"The Mummy": O'Connor and Eve's Love-You chase your dreams, I protect you

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"The Mummy" is adapted from an old film of the same name in 1932, written and directed by Stephen Sommers, and released in the United States on May 7, 1999. Although it is a remake, it is based on the old film He made bold innovations and adaptations and received rave reviews after it was released. It quickly swept the world and saved Universal Pictures, which was in danger at the time. The

film has also won many awards, not only being nominated for the Oscar, but also winning the Oscar for Best Audiovisual, and it also shined at the Saturn Awards that year. The

movie is humorous and relaxed, and it is still an irreplaceable classic in the hearts of movie fans. The film implements Hollywood’s usual heroic film style: rescue beauties, defeat monsters, and save the world. It can still be fascinating under this clichéd plot, especially the love of the hero and heroine, which satisfies all people's illusions about perfect love

-you chase your dreams, and I protect you.

'The Mummy': O'Connor and Eve's Love-You chase your dreams, I protect you - Lujuba

(1) Eve’s dream

Eve is a librarian at the Cairo Museum in Egypt. Her biggest dream is to become an archaeologist like her parents. It is a pity that at the beginning of the film, because of her reckless behavior, she overturned the bookshelf, which caused a domino effect-the entire library's bookshelves all fell down. After

was scolded by the curator, Eve followed the movement to the back storage room. As a result, her brother Jonathan, who was responsible for the whole laughter, sat up from the coffin and handed her a strange small box.

Eve opened the small box with excitement, and there was a map in it, pointing to the city of the dead, Hamnart.

There is a very warm scene here:

'The Mummy': O'Connor and Eve's Love-You chase your dreams, I protect you - Lujuba

Eve bowed her head and said, "Cambridge rejected my application again, saying that I have insufficient experience in archaeology." Jonathan pressed her forehead to her: "It's okay, little girl, yet There is me." The two looked at each other with a knowing smile.

Here we can see:

1. Eve and Jonathan’s brother and sister have a very good relationship.

2. Both brothers and sisters are very simple people, immature in their thinking.

3. Eve is eager for a real archaeological journey.

4. Both brothers and sisters are optimistic.

Unfortunately, a piece of their map was burned by the curator, and the location of the destination was gone. In desperation, Jonathan had to take Eve to find the owner of the box, O'Connor.

(two) O'Connor the guardian

'The Mummy': O'Connor and Eve's Love-You chase your dreams, I protect you - Lujuba

Johnson took Eve to find O'Connor who was in prison. Eve wittyly negotiated with the warden, and finally rescued O'Connor from the gallows. O'Connor's unbelievable expression on the ground at the end was in stark contrast with Eve's proud situation:

1. O'Connor didn't have much hope for Eve at first.

He tempted Eve to approach him with a few words and successfully kissed Eve, and at the same time it touched her girlish heart.

"If you want to go to Hamnart, save me."

How much confidence can he have in Eve? Rather, he was testing Eve's determination.

Almost all his comrades-in-arms at the time were ruined in the ruins of Hamnart, and he wanted to try to see if the little girl was a greedy treasure hunter or just a whim play game.

2. O'Connor is desperate.

He can come back from the vast desert alone. He has a strong desire to survive, and he is absolutely unwilling to die in prison so unexplained. He must seize this opportunity, even if the possibility is zero.

3. After Barney's betrayal, O'Connor chose his teammates more carefully. At the beginning of the

movie, O'Connor, who was still a soldier at the time, and his comrades led the enemy on the ruins of Hamnart. Before the gunshots sounded, O'Connor’s superiors ran away. O'Connor asked the people around him. Barney: "You can't run, right?"

"No." After saying this, Benny dropped his gun and hurriedly fled behind him.

Enemies are coming on fiercely. O'Connor can only run away if he loses. In his desperation, he reminds Benny to hide in the grave, but Benny selfishly closes the door and he can only face the enemy's guns alone. .

We don't know how he came over the past three years, but the betrayal of a friend must have made O'Connor discouraged until Eve's appearance saved him.

Originally he thought he was dead, but didn’t thinkWhen this lovely little woman actually saved him, for Eve’s life-saving grace, he made up his mind to protect her, not only to take her where she wanted to go, but also to bring her back safely. It is his responsibility and mission.

love, at this time has quietly planted seeds in his heart.

(3) Love sprouts

At night, the two talked on the boat. Eve told him excitedly why she yearned for Hamnart, and then she shyly asked O'Connor a question: "Why did you kiss me at that time? "

O'Connor, who was playing with weapons, replied casually: "Anyway, I'm dying at that time. Find something to do."

Eve walked away angrily. Oconnor, who lost his face and stunned: "I Did you say something wrong?"

's vigilant O'Connor spotted his former comrade Benny, and Benny asked him, "You never believed in Hamnart, why are you going back?"

"see that man Did you miss me? She saved me. "Looking at Eve in front of the stables, O'Connor's eyes softened. The seed of love has quietly sprouted new sprouts in his heart, even though he could have a There are thousands of reasons not to go to Hamnart, but he will also find a reason to stay for Eve.

Eve is certainly beautiful. When she appeared in Egyptian attire with a veil, her eyes were autumnal, and she smiled, O'Connor’s heart fell instantly. Beauty can certainly attract men’s attention, but it can What the man left behind was the essence of this woman. Eve's essence was innocence and kindness. This was what moved him most.

On Hamnart’s night, Eve’s drunken expression on the face, every detail affects O’Connor’s heart, this lovely little woman, like an angel, slows a Wang Qingquan Infused into his heart, even if he walked through thousands of mountains and rivers and saw all kinds of customs, it was no better than the heartbeat when he saw her.

(4) When the curse is fulfilled.

1. Eve accidentally released BOSS Emerton, which brought disaster. O'Connor wants to take her away, but Eve willfully decides to stay. Eve relies on her own feelings and never considers the consequences. On the one hand, it is due to her nature. Eve is optimistic, brave, and has She is full of passion; on the other hand, she trusts O'Connor's protection, unknowingly, she has already regarded O'Connor as her strong backing.

"The rivers of Egypt are red, like blood..." The wine in the

bar turned into a taste of blood. O'Connor realized that there was nowhere to escape, and he was also terrified, otherwise it would not start at the beginning. Will quarrel with Eve. But after realizing the danger, he was a soldier who had already put these things aside. He wanted to find his little angel quickly, and couldn't let her take risks on her own.

Especially when the Pharaoh guard said that the BOSS had chosen Eve as the sacrifice to resurrect his lover, O'Connor's mood was complicated:

1. He knew that Eve would never give up the idea of ​​saving the curse.

2. He knew that Eve would never escape.

3. He was afraid that monsters would follow them to the ends of the world.

4. He never wants to see Eve become a sacrifice himself.

So, what can he do? Of course, I followed Eve's meaning. All I had to do was to protect her and fill her loopholes.

So O'Connor began a non-stop journey of "filling the pit".

(five) guards

BOSS Emerton is completely resurrected. For everyone's safety, Eve voluntarily follows him. "If I was turned into a mummy by him, I would be the first to come back to find you." Eve said to O'Connor when he was leaving. O'Connor gave her a surprised look.

Eve's words have three meanings to O'Connor:

1. He will kill me.

2. I know I will die, but I still want to go.

3. I believe you, will come to rescue me. It can be seen from

that, before this, O'Connor had not enough confidence in himself.

faced the three-thousand-year-old mummy, he was not sure at all. Even if Eve found the position of the golden scripture, he was not sure that he would be able to take her to find the golden scripture and kill Immortal. But the bravery and resoluteness of this little woman, Eve, is beyond his imagination. Eve can do it. What can't he do? He didn't swear to keepProtect her?

The rescued beauty team found the retired pilot Winston, and with the help of Winston they rushed to Hamnart by plane. This scene of

is one of the most classic scenes of the film:

Immortal casts mana, the earth splits, and countless sands rise from the ground to form a huge curtain, sweeping the entire sky. In the sandstorm, a huge human face appeared, opening its mouth wide to devour their plane. In a hurry, Eve kissed Emerton’s mouth, the sandstorm retreated, the plane shook a few times, and finally fell on the desert. Winston was buried in the quicksand with the plane, which was the most satisfactory method of death for this World War I veteran-to die on the battlefield.

The three undead Xiaoqiang finally reached Hamnart safely.

(six) rescued

They entered the tomb. The mausoleum's dazzling treasures shocked O'Connor, Jonathan and the captain of the guard.

O'Connor was not confused by the treasures. He was full of thoughts about saving his Eve. His heart was unwavering. Eve was his treasure. These treasures were nothing but things outside the body.

They successfully found the Sun's Golden Sutra, and Jonathan was drilled into the body by the scarab. O'Connor picked the bug out with a knife and shot and killed the extremely fast bug (saying this dung sheller ran so fast). The gunshot alarmed Immortal below, and he awakened the buried monks, and soon a team of mummies rushed towards the three of them. After captain

carried the gun alone to cut them off, O'Connor and Jonathan rushed to the altar with the golden scriptures.

Eve has been locked on the altar, beside Ansuna’s mummy. When Imerton raised his golden sword to stab Eve to death, O'Connor and Jonathan arrived in time.

Immortal was led away by Jonathan, the brave O'Connor jumped out and cut Eve's chains, and soon he was besieged by the remaining mummies.

The god of luck is always on the side of the protagonist. Jonathan found the spell, controlled the guard mummy and killed Ansuna, and successfully stole the key from Immortal's robe.

"Hold him." Eve shouted to O'Connor. "No...problem." O'Connor squeezed out these words desperately.

, as the most resistant O'Connor, is now at the point of being slammed by Imerton. Fortunately, the physical quality is high, and Eve found the spell.

This scene full of comedic effects also makes people cry:

1. O'Connor is ready to abandon himself to buy time for Eve.

2. Boss Emerton lost his mind because of Ansuna's death.

3. In fact, Eve is more anxious than anyone else, and has to maintain patience to find the right spell.

4. O'Connor believes very much in Eve's ability and she will find the spell in time.

really lived up to expectations, Eve found the spell, "Dust return to dust, soil return to soil, what should go, should not stay." Immortal's mana was taken away, O'Connor successfully eliminated him and turned the situation around.

At this time, the greedy Benny carrying the treasure touched the tomb's self-destructing device, and the entire tomb was about to collapse. O'Connor protected Eve and quickly escaped from the tomb. There is a detail in

. When he escaped, O'Connor was at the end. He had to do his best to let Eve go first, and finally himself, especially in the end he planned to save Benny, although he did not succeed.

Outside Hamnart, O'Connor finally hugged Eve and successfully embraced the beauty. Behind the camel he and Eve rode on, there was a treasure of golden light revealed. The final outcome of

is happy for everyone.

Immortal and Ansuna’s unsuccessful love is certainly sighing, but the love between O'Connor and Eve is most in line with expectations and fantasy. We have always pursued the best look in love, isn't this the best look? There is a person who loves you and knows you love you, and he silently gives everything for you behind his back, so that you can chase your dreams unscrupulously.

Of course, Eve is not totally willful, she also loves O'Connor, believes in him, and is willing to give herself to him. This kind of mutual trust and mutual dependence is what every couple yearns for.

At the same time, O'Connor and Eve have similarities: they are both kind, brave, strong, and they both love adventure. Because these similarities addSolidified their connection with each other. They are complementary: Eve's innocence fills O'Connor's heart, making him believe that the world is really beautiful; O'Connor's reason allows Eve to make fewer rash mistakes.

So, here is the inspiration for every couple including husband and wife:

Why are you together?

Where do you want to go together?

How much are you willing to pay for each other?

The maintenance and development of feelings are never unilateral, let alone restraint and tolerance. What is needed is tolerance and mutual improvement, common progress, and the development of common hobbies together, so as to help each other's faults.

When each pair of lovers are together, love is the prerequisite, but in the end they go further and further, because we forget that love is actually an eternal book, we have seen the beginning, we have no patience to carefully guess the middle of it For details, some people even just browsed through a few clips at their fingertips, which resulted in different endings.

In real life, for many people, getting married and having children means losing the right to choose the future. In fact, not every couple is like this. A happy marriage is always inseparable from the support of the other half. People who climbed to new heights in their career after marriage are also everywhere, because they all understand one truth: love is guarding and supporting.

Don't be afraid to give, let alone be afraid that she will leave you after you give. As long as you really consider each other, you will get an eternal and beautiful ending.

Tags: movie