The drama series "Senna" based on the F1 car god Senna has released behind-the-scenes photos, with Senna played by Gabriel Leona taking to the track. It is reported that the series will be divided into eight episodes, starting from Senna's move to Britain to participate in the Fo

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The drama series 'Senna' based on the F1 car god Senna has released behind-the-scenes photos, with Senna played by Gabriel Leona taking to the track. It is reported that the series will be divided into eight episodes, starting from Senna's move to Britain to participate in the Fo - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News The TV series "Senna" based on the F1 car god Senna has released behind-the-scenes photos, and Senna, played by Gabriel Leona, takes to the track. It is reported that the series will be divided into eight episodes, starting from Senna's move to the UK to participate in the Ford 1600 Championship in 1981 to the 1994 F1 San Marino Grand Prix, reviewing the legendary car god's flying life.

The drama series 'Senna' based on the F1 car god Senna has released behind-the-scenes photos, with Senna played by Gabriel Leona taking to the track. It is reported that the series will be divided into eight episodes, starting from Senna's move to Britain to participate in the Fo - Lujuba

Ayrton Senna was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Senna started his F1 career by joining the Formula One Durman team in 1984. During his career, he participated in 161 grand prix, 41 championships, 65 times in the lead, and in Won the F1 world championship three times in 1988, 1990 and 1991. On May 1, 1994, Senna suffered a car failure at the San Marino Grand Prix. He ran off the track at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour and hit a protective wall. He was sent to the hospital and died unfortunately. He was only 34 years old.

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