The finale of "Long Wind Crossing" understands how ruthless he is when Gu Langhua made Fan Yu king, and Fan Yu is too miserable

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The The finale of 'Long Wind Crossing' understands how ruthless he is when Gu Langhua made Fan Yu king, and Fan Yu is too miserable - Lujuba TV series "Long Wind Crossing" has come to an end. Compared with the original novel, the finale of this drama is much more tragic than the original novel. The ending of many characters in the plot can also be said to be miserable. Luo Zishang thought that he would rule the world by destroying Zhou Gaolang and his 300,000 army, but Gu Jiusi slapped him in the face severely. Gu Jiusi exposed his plot and what he did, and told him Zhou Gaolang He was still alive, and even made the Imperial Forest Army betray him with a few words. Luo Zishang finally kidnapped Gu Jiusi's wife, Liu Yuru, and wanted to die with Liu Yuru, but what Luo Zishang didn't expect was that Jiang He killed him. Zhou Gaolang of the Eastern Capital slaughtered the Eastern Capital, holding Fan Xuan's edict and the news of Fan Yu's abdication, and knelt to welcome Zhou Gaolang in order to prevent Zhou Gaolang from slaughtering the city. Finally, under Zhou Ye's plea, Zhou Gaolang did not slaughter the Eastern Capital, but chose Disarm and enter the city. I thought that even if Fan Yu could save his life because of this, he would have an extremely miserable life. Who would have thought that Fan Yu would be conferred a prince after Zhou Gaolang ascended the throne? This is very incomprehensible. They are not so generous, why did Zhou Gaolang suddenly give Fan Yu the title of king? And you must know that the reason why the Zhou family members were slaughtered had a lot to do with Fan Yu. Even if Zhou Gaolang didn't kill him, the sons of the Zhou family couldn't let Fan Yu go. How could they give Fan Yu the title of king? Regarding the answer to this question, after careful thought, you will find that Zhou Gaolang's cruelty, making Fan Yu the king and making him a prince, is actually the most ruthless revenge and the most poisonous punishment for Fan Yu, because Fan Yu will spend the rest of his life. Absolutely, life is worse than death, even more miserable than Luo Zishang. Luo Zishang is dead, and everything is settled once and for all, but Fan Yu's ending is endless torture, why do you say that? Let's analyze Zhou Gaolang's intentions towards Fan Yu. First, Fan Yu was incompetent and cowardly, but Zhou Gaolang didn't kill him, he didn't even make things difficult for him, and asked him to be an idle prince, it seemed to be for Fan Xuan's face, and let his son have a good result, but Fan Yu Yu is very aware of the deep blood feud between himself and the Zhou family, so he will probably live in fear for the rest of his life, and even spend the rest of his life in that kind of worry and fear, and it is not certain that he will lose his mind in the end. This is mental torture. Second, Fan Yu once tasted the taste of the emperor, and he suddenly lost everything. Watching the Zhou family take away the throne that "belongs to him" was definitely a torture for him. Without any ability to regain the throne, he could only watch with envy and hatred, just like Luo Zishang wanted to kill Liu Yuru, but he wanted Gu Jiusi to live a long and long life. Fan Yu suffered all his life. What I have to say is that Zhou Gaolang's move was really too ruthless, and it did take revenge on Fan Yu, causing him great pain. And he, Zhou Gaolang, really has no attachment to power and position. Soon after he ascended the throne, he let Zhou Ye be the crown prince to oversee the country, and after he defeated the foreign enemies for Zhou Ye, he let Zhou Ye ascend the throne, realizing the transition of power. Zhou Ye was benevolent and dedicated For the people, he will definitely be the next Fan Xuan. Compared with Gu Jiusi's tact and sophistication, Zhou Ye's benevolence is actually more suitable for that position. As for Fan Yu, he will never have the chance to reach that position in his life. For what he did, he paid a heavy price, and the ending was miserable. To sum up, the reason why Zhou Gaolang made Fan Yu king was not that he kindly forgave Fan Yu, but that he gave Fan Yu the most ruthless revenge. Fan Yu was destined to be extremely painful throughout his life.
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