Xinhua News Agency, Doha, January 13 (Reporters Yue Dongxing, Gong Bing, Xiao Shiyao) In the first half of the first game of the Asian Cup in Qatar, the Chinese men's football team had its worst 45 minutes in a while, reflecting its technical and tactical capabilities. out of dat

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Outdated ability. However, after the controversial penalty in the second half, the team did not give up and created good opportunities, showing a positive attitude under adversity, which deserves recognition.

Xinhua News Agency, Doha, January 13 (Reporters Yue Dongxing, Gong Bing, Xiao Shiyao) In the first half of the first game of the Asian Cup in Qatar, the Chinese men's football team had its worst 45 minutes in a while, reflecting its technical and tactical capabilities. out of dat - Lujuba

On January 13, Chinese team player Dai Weijun (second from right) controlled the ball during the game. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Fanyue

Facing the Tajikistan team, which participated in the Asian Cup for the first time and ranked 106th in the world, the national football team performed more like a novice than its opponent in the first half, playing almost without content. The coaches, fans and Chinese football practitioners watching this game may feel helpless, or they may feel urgent - the nightmarish 45 minutes showed the huge gap between the national football team and modern football, and youth training really has to pay attention to details. , find the target, and work harder. There are many problems exposed by

. First of all, the pressure of the competition is high, and it is inevitable to be nervous and afraid of making mistakes. Sometimes the team members are unable to stop the ball, and more often they kick the ball half-high, which is difficult for teammates to catch. In addition, the technical movements are deformed, and the number of mistakes increases and the number of mistakes becomes more frequent. Lose the ball more.

Secondly, the technical problem of being afraid of pressing is very obvious. As long as the opponent presses from a high position, the center back will be enveloped by the opponent's "high pressure". The supporting teammates are not in a good position and cannot play the ball in the backcourt. "Invalid return + big kick" "More, the ball was given to the opponent again.

Xinhua News Agency, Doha, January 13 (Reporters Yue Dongxing, Gong Bing, Xiao Shiyao) In the first half of the first game of the Asian Cup in Qatar, the Chinese men's football team had its worst 45 minutes in a while, reflecting its technical and tactical capabilities. out of dat - Lujuba

On January 13, Chinese team player Zhu Chenjie (left) attacked during the game. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Han

Third, midfielders are more focused on stealing and assisting in defense. They lack ball control, organization, and effective response and movement. They often take the ball with their backs and pass more back, but less turn around and move forward. This results in the midfielder being "unable to stand", unable to assist the backcourt with the ball, unable to respond to the wing, and unable to move forward. In the first half, a rare pass from the left was completed by Liu Yang, which posed a threat, reflecting that at this stage, the team needs the ability to play from the wing too much. The AFC's technical statistics at halftime showed that the national football team's passing accuracy in the opponent's half was only 48.2%, while the opponent's statistic was 61.9%. This is also one of the reasons why the national football team was suppressed in the first half.

In the second half, head coach Jankovic made personnel and tactical adjustments, and the scene improved. Xu Xin became the main ball-distribution point in the midfield, and the midfield and frontcourt cooperated more. Zhang Yuning played a fulcrum role on the front line and once unloaded the ball in the penalty area to create a good shooting opportunity for his teammates. After Zhu Chenjie's high-jumping, head-shaking goal was disallowed, although the penalty was controversial, the team did not complain too much and quickly got into the game. Two substitutes, Lin Liangming and Xie Pengfei, completed a wonderful connection. It's a pity that the latter's header went over the crossbar when facing an almost empty goal.

Xinhua News Agency, Doha, January 13 (Reporters Yue Dongxing, Gong Bing, Xiao Shiyao) In the first half of the first game of the Asian Cup in Qatar, the Chinese men's football team had its worst 45 minutes in a while, reflecting its technical and tactical capabilities. out of dat - Lujuba

On January 13, Chinese team player Xie Pengfei (left) competed with Tajikistan team player Zoyl Yurabayev during the game. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jia Haocheng

"The team will not complain, and we will not give up. We will continue to correct the current problems and we will do better in the next game." Jankovic said after the game.

This kind of attitude is what the outside world wants to see. Indeed, the three points planned before the game were changed to one point, which cast a shadow on the prospects of qualifying. However, the Asian Cup has just begun. In the next two group matches, the national football team still has a chance to make a comeback.

html For many years, although the team has often been criticized for not playing well, many people still stick with it whenever the national football team welcomes a major competition. After all, no matter how bad your "own child" is, it will always affect your heart. The fans who have been waiting in front of the TV and cheering on the scene countless times, no matter how much they complain, they still say the same thing in their hearts: "National football team, come on!"

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

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