"Wind Blowing Pinellia" Wu Jianshe Steel Works is an endless road?

movie 1418℃

Wind Blows Pinellia overall score 2022 /

In the 30th episode, Wu Jianshe’s steel factory Xu Banxia agreed to take over; Under Zhao Lei’s guidance, Xu Banxia changed his mind and decided to go to his hometown with Zhao Lei to find Wu Jianshe, and entered the village for the first time Seeing the construction of the village and the attitude of the villagers, you know that Wu Jianshe has won the hearts of the people; on the way, I met Qiu Bizheng in the cattle pen, and I did not expect his attitude of admitting his mistakes to be so sincere. Eating and sleeping with cattle outdoors in extremely cold weather, maybe Because of this move, Boss Wu forgave him for his betrayal.

'Wind Blowing Pinellia' Wu Jianshe Steel Works is an endless road? - Lujuba

As a junior, Xu Banxia sincerely apologized to Boss Wu, saying that he hadn’t thought carefully, and that he was willing to buy the steel mill, eliminate old equipment, connect the new factory with the old factory, distribute shares, and divide responsibilities; Everyone invests in real estate together and expresses their views on the future. As a big family, we should help each other. When everyone is in trouble, we can only see the rainbow by supporting each other. Their plans are very good, but the reality It is a series of checkpoints, and it is necessary to unite and work together to complete the goal.

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