The science fiction movie "Space Flight" has released an official trailer. The film is directed by John Lenk, the director of the high-scoring drama "Chernobyl", and stars Adam Sandler, Carey Mulligan, Paul Dano, Isa Starring Bella Rossellini and others, it will have its world pr

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Mysterious creatures help save broken marriages! The science fiction film "Space Flight" has released the official trailer Duration: 02:36 Source: Movie Network

Mysterious creatures help save a broken marriage! The science fiction film "Alone in Space" has released an official trailer Hide

Duration: 02:36 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News The science fiction film "Alone in Space" has released an official trailer. The film is composed of the high-scoring drama series "Chernobyl" "Lee" directed by John Lenk, starring Adam Sandler, Carey Mulligan, Paul Dano, Isabella Rossellini and others. It will have its world premiere at the Berlin Film Festival in February and will be streamed online on March 1 media.

The science fiction movie 'Space Flight' has released an official trailer. The film is directed by John Lenk, the director of the high-scoring drama 'Chernobyl', and stars Adam Sandler, Carey Mulligan, Paul Dano, Isa Starring Bella Rossellini and others, it will have its world pr - Lujuba

The film tells the story of astronaut Jacob (played by Adam Sandler) who goes to the edge of the solar system alone to perform a scientific research mission. Six months later, he returns to Earth and finds that his marriage has been on the rocks. The only thing that can help him save his wife Lanka (Carey Mulligan) is Hanush (voiced by Paul Dano), a mysterious creature from the beginning of time lurking in the spaceship.

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