Last week, there was continuous heavy snowfall in our city, and all vehicles parked outside were covered with a thick layer of white snow. In the past few days, the snow has passed and the weather has cleared up. Car maintenance professionals remind you to clean up your car in ti

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Last week, there was continuous heavy snowfall in our city, and all vehicles parked outside were covered with a thick layer of white snow. In the past few days, the snow has passed and the weather has cleared up. Car maintenance professionals remind you to clean up your car in ti - Lujuba

Last week, there was continuous heavy snowfall in our city, and all vehicles parked outside were covered with a thick layer of white snow. In the past few days, the snow has passed and the weather has cleared up. Car maintenance professionals remind you to clean up your car in time after snow. If the cleaning is not timely and appropriate, it may cause damage to the vehicle.

Never use hot water to wash

In the past few days, reporters have repeatedly seen that some vehicles only cleaned the snow on the windshield and front bonnet, but did not clean the snow on the roof before hurriedly getting on the road. This will not only damage the car paint, but also cause safety hazards. If the snow falls during sudden braking, it may affect the driver's vision. It should be reminded that when cleaning the car body of snow, do not use hot water to rinse it, which may cause the car paint to crack instantly.

Before driving, it is best to check the wiper blades. If the wipers are not put up in advance when it snows, most of them will freeze after the snow. If the wipers are turned on regardless, there is a high probability that the wiper motor and wiper blades will be damaged. If the wiper blade is frozen, it cannot be washed directly with hot water. This may easily cause the car glass to burst and deform the wiper blade.

Don't forget the wheel hubs

The correct way to clean the vehicle after snow is to start the vehicle first and turn on the hot air to blow the front windshield. While blowing, you can first sweep away the snow on the car windows with a soft duster. There is a layer of relatively hard ice close to the glass. You must wait until the car is hot and the ice melts and loosens, and then use a soft-headed glass shovel to remove it. . If you don't have a glass shovel, you can also use car rags, cardboard, etc. to remove it.

If you are in a hurry to use your car, you can use winter-specific antifreeze glass water to quickly melt ice on the glass. Never use water as it will freeze again quickly. When pouring glass water, pay attention to pouring it slowly from the top of the windshield so that the glass water can penetrate into the ice layer under the snow and melt the ice quickly.

For vehicles that have been parked for several days in snowy weather, it is not enough to just clean the snow on the glass and body, but also on the wheels and wheel hubs. Wheels are the most susceptible to ice. If not treated in time, it will accelerate the aging of the rubber and even cause wheel deformation. If the brake calipers in the wheel hub are frozen, the braking effect will be reduced. For this reason, before starting the vehicle, be sure to clear the snow here and check whether it is frozen. If it is frozen, you can pour warm water on it to let the ice melt.

Check the battery antifreeze

After clearing away the snow on the car body, it is best to wash the car in time and conduct a safety inspection. Because snow looks clean, it actually contains a lot of corrosive substances, and the sprayed snow melting agent can damage the car paint. Therefore, it is best for car owners to wash their cars as soon as possible after snow.

While washing the car, the vehicle should also undergo a simple physical examination. For example, check whether the antifreeze is missing; the battery is a component that is very sensitive to cold, and is more likely to lose power in low temperature environments. Especially for batteries that have been used for many years, the instant starting voltage should be checked; if the wiper is damaged, replace it in time. Reporter Liu Xiaoliang Bingzhou News

[Source: Taiyuan Daily]

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