Xu Banxia in "The Wind Blows Pinellia" was followed and hunted down?

movie 2022℃

Wind Blowing Pinellia overall score 2022 /

In episode 31 Xu Banxia was followed by her ex-husband for revenge; Quan pressed on the table and Tong Xiaoqi stepped forward to protect Xu Banxia. During the fight, Wang Quan was kicked by Tong Xiaoqi and broke his lower body. Although the two were sent to the hospital in time, Tong Xiaoqi was sentenced to jail, but Wang Quan did not calm down. Bearing grudges against Xu Banxia, ​​I have been looking for opportunities to take revenge for the past few years, driving a taxi, following Xu Banxia's itinerary, where I go every day, when I go out and when I go home, I know exactly what people are like, watching her live a life more than you Okay, but I was beaten into a semi-crippled life and lived on a urine bag. On some occasions, I couldn’t wear a urine bag and could only wear a diaper. When I was busy, I didn’t have time to change it. It is difficult to understand the hatred in my heart.

Xu Banxia in 'The Wind Blows Pinellia' was followed and hunted down? - Lujuba

Wang Quan followed Xu Banxia in the middle of the night, chased Xu Banxia with a stick, and smashed Xu Banxia into a concussion, so Wang Quan also paid the price for revenge and was sentenced to one month. After compensating Wang Quan and his family, he no longer felt guilty and relaxed a lot, and the grievances between the two of them have come to an end.

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