Wang Pin Group: Its 23 major catering brands, Mrs. Goose won the Michelin star for three consecutive years

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Wang Pin Group: Its 23 major catering brands, Mrs. Goose won the Michelin star for three consecutive years - Lujuba

When it comes to Wangpin Group , few people may know about it, but when it comes to Wangpin Steak, Xidihou Steak, Huayin Japanese Kaiseki Cuisine, and Mrs. Goose, everyone probably knows about it. According to the official website, Wang Pin Group is the largest chain restaurant group in Taiwan. Currently, there are 23 major restaurant brands occupying leading positions. As the largest catering chain group in Taiwan, Wang Pin Group has also become a role model for many chain catering companies such as Haidilao and , and is called a legendary model by the industry. Since

was established in Taiwan in 1990, the ultimate service of the "Western Food Brother" Wangpin Group has always been a model for the catering industry to learn from. Not only that, many of its restaurants have been on the Michelin one-star list for many years, and it is the first time to cook Sichuan cuisine The brand "Shu Sanwei" has also been recommended by Michelin Bib Gourmand. The new brand, Wuyu, has also become an Internet celebrity restaurant on all major lists. Why are the brand stores under Wang Pin so popular?

The first company in the catering industry to have a "constitution"

Wang Pin Group: Its 23 major catering brands, Mrs. Goose won the Michelin star for three consecutive years - Lujuba

In the catering industry, Wangpin Group is the first company to have a "constitution" The staff can see it at any time, and the Wang Pin Constitution is specifically listed on the most prominent position of its official website. The importance of the "Constitution" to the operation and management of Wangpin can be seen. According to the official website of

, Wang Pin Group currently has 23 major catering brands, a total of 420 as of February 2018, 267 directly operated stores in Taiwan, 151 directly operated stores in mainland China, and 2 overseas stores, with more than 21,000 employees. It is understood that all the restaurants and employees of the group must abide by this "constitution", which shows the importance of the "constitution" to Wangpin's operation and management. Dai Shengyi, founder of

Wang Pin Group, said that it is not difficult to make a profit in the catering industry, but it is not easy to survive in order to continue to make profits. Ingredients, transportation by the five ghosts of the operator, rebates for purchases, etc. In response to these "unspoken rules since ancient times" in the catering industry, Dai Shengyi created a "Wangpin Constitution", in which the three "pillars" of the "Constitution" are: expulsion for receiving gifts exceeding 20 yuan, prohibition of transactions with related parties, and prohibition of relatives in charge. Enter group work. These three are "rules of heaven", he takes the lead in implementing them, and anyone who violates them will be expelled.

Cut into the big market with small differences

Wang Pin Group: Its 23 major catering brands, Mrs. Goose won the Michelin star for three consecutive years - Lujuba

Wang Pin Formosa Steakhouse was established in 1990. It first entered the market with western cuisine. Wang Pin is a medium-to-high price direct-operated chain western restaurant that carefully selects the sixth to eighth pairs of ribs from a cow, and uses the Formosa Steak "one cow is only for 6 customers" as its signature dish. Since Wang Pin opened its first store in mainland China in 2003, it has become a representative brand of high-end steak chains.

Compared with the mainstream Chinese food market, the western food market is much smaller. In recent years, Wang Pin’s development focus has gradually shifted from western food to Chinese food, adopting the strategy of “developing multiple brands and segmenting the market”, continuously expanding new brands to enter the big market with small differences, and choosing an opportunity to develop after laying a solid brand foundation in Taiwan mainland. In terms of category strategy layout, Wang Pin Group focuses on two major cuisines: Cantonese cuisine, and Sichuan cuisine, and has successively launched multiple brands such as "Goose Lady" and "Shu Sanwei".

Different restaurant positioning and different service standards

Wang Pin Group: Its 23 major catering brands, Mrs. Goose won the Michelin star for three consecutive years - Lujuba

Wang Pin starts to stipulate the standardized steps of service from the moment customers of different brands step into the store. According to Chen Zhenghui, chairman of Wang Pin, if an enterprise does not have standardization, it will not have scale.

achieves the ultimate in customer experience and service, which is its exclusive weapon with many loyal fans. Article 8 of Wang Pin's "Constitution" also stipulates that "customers come first, colleagues come second, and shareholders come third".

"With these service standards, Wang Pin can ensure the consistency of food and quality. Whether it is one store or 100 stores, we can quickly replicate and open stores at a fast pace." Said Chen Zhenghui, chairman of Wang Pin.

Wang Pin Group: Its 23 major catering brands, Mrs. Goose won the Michelin star for three consecutive years - Lujuba

Wangpin Formosa Steakhouse is a mid-to-high-end western restaurant under Wangpin.The waiter bowed to 15 degrees, kept smiling, and served ice water at 15 degrees within one minute after the customer was seated, and delivered the ice water to the upper right of the knife, three centimeters away from the knife, holding the glass at the bottom of the belly , When the water in the customer's water glass is less than half, immediately add water within one minute.

is aimed at young people’s Thick Beef Steak, emphasizing enthusiasm and liveliness, and the waiter’s smile should show 7 and a half teeth; Taobanya appeals to Japanese culture, and the waiter must bend at 30 degrees when bowing to customers; Hidden Japanese kaiseki cuisine appeals to elegance, and waiters must "speak softly"...

It is understood that in every brand, every restaurant, every region, and every link, there is a set of rigorous standardized procedures to ensure The quality of food and service is more conducive to the rapid replication of stores. The standardized service process of

also brings centripetal force and cohesion to the enterprise.

According to statistics, the turnover rate of Wangpin’s employees is less than 5%, and the turnover rate of store managers, chefs and above management employees is even lower than 1%, which is in sharp contrast to the status quo of the industry where the turnover rate remains high. In 2013, among the "Taiwan College Students' Most Desiring 1000 Enterprises" selected by Taiwan's "Common World Magazine", Wangpin surpassed well-known companies such as Uni-President and Google, ranking first.

Madam Goose won one Michelin star in one year

Wang Pin Group: Its 23 major catering brands, Mrs. Goose won the Michelin star for three consecutive years - Lujuba

Wang Pin Group has many catering companies, among which there are many well-known brands such as Wang Pin Steak, Xidihou Steak, Huayin Japanese Kaiseki Cuisine, and Madam Goose. Among them, Madam Goose, an affordable Cantonese cuisine brand, has been included in the "Shanghai Michelin Guide" for two consecutive years and has become the first choice for fans of roast goose. It is understood that it took only one year from the establishment of Goose Lady to obtaining one Michelin star.

On the way of growth, do what you are good at.

Wangpin Group has a special positioning in the catering industry, more like a luxury group. It first touched on mid-to-high-end categories, which also means that the scale of each category under the group is limited.

Therefore, Wang Pin was forced to find opportunities in different categories, packaged in different brands, to satisfy different consumer groups.

Wang Pin started with Western food and Japanese food. After more than 20 years of development, the Western food and Japanese food system has already been perfected. Wang Pin is good at finding brand opportunities from the core areas of its own advantages.

For example, the Xidi Steak, which was originally extended from the high-end brand Wangpin Steak, mainly focuses on the mid-range market; another example is the popular Wuyu Japanese Food Beauty Collagen Pot. This brand has opened 4 stores in Shanghai. On a review platform The online score is extremely high, with taste, environment and service all above 9.0 points. How did

Wangpin achieve such success?

First of all, Japanese food is a category that Wang Pin is good at. According to the official website of

, the group currently has 23 major catering brands each occupying a leading position, of which 11 Japanese food brands account for almost half of the country. From kaiseki cuisine, Japanese style cuisine, raw stone grill, teppanyaki to kombu pot, Japanese pork chops, all categories of Japanese food are involved, and they cover different consumption levels. Relying on its own strong chef team in the daily food category, rich experience in store operation and management, and a stable and solid supply system, Wuyu is familiar with the business.

Secondly, brand positioning is closely integrated with product attributes.

Previously, Wang Pin mostly made high-end daily food products, and was good at serious style. There was still a lack of a casual mid-end daily food brand in the brand matrix. In the survey, Wangpin Group found that Japanese food and hot pot are the most popular among consumers, and it may be feasible to combine the two. "Most of the daily food is cold food. If it is paired with a hot pot, we believe it will be very suitable for the needs of mainland consumers."

At the same time, in view of the characteristics of 80% of the target group will be young women, the Wang Pin team has found a market difference. Collagen small hot pot, according to women's "love beauty" psychology, a brand of Japanese food + hot pot was born.

(Reporter Cheng Wei Peng Zonglu)

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