In the Pokémon Vermillion game, players can go to Area Zero to capture Paradox species. The ancient species are limited to Pokémon Vermilion, while the future species are limited to Pokémon Purple. Players who want to get them all need to exchange them with players of different v

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In the Pokémon Red Purple game, players can go to Area Zero to capture Paradox species. The ancient species are limited to Pokémon Zhu, while the future species are limited to Pokémon Purple. Players who want to get them all need to compete with players of different versions. exchange.

In the Pokémon Vermillion game, players can go to Area Zero to capture Paradox species. The ancient species are limited to Pokémon Vermilion, while the future species are limited to Pokémon Purple. Players who want to get them all need to exchange them with players of different v - Lujuba

Paradox Pokémon location summary

Paradox Pokémon mainly appear in zone zero . To go to zone zero, you need to clear " Road to Champions ", " Legend Road ", "" "Stardust Road " three routes.

In the Pokémon Vermillion game, players can go to Area Zero to capture Paradox species. The ancient species are limited to Pokémon Vermilion, while the future species are limited to Pokémon Purple. Players who want to get them all need to exchange them with players of different v - Lujuba

The ancient type is limited to Pokémon Crimson version, and the future type is limited to Pokémon Purple version, so it is impossible to capture all Paradox type Pokémon in one version.

Pokédex can be unlocked by exchanging Pokémon with players of different versions.

The above is a summary of the locations of Pokémon Vermillion and Paradox Pokémon. Players can capture their own versions of Paradox Pokémon. Friends who want to know more related strategies in the future can follow, which will push the latest and most complete strategies every day.

More content: Pokémon: Vermilion/Purple Special Topic Pokémon: Vermilion/Purple Forum

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