During the broadcast of the TV series "Flowers", the audience was looking forward to Abao being able to choose one among Lingzi, Miss Wang, and Li Li as his life partner. But in the finale, Po had no choice. why? Because the marriage between A Bao and the three of them will have

entertainment 3612℃
During the broadcast of the

TV series "Flowers", the audience was looking forward to Abao being able to choose one among Lingzi, Miss Wang, and Li Li as his life partner. But in the finale, Po had no choice.

Why? Because the marriage between A Bao and the three of them will not come until their next generation.

During the broadcast of the TV series 'Flowers', the audience was looking forward to Abao being able to choose one among Lingzi, Miss Wang, and Li Li as his life partner. But in the finale, Po had no choice. why? Because the marriage between A Bao and the three of them will have  - Lujuba

In the sequel to the finale of "Flowers", Abao married a 25-year-old beautiful accountant in 2005, gave birth to a daughter in 2006, and later secretly gave birth to a son. Abao's daughter's name is Shuhui, and her son's name is Shuxian.

Reiko married a teacher in 1997 and gave birth to a son named Yihai that year. Reiko still cannot forget Shanghai.

In 2004, Miss Wang married Xiao Mao, the character in the original book "Flowers", and gave birth to a son that year. Miss Wang's son was named Nian Jin. Xiaomao's wife Chunxiang adopted an abandoned baby before her death. She was a girl named Donglin after Chunxiang's surname.

Donglin is 1 year younger than Reiko's son.

said in the sequel to Reiko in "The Ending of Blossoms" that Reiko's son Yihai studied electronic technology in Sweden. After graduating from Ph.D., he first worked for a Korean company in Poland. In 2035, he was already Yihai, 38, took over Lingzi's business in Kiev Oblast, Ukraine.

In the sequel, Li Li is not married and has no children of her own, but she has sponsored many rural students. Li Li said that they are all her children.

During the broadcast of the TV series 'Flowers', the audience was looking forward to Abao being able to choose one among Lingzi, Miss Wang, and Li Li as his life partner. But in the finale, Po had no choice. why? Because the marriage between A Bao and the three of them will have  - Lujuba

Abao's daughter Shuhui did not study finance or management when she grew up. She studied biomaterials in Beijing and got a PhD.

Abao's son, Shuxian, studied financial management in Singapore and got a PhD.

After Dr. Shuhui graduated, she went to Africa and worked in a large Chinese multinational company. After Shuxian graduated, he worked in an investment company in Beijing.

Ms. Wang’s son is studying in China and is studying finance with a master’s degree. After graduation, he worked in an investment company in Beijing.

Ms. Wang’s stepdaughter Dong Lin studied metallurgy and received a master’s degree in Norway. After graduation, I went to work in a geological exploration organization in Xi'an.

During the broadcast of the TV series 'Flowers', the audience was looking forward to Abao being able to choose one among Lingzi, Miss Wang, and Li Li as his life partner. But in the finale, Po had no choice. why? Because the marriage between A Bao and the three of them will have  - Lujuba

How did Abao, Lingzi, and Miss Wang meet their children, and how did their relationship develop? The person who pulled the strings was Miss Wang.

Ms. Wang has been engaged in foreign trade and domestic trade, and has maintained cooperation and contact with A Bao, Ling Zi, and Li Li.

When Miss Wang went abroad to meet Lingzi, she either brought her son Nian Jin or her stepdaughter Donglin. In this way, they got to know Lingzi's son Yihai, and they all became good friends.

When Miss Wang went to see Li Li and A Bao, she took them there in the same way. In this way, Nianjin and Donglin, Shuhui and Shuxian of the Abao family got to know each other and became good friends.

Later, Miss Wang formed a bureau, and these children gathered in Shanghai for a few days, so these children all knew and were familiar with each other.

During the broadcast of the TV series 'Flowers', the audience was looking forward to Abao being able to choose one among Lingzi, Miss Wang, and Li Li as his life partner. But in the finale, Po had no choice. why? Because the marriage between A Bao and the three of them will have  - Lujuba

Among them, Lingzi's son Yihai is the eldest, Miss Wang's stepdaughter Donglin is the second, Miss Wang's son Nianjin is the third, Abao's daughter Shuhui is the fourth, and Abao's son Shuxian is the fifth.

Abao's daughter Shuhui fell in love with Miss Wang's son Nian Jin. It was love at first sight, but Abao's tutoring was too strict. Shuhui had also heard about the original story between Abao and Miss Wang. She did not dare to express it easily, so she had to The feelings are buried deep in my heart.

Like Shuhui, Nianjin also fell in love with her at first sight. For the same reason, he did not dare to confess.

Miss Wang's stepdaughter Donglin secretly loves Lingzi's son Yihai. However, because he was not his biological child, Dong Lin had a low self-esteem and did not dare to speak easily. In fact, she didn't know that Yihai also had a crush on her, but Yihai was more introverted and didn't dare to confess. Several years passed like this.

Shuhui was also very painful because Ms. Wang's son had not confessed his love for Jin. Later, Yihai thought of a way. He asked Shuhui to pretend to pursue him desperately. Since then, Nianjin and Donglin have become anxious. Nianjin went to Yihai to settle the score, and Donglin cried for several days. Later, Yihai told Nianjin what she and Shuhui were saying, and everyone opened their hearts, and everyone ended up happy.

During the broadcast of the TV series 'Flowers', the audience was looking forward to Abao being able to choose one among Lingzi, Miss Wang, and Li Li as his life partner. But in the finale, Po had no choice. why? Because the marriage between A Bao and the three of them will have  - Lujuba

In the end, Lingzi's son Yihai married Miss Wang's stepdaughter Donglin, Abao's daughter Shuhui married Miss Wang's son Nianjin, and Abao's son Shuxian married Yang Tao, one of Li Li's students.

Yang Tao has always been called Li Li’s godmother and Mr. Qiang’s godfather. Although Li Li's property was stipulated in his will to be donated to the local government, the leaders considered that it would be difficult to manage a group after it was split, so they chose Yang Tao to inherit Li Li and Qiang's property. Yang Tao is three years older than Shu Xian. Studied ecological agriculture in Northeast China, PhD.

From then on, the four children of Abao, Lingzi, Miss Wang, and Li Li got married, and their businesses formed a huge group, with business covering China, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, West Asia, and Northeast Asia. The name of the new group they formed is Hoju Kyōzhin. In the board of directors of Baozhu Jingzhen, Abao's son Shuxian serves as the chairman of the board; Lingzi's son Yihai serves as vice chairman; Li Liqian's daughter Yang Tao serves as director and CEO; Miss Wang's son Nianjin serves as director and is responsible for finance; Abao's daughter Shuhui serves as a director and is responsible for research and development; Ms. Wang's stepdaughter Donglin serves as a director and is responsible for human resources.

During the broadcast of the TV series 'Flowers', the audience was looking forward to Abao being able to choose one among Lingzi, Miss Wang, and Li Li as his life partner. But in the finale, Po had no choice. why? Because the marriage between A Bao and the three of them will have  - Lujuba

After 2040, the White Elephant Navy and the Eagle Navy will begin joint cruises in the Indian Ocean, which will affect the domestic business of Baozhu Jingzhen Africa to a certain extent. However, Baozhu Kyozhen did not transfer its business. Instead, it increased its investment and continued to promote the localization of its business. Because at this time, the white elephant's hand has reached into Africa and wants to compete with Baozhu Jingzhen and the others. However, under the joint pressure of Jianbaji and Baozhu Jingzhen, the pace of expansion of White Elephant is very slow.

In 2045, foot-wrapped cloths conflicted with Hanselse cats. Baozhu Jingzhen increased its investment in Ukraine, and its products were sold well in Western European countries such as Hanselse cats.

In the same year, kangaroos led a large group of coconut trees and had a maritime conflict with chickens in the Pacific Ocean. Baozhu Jingzhen exported products to chickens and made a lot of money.

In the same year, in West Africa, the Eagle Navy and Marine Corps faced off against the Gallic John Bull coalition. Due to the logistical pressure faced by Eagle, the confrontation did not turn into a conflict.

Starting in 2045, Baozhu Jingzhen began to increase investment in southern Central Asia. In 2050, the bear and the lion fell out, and Yingjiang made up his mind to unite with the bear to attack the lion. Later, due to logistical supply problems, the project was abandoned.

During the broadcast of the TV series 'Flowers', the audience was looking forward to Abao being able to choose one among Lingzi, Miss Wang, and Li Li as his life partner. But in the finale, Po had no choice. why? Because the marriage between A Bao and the three of them will have  - Lujuba

Later, the children of Po and his children, the third generation of Hoju Kyojin, married each other with the third generation of other large groups. The scale of the group became larger and larger, so big that outsiders could not understand the relationships inside. .

Tags: entertainment