Goddess Jennifer eats cockroaches, the US TV version of "Snow Country Train" is upgraded

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Speaking of a Korean director, I have to mention him-Bong Joon-ho

has very few works since his debut in 2000, but every film can be called a classic

"Parasite" is in the 72nd Cannes Won the Palme d’Or award in the main competition at the International Film Festival

In the film, the director uses the concept of “parasitism” to create a close intersection between the bottom class and the upper class

Goddess Jennifer eats cockroaches, the US TV version of 'Snow Country Train' is upgraded - Lujuba

, whether it is a former butler or Kim Kizak There is a huge class gap between them and the owner of the villa, but they can still share a set of lifestyle and living space

. Under certain conditions, the two opposing classes are blended horizontally. This is Feng Junhao A bold attempt

rather than providing solutions to contradictions, this film focuses more on exposing contradictions for the audience to think about

This is a kind of restraint in expression and also a kind of ideological reflection- resistance can be eliminated Contradictory?

Goddess Jennifer eats cockroaches, the US TV version of 'Snow Country Train' is upgraded - Lujuba

As early as 2013, Feng Junhao explored this with another sci-fi movie-

"Snow Country Train"

The straight train speeds on the track, and the carriages divide different worlds. They Connected to each other, but people in different worlds cannot circulate

. The film tells the story of a confined carriage where the oppressed end-car rebels fought against the power class on the train for survival and dignity

Goddess Jennifer eats cockroaches, the US TV version of 'Snow Country Train' is upgraded - Lujuba

The story is set in The future of the world

In 2031, humans’ attempts to prevent global warming failed. The extreme cold caused most of the lives on the earth to die. All the people who survived this disaster boarded a train like Noah’s Ark, and the train relied on it. With perpetual motion machines, the

trains are constantly running around the earth. There are strict grades. The carriages near the front of the train have a superior environment. People enjoy life, eat, drink and play, and everything

has a bad environment near the rear of the car. People suffer from hunger. Can only eat protein blocks made by cockroaches

Finally, the people in the last carriage, led by the leader Curtis (Chris Evans), set off a "revolution" to the front of the car. The first half of the

movie Part of it is not attractive, and even some clichés.

Stories of a group of oppressed people who have risen up to resist are commonplace. For example, white people oppress blacks and rich people oppress the poor

. It seems that many movies like to create such opposites. Eye-catching

As Curtis and his team got closer and closer to the front of the train, we also saw something more profound. Manson, the second in command of the

train, led everyone through the flowers and the underwater world, tasted sushi, and visited the school.

Compared with the harsh environment at the end of the carriage, it is a world of difference.

These people are dressed luxuriously, enjoying food and wine, and there are all kinds of entertainment facilities. People in the carriage at the end of

can only wear tattered wraps, even the belly. The protein block is also compressed with cockroaches

. However, the people in the front of the car did not feel surprised or afraid of Curtis’s intrusion. They drink, swim, and sauna as usual, and maintain an indifferent attitude and vision towards the intruder.

Why are these people so numb? Or why do they take everything they enjoy for granted?

from the beginning to the end, the film repeatedly emphasized a word: position

finally, Curtis and his party arrived at the front of the train and saw the train’s dictator Wilford, Wilford was neither afraid nor surprised. On the contrary, as if he had already expected

, he told Curtis the truth about the train: In order for the train to run normally, must sacrifice some people so that everyone is in the position where he should be, and he has been there. Waiting for someone who dared to resist like Curtis to take his place

After Curtis learned the truth, he fell into contemplation and even began to doubt his pursuit. For overall harmony, should we sacrifice some people

and Curtis should have shaken it? The management engine is what he dreams of. He rebelled to take charge of the train, but the overthrow and inheritance are very different.

In the end, Curtis regained his senses and exploded the train. The side of the car caused an avalanche, the train derailed, and only one man, one woman and two survivedWhen children

​​face choices, they will show their humanity. Choosing good or evil is the result of human nature.

is like the opening movie Curtis asks Edgar: "Do you remember your mother?"

until the film In the end, Curtis told the truth. He once killed Edgar’s mother

in order to satisfy his hunger. When he first got on the train, the people in the last carriage did not have any food. Edgar, who started

, never knew about it. He admired Curtis very much, and even saved Curtis with his own life. What made Curtis unacceptable is that every uprising in the last carriage is just a A drama, a farce of regular massacres of people in the first carriage in order to control the number of people in the car. Someone once said that where there are people, there is society. It is not unreasonable that people who have experienced the end of the world and survived can only survive. In the case of a train that does not know when it will stop, the class gap is still unavoidable.

This is like a condensed society. It is too difficult to truly achieve equality for all in society.

Feng Junhao In the past few years, the focus has always been on class differences and class contradictions, whether it is "Parasite" or "Snow Country Train".

This film was released in South Korea in 2013, setting the highest box office record for a single film in South Korea. , And won the Best Art Award at the 56th Asia Pacific Film Festival and the Best Director Award at the 34th Korean Film Blue Dragon Award

"Snow Country Train" is an ambitious, excellent visual effect, rich in content, and very satisfying The epic of the future, director Bong Joonho is a talented director from South Korea." -("Variety" magazine)

, a masterpiece with both the charm of the story and the depth of meaning, was announced in 2015 as a remake of an American drama. The copyright was purchased by Netflix , The first season will be broadcast on TNT in 2020.

The head of TNT said: "I personally like the movie "Snow Country Train" very much. I am very happy to have this opportunity to express my original views to Feng Junhao. Science fiction movies are for discussion. Excellent themes for issues such as race, class, gender and nature. While embarking on this wild journey, the drama version of "Snow Country Train" will also actively explore related issues."

The play is directed by James, the director of "Doctor Strange" · Harves and four other directors co-directed, Harves revealed that he did not want to define the drama version of "Snow Country Train" as "political drama" - "This is an adventure story, although it involves many news and political themes "

recently released an official trailer. The protagonists such as David who plays Curtis and Jennifer who plays Manson have appeared in the new version of

. The story will no longer be limited to telling the bottom. The people’s uprising, the closed environment of the train is like a closed spaceship in space, in this class-ruled world, there will be huge conspiracies waiting for the audience to unlock

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