The 4 kinds of vegetables that contain "penicillin" are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: Eat them once every two days to keep you away from illness. In winter, the weather is cold and dry, and the body's immunity decreases, making it easy to get sick. Colds and col

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4 kinds of vegetables with "penicillin" are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat once every two days to keep you away from illness

The weather is cold and dry in winter, the body's immunity decreases, and it is easy to get sick. Colds and colds are common, so pay attention to strengthen Immunity. On the one hand, you need to wear the right clothes and keep warm; on the other hand, you need to know how to eat and eat more foods with built-in "fungicides", which can help the body reduce inflammation and sterilization and improve immunity.

The 4 kinds of vegetables that contain 'penicillin' are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: Eat them once every two days to keep you away from illness. In winter, the weather is cold and dry, and the body's immunity decreases, making it easy to get sick. Colds and col - Lujuba

Today I would like to recommend several vegetables to you. They are all rich in fungicides, have high nutritional value and are particularly delicious. It is recommended to eat more in winter.

1. Garlic sprouts - garlic sprouts twice-cooked pork

Prepare the pork belly, garlic sprouts, green onions, ginger, pepper, cooking wine, pepper, bean paste, black bean paste, sugar, soy sauce, and sweet noodle sauce.

1. Erdao Pork is also called rump meat. This part is used in authentic twice-cooked pork. Wash the meat with two cuts, put it in the pot under cold water, add green onions, ginger slices, cooking wine, and peppercorns. Bring to a boil over high heat and then simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Remove when you can pierce it with chopsticks, let it cool and cut into thin slices.

2. Peel and wash the garlic sprouts and cut them into diagonal sections. Slice green onions and shred ginger. Heat the oil in a pan, add the meat slices and stir-fry over low heat until the oil is cooked out and a lantern nest appears. Add a spoonful of bean paste and a spoonful of black bean paste, and stir-fry until the aroma of red oil and black beans is released.

3. Add onion and ginger and sauté until fragrant. Add soy sauce and sweet noodle sauce and stir-fry until coloured. Add appropriate amount of sugar and chicken essence to taste. Pour in garlic sprouts and stir-fry over high heat until cooked through. Remove from the pot.

The 4 kinds of vegetables that contain 'penicillin' are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: Eat them once every two days to keep you away from illness. In winter, the weather is cold and dry, and the body's immunity decreases, making it easy to get sick. Colds and col - Lujuba

2. Garlic sprouts - fried shredded pork with garlic sprouts

Prepare garlic sprouts, tenderloin, millet pepper, starch, ginger, oyster sauce, cooking wine, light soy sauce, five-spice powder, and cooking oil.

1. Wash the tenderloin, cut into thin strips, add appropriate amount of starch, light soy sauce, cooking wine, five-spice powder, and cooking oil, mix evenly with your hands, marinate for 10 minutes and set aside. Pinch off the heads and tails of the garlic sprouts, wash them and cut them into long sections.

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil. Add an appropriate amount of salt and cooking oil. Pour in the garlic sprouts and cook for 1 minute. Remove the garlic sprouts and drain them under cold water. Drain and set aside. Cut the millet pepper into diagonal slices and shred the ginger.

3. Heat the oil in a pan, add shredded ginger and sauté until fragrant, pour in the marinated shredded pork, stir-fry over high heat until it changes color, take it out and set aside. Leave the base oil in the pot, add millet pepper and sauté until fragrant, add garlic sprouts and stir-fry for a while, add shredded pork, five-spice powder, and light soy sauce to taste, stir-fry evenly and serve.

The 4 kinds of vegetables that contain 'penicillin' are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: Eat them once every two days to keep you away from illness. In winter, the weather is cold and dry, and the body's immunity decreases, making it easy to get sick. Colds and col - Lujuba

3. Onions - scrambled eggs with onions

Prepare eggs, onions, green peppers, red peppers, large green peppers, garlic, salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, mature vinegar, and cooking oil.

1. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add appropriate amount of salt and stir evenly. Wash the green and red peppers and cut them into water chestnut slices. Wash and cut the large green peppers into cubes. Peel and slice the garlic cloves, peel and wash the onions and cut into cubes.

2. Heat the oil in a pan, pour in the egg liquid, and fry over high heat for a while. When it is almost solidified, use a shovel to fry into large pieces, and set aside. Leave the oil in the pot, add garlic slices and chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant. Add onion cubes and stir-fry for a while until they are tender and soft. Do not fry for too long.

3. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, five-spice powder, and chicken essence to taste. Before serving, pour in an appropriate amount of mature vinegar, pour in the scrambled eggs, and stir-fry evenly over high heat before serving.

The 4 kinds of vegetables that contain 'penicillin' are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: Eat them once every two days to keep you away from illness. In winter, the weather is cold and dry, and the body's immunity decreases, making it easy to get sick. Colds and col - Lujuba

4. Fennel - pork and fennel stuffed dumplings

Prepare flour, front leg meat, fennel, cooking oil, chicken essence, salt, light soy sauce, green onions, ginger, five-spice powder, sesame oil, and chicken broth.

1. Mix the flour with water to form a smooth dough and let it rest for half an hour. Pick and wash the fennel and drain the water. Peel the skin off the pork, chop into meat fillings, add onion and ginger, salt, light soy sauce, five-spice powder, sesame oil, stir evenly with chopsticks, and marinate for half an hour.

2. Drain the fennel for ten minutes and chop into small pieces with a knife. Pour the fennel into the meat filling, add an appropriate amount of salt and sesame oil, and stir evenly with chopsticks. Pour in an appropriate amount of chicken soup and stir with chopsticks for a while to make the meat filling more tender and juicy.

3. After the dough has risen, roll it into a long strip, cut it into small pieces, flatten it and roll it into a dumpling wrapper, add the pork and fennel filling, shape it into a dumpling, boil the water for 3 minutes, and the dumplings are ready.

The 4 kinds of vegetables that contain 'penicillin' are recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: Eat them once every two days to keep you away from illness. In winter, the weather is cold and dry, and the body's immunity decreases, making it easy to get sick. Colds and col - Lujuba

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