It seems that Oriental Selection has really "offended" all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted

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It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba
It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

It seems that Oriental Selection has really "offended" all the fans who like him on the Internet this time!

First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, he also overly touted the other party's salary, which was a tactic to burn bridges. After

saw that the incident was getting serious, Oriental Selection immediately issued a statement. put all the blame on CEO Sun Dongxu and stated that Sun Dongxu had been dismissed from his position.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

From Oriental Selection's point of view, as long as they carry out such operations, they can prevent their reputation from being affected.

But obviously, this generation of netizens are not so easy to fool.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

Many netizens found that this statement did not seem to be true at all. It did not even have the most basic official seal, and there were problems with the format and punctuation.

Some netizens found through investigation that even if is now the actual legal person of Dongfang Selection, it is still Sun Dongxu, and the number of companies under his name has reached dozens.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

It is said that Yu Minhong only works for Sun Dongxu. The reason why issued this statement is also as a cover.

What is the truth? Could it be that Oriental Selection is really fooling netizens?

Dongfang Selection staged a burning bridge and the market value plummeted

Perhaps Sun Dongxu himself did not expect that the pressure from public opinion would be so great now. Now the market value of Oriental Selection is constantly falling . Many anchors who appeared in the live broadcast room were also Netizens were bombarded.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

Netizens are so angry, which is also related to the immorality of Oriental Selection.

How much Dong Yuhui paid for this live broadcast room back then is obvious to all netizens. Why is it that Dong Yuhui is the first to abandon Dong Yuhui now that Oriental Screening is on the rise?

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

As things continued to escalate, Dongfang Selection CEO Sun Dongxu’s series of operations in the live broadcast room made everyone feel that he was not afraid of Yu Minhong at all.

not only smashed the mobile phones of hundreds of thousands of consumers at the meeting, but also revealed Dong Yuhui’s salary, giving people the feeling that Dong Yuhui did not deserve such a salary.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

has developed to this extent. Yu Minhong did not take any substantive actions. He just said a few words to Sun Dongxu when recording the video, saying that he was indeed a bit impulsive.

If Yu Minhong really has this right, then he should not let Sun Dongxu live broadcast anymore, and he not only allowed Sun Dongxu to continue live broadcasting, but also did not impose any substantive punishment on him.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

are just words, and netizens are naturally very dissatisfied!

This led to the continuous fermentation of public opinion. Now that is better, the CEO was directly dismissed, and the anchor Tianquan was also greatly affected. The broadcast was suspended for as long as three months.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

But despite this, the fan rate of Oriental Selection has not been controlled and is still declining.

Although the live broadcast room is still very popular, but these people came to criticize Dongfang Selection for burning bridges , and no one was willing to pay the bill.

Some netizens said that Dong Yuhui has now reached a dilemma. If he continues to go back, will he really try his best to come back to Dongfang Selection as before? No one can do a situation like . I have done nothing wrong, but I am being maliciously targeted by the company.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

Even if he really goes back, he will probably be targeted by other big shots in the company. Therefore, many netizens feel that Dong Yuhui deserves a better development platform.

Employees revealed the true insider double-standard behavior, causing dissatisfaction

Originally, Oriental Selection thought that as long as Sun Dongxu was removed from the position of CEO, netizens would definitely not be angry.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

But the problem is to pull out the carrot and bring out the mud. Soon some employees who knew about it broke the news about what Sun Dongxu had done in the company. They felt that there was really no need for Dong Yuhui to stay at New Oriental.

Dong Yuhui is extremely popular in the market now. Many listed companies have extended an olive branch to Dong Yuhui. Some companies even said:

"If Dong Yuhui is willing to come to his company, even if the company is not operating well, I will never blame Dong Yuhui, but I feel that there is something wrong with my feng shui."

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

From this sentence, we can see how popular Dong Yuhui is now.

An insider said that felt a lot of pressure every time he worked with Dongfang Xiaosun.

If other companies can achieve the first place in performance, they will definitely be the company's meat and potatoes, and they are afraid of dropping it if they hold it in their hands. However, in Dongfang Xiaosun's company, if they can achieve the first place, it will be very difficult. He will be hit soon, which is exactly the same as Dong Yuhui's experience.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

Moreover, in the company, there is often a need to take sides, which also gives countless people working in the company a headache.

From this we can also learn that the work in Dongfang Selection is not as harmonious as some company leaders say, and the pressure is extremely huge.

What makes netizens most angry is that an employee of Oriental Screening also revealed a shocking news, that Dongfang Xiaosun does not allow employees to have office romances in the company. Once discovered, they will be fired.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

If Sun Dongxu himself could lead by example, perhaps netizens would not say anything, but the problem is that Sun Dongxu's wife is said to be his student. The reason why

got together with this wife was because her identity was very extraordinary. was said to be a teacher at New Oriental and had a very strong family background.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

How can netizens pay for Sun Dongxu’s double-standard behavior?

Is the removal of Sun Dongxu just a cover? The actual power is still very large

Some people familiar with the matter revealed that Sun Dongxu’s removal from his position is not as simple as everyone thinks.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

Because he is still the actual legal person of Oriental Selection, and the number of companies associated with his name has reached more than ten.

If this is the case, the removal has no meaning at all. It is just to fool netizens.

When this recall statement was issued, many netizens actually felt that something was wrong.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

Logically speaking, how could Dongfang Selection, a company as big as this, not even have an official seal? Moreover, when issuing the statement, there were also punctuation errors, which also made everyone suspicious.

Therefore, many netizens also speculate that was not actually Yu Minhong who dismissed Sun Dongxu at all, but Sun Dongxu himself asked for the dismissal of . Why do you say that?

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

Sun Dongxu is now a shareholder and legal person of the company. If things continue to ferment, the company's shares will plummet, which has already affected his profits. Rather than letting the shares continue to plummet, it is better to stand up and dominate the position first to quell public anger.

But the problem is that whether he is removed from office or not does not have much impact on Sun Dongxu. After all, his identity as a shareholder and legal person cannot be shaken.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

Perhaps in the future, Sun Dongxu will still be active in the company. For people like them, as long as their own interests are not affected, it doesn't matter much whether they show their faces or not..

Netizens are still very unconvinced by the results of this process. After all, what Sun Dongxu did at the time was indeed excessive.

Dong Yuhui won the hearts of the people and Oriental Selection made it his own way

Sun Dongxu obviously had great power in the company. When other company staff targeted Dong Yuhui, he should have stopped it in time.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

But not only did Sun Dongxu not do this, but he continued to escalate the situation. There was only one possibility for this matter. Sun Dongxu had actually wanted to get rid of Dong Yuhui for a long time!

Perhaps in the eyes of Sun Dongxu and Dongfang Selection, the reason why Dong Yuhui succeeded was because they gave him a platform. If he left the platform of Dongfang Selection, Dong Yuhui would be nothing.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

But it is obvious that they really think too highly of themselves. is not the Dongfang Selection that led Dong Yuhui to the road of success, but Dong Yuhui pushed the Oriental Selection to a higher level.

Even Luo Yonghao said that Dong Yuhui is a rare talent. No matter which industry he is in, he can definitely drive this industry. Therefore, he also called on everyone at that time to remember Dong Yuhui's name.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

In fact, it can be seen from this sentence that Luo Yonghao may have known that sooner or later, Oriental Selection will have the idea to remove Dong Yuhui from . Because Dong Yuhui's influence is so great now, Dongfang selects many upper-level leaders, probably because they are afraid that Dong Yuhui will affect the development of their company.

thought that after leaving Dong Yuhui, he would be able to get along like a fish in water, but what Dongfang Selection didn't expect was that they really were nothing without Dong Yuhui.

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

If they want to cultivate an excellent anchor like Dong Yuhui, just having a good platform is not enough. They must be able to win the love of the public . Only if people like it can this anchor remain popular.

Many netizens have also taken this matter to a new level. Some people think that this is a game between the anchor and the platform. Which is more important, a good anchor or an excellent platform?

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

In fact, in my opinion, these are not important, the people's will is the most important . If Dong Yuhui had no popular support, perhaps this matter would not have escalated to this level.

Looking at it now, Dongfang Selection is also very uncomfortable. His old rival Gaotu Jiapin has made a lot of money with this opportunity, but he is still losing money. Who can blame him for all this? ?

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba

Fortunately, things have finally come to an end, but I think the audience's scrutiny will never end.

If Oriental Selection had stopped the editor's behavior at that time, these things would never have happened. Do you think this was Oriental Selection's own fault?

#Article First Challenge#

It seems that Oriental Selection has really 'offended' all the fans who like him on the Internet this time! First, the editor and CEO Sun Dongxu made a comprehensive mockery of the anchor Dong Yuhui. Not only did he mock Dong Yuhui for his poor culture, but he also overly touted  - Lujuba
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