Recently, the TV series "Flowers" directed by Wong Kar-wai is currently on the air. Careful netizens discovered that 57 golden songs were used in the 30 episodes of the TV series, and almost all of them were original songs. "My Future Is Not a Dream", "Annie", "You Will Win If Yo

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Recently, the TV series 'Flowers' directed by Wong Kar-wai is currently on the air. Careful netizens discovered that 57 golden songs were used in the 30 episodes of the TV series, and almost all of them were original songs. 'My Future Is Not a Dream', 'Annie', 'You Will Win If Yo - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the TV series "Flowers" directed by Wong Kar-wai is currently on the air. Careful netizens discovered that 57 golden songs were used in the 30 episodes of the TV series, and almost all of them were original songs. "My Future Is Not a Dream", "Annie", "You Will Win If You Work Hard", "I Like You", "A Fire in Winter", "Looking Back Again", "Glory Days", "Wild Flowers on the Roadside"...every The music selections in the collection are all just right. As soon as the classic melody is played, the audience is instantly transported back to Shanghai of that era.

According to industry insiders, if the original version of a song is used in a film or television drama, not only the singer must pay the copyright fee for the recording, but also the copyright fee for the lyrics and music. Most of the 57 soundtracks of "Flowers" have the copyright of the original singers. Industry insiders said that although the specific cost is not easy to estimate, it should be 10 million.

Recently, the TV series 'Flowers' directed by Wong Kar-wai is currently on the air. Careful netizens discovered that 57 golden songs were used in the 30 episodes of the TV series, and almost all of them were original songs. 'My Future Is Not a Dream', 'Annie', 'You Will Win If Yo - Lujuba

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