calm, and seek a possibility for the one you love every day. The promotional song "Me Too" previously exposed for the film has aroused thousands of resonances with its profound description of life. The ending song "You Too" this time even expresses the warmth and coldness of the world. At the end of the year, it is a tribute to those who still persevere in frustration. , provides the most powerful comfort and warmest support to those who still refuse to give up despite injustice. The two moving melodies also inject strong emotional resonance into the film. The film will be released nationwide on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and pre-sales are now open. We invite you to go to the theater to warm up the New Year.

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou will be released nationwide on February 10. The film has released the ending song 'You Too' MV, which is sung emotionally by Zhang Bichen. The warm and healing voice reaches people's hearts and gently comforts everyon - Lujuba

Zhang Bichen sang the theme song with all his heart, soothing the world, portraying the situation of the group, asking about fate, and exploring hope.

The movie "Article 20" released the ending song "You Too" MV today. Those who still hold on silently offer the most powerful comfort and the warmest support. With a melodious melody, the song conveys the forbearance and difficulty of silently persisting in difficulties in the still water. Zhang Bichen's unique female voice sings out the silent grievance and unwillingness in everyone's heart, and soothes it with delicate singing. Ping is angry inside. As the MV gradually unfolds, the empathy and help between Li Maojuan (played by Ma Li), Hao Xiuping (played by Zhao Liying), and Lu Lingling (played by Gao Ye) in the film are revealed. I know you will also understand, and you will also feel pain. Destiny It will hurt people, count down the darkest moments of deep frustration in life, still be tenacious, still calm, and seek a possibility for the person you love every day. In this world of sorrow and joy, it is never time that heals pain, but the knowledge and understanding of mutual support. In the

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou will be released nationwide on February 10. The film has released the ending song 'You Too' MV, which is sung emotionally by Zhang Bichen. The warm and healing voice reaches people's hearts and gently comforts everyon - Lujuba

MV, the lyrics and the video scenes echo each other, telling the story of every living being who is experiencing cruel injustice today: In this mortal world, everyone is a soul scattered in the world. Although they have had dreams, they have also been confused. When faced with Unjust and falling into the trough, we can only resist and endure silently, struggle in silence, hold on through clenched teeth, and sincerely ask in every darkest moment whether we can be brave and brave. He will be relieved and will continue to work as hard as before until injustice finally wins justice. Zhang Bichen also used her highly empathetic voice to ignite the courage to remain silent and persevere in the trough, and inject the strength to move on. It also shines into your and my life. Even if life is difficult, we must move forward. When you go, you will always meet people who understand you.

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou will be released nationwide on February 10. The film has released the ending song 'You Too' MV, which is sung emotionally by Zhang Bichen. The warm and healing voice reaches people's hearts and gently comforts everyon - Lujuba

Zhao Liying silently inquired about the difficulties of fate and burst into tears. She empathizes with you and I believe that I will meet someone who understands you.

The exposed ending song "You Too" MV also exposed more story clues of the film. Along with the touching low-pitched singing, Hao Xiuping (played by Zhao Liying) was forced to sign by the village bully with the threat of her child Juanjuan. In desperation, she ran to the rooftop and let out a heart-rending silent cry. The vivid performance detonated The audience shed countless tears.In times of suffering and hopelessness, fortunately prosecutors Han Ming (played by Lei Jiayin) and Lu Lingling (played by Gao Ye) stepped forward to uphold justice, and mother and son Li Maojuan (played by Ma Li) and Han Yuchen (played by Liu Yaowen) exchanged their sincerity for their sincerity. , as the song goes, I know you will understand, you will also feel pain, fate will hurt people, but as we walk, we will always meet people who understand us. The promotional song "Me Too" previously exposed for the film has aroused thousands of resonances with its profound description of life. The ending song "You Too" this time even expresses the warmth and coldness of the world. At the end of the year, it is a tribute to those who still persevere in frustration. , to give the most powerful comfort and the warmest support to those who still refuse to give up despite injustice. The two moving melodies also inject strong emotional resonance into the film. In addition to Hao Xiuping's storyline in the

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou will be released nationwide on February 10. The film has released the ending song 'You Too' MV, which is sung emotionally by Zhang Bichen. The warm and healing voice reaches people's hearts and gently comforts everyon - Lujuba

MV, the characters who suffered unfair situations and their stories in other cases in the film have gradually revealed the tip of the iceberg: the bus driver Zhang Guisheng, played by Yang Haoyu, wants to speak out for himself, and Wang Yongqiang, played by Pan Binlong, is wearing The prison uniform only seeks fairness and justice. The village chief Liu Bingren, played by Fan Wei, stands under the black and white banner and seems to also want justice. In this confusing world, everyone's life has such unknown difficulties, and behind this person, there are also There are thousands of you, me, him and her. As a realistic comedy, the movie "Article 20" is based on things that everyone cares about, recording the touching stories of you, me and him. With a warm background, it constantly explores the simplest fairness between love and reason, morality and law. Justice, through flesh-and-blood character stories, uses comedy to open up realism, uses life-oriented comedy to tell things in life, and uses screen stories to tell the justice and fairness in the hearts of everyone.

Spring Festival realistic comedy film "Article 20", directed by Zhang Yimou, starring Lei Jiayin and Ma Li, special starring Zhao Liying, starring Gao Ye, starring Liu Yaowen, Wang Xiao, Chen Minghao, Pan Binlong, Zhang Yi, Fan Wei, Yu Hewei Friendly appearances, special appearances by Xu Yajun, Li Naiwen, Jiang Qiming, Aruna, Yang Haoyu, Xu Jingya, Qiao Shan, Jiang Shimeng, Wang Peilu, Ding Yongdai, Liu Yitie, Chen Xuanfei, Shi Pengyuan, Li Xiaochuan, Yang Yiwei, Xu Wenhe, Song Muzi, Duo Xi , will be officially launched in major theaters across the country on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Talk about the things around you and express your emotions. On the first day of the new year, we can feel the laughter and touch of life together.

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