5 unpopular movies that are super good-looking but not popular, half of them have been seen, they are definitely true fans

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1. "Hellboy"

5 unpopular movies that are super good-looking but not popular, half of them have been seen, they are definitely true fans - Lujuba

is a commercial blockbuster with a Gothic theme, just looking at the shape. The biggest idea of ​​this film is to make the son of Satan a savior, not a destroyer. He fights against humans who are more devil than the devil, and he loves his kind human adoptive father! This is undoubtedly closer to God's original intention in essence. As a lover of Gothic culture, I think "Hellboy" is a commercial film, but it is worth watching. The subject matter is very good.

2. Constantine, the protagonist in the film "Constantine"

5 unpopular movies that are super good-looking but not popular, half of them have been seen, they are definitely true fans - Lujuba

, is an alien. Since he was a child, he has a super power that can perceive demons or angels in the world. Because of his childhood fear of this super power, he chose to commit suicide. , But he failed to die successfully. Catholicism stipulates that people who commit suicide are not allowed to enter heaven, so Constantine began to use his superpowers to get rid of the demons who violated the agreement to please God, hoping to exchange his ticket for entering heaven. Constantine, a fictional character with desperate, decadent, and rebellious spirit against authority, is a representative of anti-heroes.

3. "The Fly"

5 unpopular movies that are super good-looking but not popular, half of them have been seen, they are definitely true fans - Lujuba

film mainly tells the scientist Seth invented a machine that can transmit objects in an instant. The female reporter Vinika appreciates Seth's talents and prepares to record everything about Seth. The film will be released. Time was an era of rapid scientific development. In 1986, various high-tech products gradually appeared. Under this development, some people began to reflect on what scientific development has brought us. The director cleverly captured people's psychology and put this scientific tragedy on the big screen. Not surprisingly, this small-cost film was a huge success.

4. "The teacher is not a person"

"The teacher is not a person" is Rodriguez's work a few years ago, a science fiction campus horror film. The campus horror is almost the same, but the atypical feature of this film is that it uses the perspective of a horror film to restore the green secretions of youth. Compared with those handsome men and women who lack personality and are only reckless in the film, it is precisely because of the precise portrayal of the main characters that this film has some profoundness. Although "The Teacher is Not a Human" is a thriller science fiction film, sometimes humans are more scary than aliens, because in this movie, there are many situations in which enemies and friends are difficult to distinguish, and you cannot guess who is your true friend. Or who is the alien.

5. "Ghost Show"

"Ghost Show" is a special horror film. It is composed of five independent stories. In fact, it is composed of five short horror films to form a long story, which is connected in series through comic book storytelling. George Romero and Stephen King showed their respective talents in this movie. Although the movie is composed of five unrelated horror stories, it does not make the whole movie seem trivial and empty, beginning and ending. The anaphora makes this movie more complete.

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