To ensure that rural intangible cultural heritage has successors, we must not only strengthen the construction of talent teams, but also build platforms and ladders so that they can better enrich farmers and help rural revitalization. Rural intangible cultural heritage will defin

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To ensure that rural intangible cultural heritage has successors, we must not only strengthen the construction of talent teams, but also build platforms and ladders so that they can better enrich farmers and help rural revitalization. Rural intangible cultural heritage will definitely be able to better sustain farming civilization and highlight the times. Value

From being little known to selling well all over the world, Li Xingxiu, the intangible inheritor of Qiang embroidery in Mao County, Sichuan Province, has trained more than 25,000 students and led more than 8,000 embroiderers to mass-produce Qiang embroidery. Qiang embroidery techniques are widely used in clothing, bags, Household and automotive supplies have greatly promoted the inheritance and development of Qiang embroidery.

Rural intangible cultural heritage embodies the essence of thousands of years of local culture. The protection, inheritance, development and utilization of intangible cultural heritage resources can empower the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization. At present, our country has established a four-level intangible cultural heritage list system at the national, provincial, city, and county levels, and has identified more than 90,000 representative inheritors at all levels, which has played an important role in the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage.

At the same time, there is still a talent gap for the protection and inheritance of rural intangible cultural heritage, and there is even a "vacuum" of inheritors in some places. Taking traditional handicrafts as an example, a report jointly released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and other institutions shows that more than 50% of craftsmen are over 55 years old, and nearly 60% of traditional craftsmen have not yet found an inheritor.

How to better promote the protection of intangible cultural heritage and pass it on from generation to generation?

First of all, young people should be more motivated to engage in the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. It is necessary to increase publicity and guidance to let young people fully understand the important value of the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. In particular, it is necessary to combine intangible cultural heritage with art forms and modern life scenes, integrate it into modern life, and let the market recognize its value, thereby attracting more people. Many young people are involved in it.

Fortunately, more and more colleges and universities are now offering relevant majors or courses to systematically cultivate young talents, which is a useful complement to traditional inheritance methods such as family inheritance and apprenticeship inheritance of intangible cultural heritage skills. Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province established a woodcarving technical school more than 30 years ago, cultivating a large number of talents and laying a talent foundation for the revitalization of Dongyang woodcarving. Some local intangible cultural inheritance institutions collaborate with colleges and universities. The colleges issue "orders" and the intangible cultural heritage skills training centers provide teachers. They have achieved good training results and are worth learning from. All localities should explore local educational and training models based on their own realities.

The protection and inheritance of rural intangible cultural heritage must adhere to farmers as the main body. Deeply implement the “Study and Training Plan for Inheritors of China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage” to encourage inheritors to improve their skills, improve their artistic accomplishments, and enhance their level of innovative inheritance. Strengthen policy guidance, platform building and financial support, strengthen the "teaching and mentoring" mechanism of inheritors, better play the leading, demonstration and driving role of inheritors, and let more people through the industrial development of intangible cultural heritage achievements and their manifestations Farmers participate in the industrial chain and share the benefits, thereby mobilizing the enthusiasm of the broad masses of farmers, including inheritors.

In order to inherit and carry forward rural intangible cultural heritage, we must pay attention to cultivating local talents, and also pay attention to the targeted introduction of external talent resources. Professional talents in art design, industrial operations, marketing and other fields are currently lacking in the protection and inheritance of many intangible cultural heritage projects. The introduction of external talent resources such as expert professors, curators, and new media communication promoters can be a good complement. Weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses. The government should introduce a series of preferential policies to provide support for foreign talents to start their own businesses, settle down, and educate their children. Village collectives can provide support in terms of venue provision and other aspects, turning "outsiders" who truly love intangible cultural heritage into "locals".

The key to protecting and inheriting rural intangible cultural heritage lies in people. To ensure that rural intangible cultural heritage has successors, we must not only strengthen the construction of talent teams, but also build platforms and ladders so that they can better enrich farmers and help rural revitalization. Rural intangible cultural heritage will definitely be able to better sustain farming civilization and demonstrate the value of the times. .

"People's Daily" (page 18, December 01, 2023)

To ensure that rural intangible cultural heritage has successors, we must not only strengthen the construction of talent teams, but also build platforms and ladders so that they can better enrich farmers and help rural revitalization. Rural intangible cultural heritage will defin - Lujuba

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