The box office surpassed 600 million in just 4 days. Why did so many campus violence movies ``You are a teenager'' become the strongest dark horse?

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"Young You" is the second popular movie in China that reflects campus violence. Since its release, word-of-mouth has been stubborn and the topic has been constant. Almost friends who entered the movie theater gave this movie a super high evaluation. Why are the same? A movie that reflects school violence, "You are a teenager" has a high score, but "Sorrowful Against the River" only achieved a Douban score of 5.9?

The box office surpassed 600 million in just 4 days. Why did so many campus violence movies ``You are a teenager'' become the strongest dark horse? - Lujuba

Struggle and Redemption

This movie not only reflects the school violence problem, we can also see that this is a story of a little girl with no family background, Chen Nian, and Xiaobei, who is abandoned by the world, struggling with each other.

From the police officer finding Chen Nian to ask Chen Nian to confess his crime, to Chen Nian's collapse and shouting: "Why can't we let us go, we just want to escape, even if there is only one" sentence can be seen. People, how can they not understand, the desire to climb up in the dark.

The box office surpassed 600 million in just 4 days. Why did so many campus violence movies ``You are a teenager'' become the strongest dark horse? - Lujuba

You go forward, I must be behind you.

The box office surpassed 600 million in just 4 days. Why did so many campus violence movies ``You are a teenager'' become the strongest dark horse? - Lujuba

You protect the world, I protect you.

These are all Xiaobei's promises to Chen Nian, and until the end, Xiaobei did it too. Therefore, many people say that Xiaobei has been protecting Chen Nian from beginning to end, but is Chen Nian not Xiaobei's salvation?

"You are the first person to ask me if it hurts?" This is what Xiaobei said to Chen Nian. I believe this sentence is also the dawn of Xiaobei's hope in the future.

No one can understand that the 14-year-old abandoned child has always lived like a mouse in the gutter. Suddenly a clean and pure girl appeared. In order not to be beaten, he was willing to kiss this bloodstained boy and asked Does he hurt? What kind of salvation is this. The two kiss scenes in the

movie are both "redemption", one is Chen Nian redeeming Xiaobei, and the other is Xiaobei saving Chen Nian.

Therefore, this movie is still a portrayal of a teenager living in the dark, struggling, and it also gives such a teenager a piece of hope.

is like Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei in "Sa Ye", I hope we are all brave like each other.

We are adults after passing the college entrance examination, but there has never been a class that taught us how to be adults. The movie

is not only a rivalry between Chen Nian and Xiaobei, but also a portrayal of high school students and adults.

First of all, let’s look at the most controversial female police officer. Some people say that she is a suspect who maintains the rationality of a police officer to face interrogation. Others say that this female police officer is detached from human feelings, the most rigid, cold, and A character ruthless. The last shot of the female police officer

was Chen Nian saying to her: "If this world is like this, would you still dare to let your child be born?" Then the female police officer's deep thoughts, we can see from the details, this A female police officer is pregnant. Therefore, the female police officer will be speechless. If something does not happen to her, she will never be able to empathize.

Then there is a male police officer with a sense of justice—Zheng Yi. If the female police officer in the movie is too rigid, serious, and impersonal, then Zheng Yi has formed a sharp contrast with her. Zheng Yi is a very emotional police officer. .

Zheng Yi is a homophonic "justice", but unfortunately, justice cannot be done for anyone in the movie. The final punishment is indeed Chen Nian and Xiaobei.

Fortunately, Zheng Yi has the sensibility of an adult at the same time.

He said: "If Chen Nian does not plead guilty, then she will be ruined in her life." Indeed, if Xiaobei were allowed to stay in prison for Chen Nian for decades, even if Chen Nian escaped the prison of high school, he would still put himself in a new shackle of guilt in his heart, and would not break free for decades to come.

Therefore, Zheng Yi will be obsessed with the truth of the case, and finally, after Chen Nian pleads guilty, will he say "as relaxed as the end of the final exam."

ended up with the most impressive female number two, Wei Lai.

Wei Lai, homophonic "future", and the movie says, such a future, do you dare to ask for it?

Indeed, such a future, whether in the present or in the future, is very terrifying.

but this resultWas it really all caused by Wei Lai himself? The beginning of the

movie is the follow-up content caused by Hu Xiaodie’s suicide. Hu Xiaodie means "butterfly", this beautiful and kind incarnation, but gradually withered.

After Chen Nian struggled, he told Zheng Yi the truth about Hu Xiaodie’s suicide. But when Zheng Yi interrogated Wei Lai, Wei Lai’s parents didn’t care about the truth of the matter at all, and blindly shifted the responsibility to other people. Wei Lai is therefore even more unscrupulous.

​​It can be said with certainty that Wei Lai’s parents’ education was a failure, and this adult’s world brought minor examples to the contrary.

From Wei Lai's actor Zhou Ye's Weibo, we can see the interpretation of Wei Lai.

grows up like diving, close your eyes and don't think about anything, just jump into the river, there will be sand, stones, and clam shells, but we all grew up.

When I was young, I always looked forward to the cruelest thing, which is to grow up. Later I learned that when I really grow up, my body is already covered with thorns, and growing up with pain is the most cruel for everyone.

A movie that reflects school violence, more of it reflects the corners of life that cannot be illuminated by the sun, and we can always find our shadow more or less in the movie. Unfortunately, we may not be around Chen Nian or Xiaobei, fortunately, after struggling, we saw the sun.

In the end, the whole movie was spent in depression and crying, but no matter how bitter it is, there is sugar. Let’s take a look, where is the sugar in "Youth".

Chen Nian’s daisy on the road to the college entrance examination was tied to the road by Xiaobei, not a branch, but all the way, and the daisy’s flower language is: love buried in my heart.

Xiaobei's name is Liu Beishan, Chen Nian's score on the college entrance examination is 632, the homophony is 632, and Liu Beishan is love.

Finally, Xiaobei can finally walk in the sun, calmly facing any corner in the world. I didn't cry in the whole play. At the end, I couldn't help but cry for Xiaobei and Chen Nian.

They finally walked out of the darkness, facing the sun

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