Real-time summary of national steel prices on December 13!

gossip 722℃


According to the data information of China Steel Network on December 13, the rise of steel prices slowed down today, and some fell. The current period of snails is running in a green shock, the downstream wait-and-see mood is strong, and the trading performance is light. At present, the market has entered the adjustment stage after rising for several days, but manufacturers still have expectations, so they are not willing to sharply drop prices. But regardless of the ups and downs, the market transactions have not improved, and the demand side is weak. It is expected that the steel prices will rise tomorrow.

on December 13, building materials prices: mainly stable;求出货盘中价格继续让利,全天成交欠佳,预计建材现货价格主稳个涨运行;

Real-time summary of national steel prices on December 13! - Lujuba



今全国热卷稳中涨跌, The range is 10-50. The market trading atmosphere throughout the day is deserted, and the overall transaction status is not good. Entering the off-season of consumption, steel enterprises are not willing to wait and see for winter storage. Most of the downstream terminals mainly purchase on demand, and the price is expected to remain stable tomorrow;

Today, the national cold rolling is stable and moderate, with a range of 10-30. The market is running steadily today, futures fluctuate at a low level, and the spot market sentiment tends to be cautious. Transactions are only concentrated on rigid demand and futures and spot speculative operations. Merchants are trying to promote shipments ,价格明显松动,预计明日冷轧市价稳中弱调;

Real-time summary of national steel prices on December 13! - Lujuba




Real-time summary of national steel prices on December 13! - Lujuba



今全国带Steel is running weakly, with a range of 10-30. Due to the increase in production costs, various steel mills are actively raising ex-factory prices, and merchants have to follow suit. Continue to take a cautious wait-and-see attitude.预计明日带钢价格震荡运行;

Real-time summary of national steel prices on December 13! - Lujuba



今全国型材价格涨跌均现,幅度10-50,成本支撑高位,市场强预期犹存,国内钢材市场处于消费Demand in the off-season is sluggish, but steel production costs and steelThe guiding price policy plays a certain guiding role in the current price trend.预计短期内型价主稳运转;

Real-time summary of national steel prices on December 13! - Lujuba



今日全国焊管价格持稳运行,幅度30,目前市场虽利好消息偏多,然受季节影响,强预期与The game of weak reality has intensified, the trading atmosphere in the spot market is relatively light, the recognition of downstream high-level resources is low, and the market sentiment for winter storage is low. It is expected that the pipe market will be stable and weak tomorrow.

Real-time summary of national steel prices on December 13! - Lujuba

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