Recommend Hollywood classic movie "Black Hawk Down", big scene war movie, real shock

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Hollywood is the center of the American film and television industry, bringing together many top film and television practitioners from all over the world. DreamWorks, Disney, Fox, Columbia Pictures, Sony Pictures, Universal Pictures, Paramount, etc. all gather together. It can be said that Hollywood is synonymous with the American film industry.

Recommend Hollywood classic movie 'Black Hawk Down', big scene war movie, real shock - Lujuba

Hollywood is famous for being good at large-scale productions and high-level movies. At present, the top ten global movie box office rankings are all made by Hollywood, which can be said to monopolize the global movie market.

Hollywood has become the center of global film and television fashion because of its huge social resources and economic support, as well as its control of the pulse of the film market. A system standing at the top of the pyramid must be successful.

recommends a classic movie "Black Hawk Down"

Recommend Hollywood classic movie 'Black Hawk Down', big scene war movie, real shock - Lujuba

is a typical Hollywood-style big scene war movie, adapted from the novel of the same name, directed by Ridley Scott, Josh Hartnett, Ivan Mack Starring Greg and Tom Sidesmore. The

film tells the story of the 1993 Somali War. The US Army engaged in protracted street fighting with Somali armed militias due to intelligence errors. This was only carried out by approximately 150 soldiers from the Army Rangers, Delta Forces and some SEALs within 1 hour. The small task that was completed was unexpectedly attacked by the local army and turned into a story of a 15-hour battle between trapped beasts. The plot of

is compact, fascinating, and the battle scenes are real and hot, leaving the audience in a tense atmosphere at all times. Like other Hollywood films, it succeeded in embedding American values ​​such as freedom, justice, peace, and humanity, as well as the central idea of ​​the United States, into the symbolic structure of the image, and escaped in the form of cultural and industrial products, and not only sold to all parts of the world. Lee, also successfully obtained the historical definition of this war.

In fact, no achievement can be achieved overnight. Just like Marvel’s superhero series, from the first "Iron Man" on the verge of bankruptcy to "Avengers 4" reaching the top box office in movie history, Marvel carefully laid out It took ten years to achieve such impressive results. The development of Hollywood is the same, having experienced high tides and lows, crossing mountains and rivers. Thanks to the efforts of generations of filmmakers in the United States, it has achieved its current status under various explorations.

my country's film market has been developing continuously in recent years. The emergence of different types of film masterpieces and the emergence of excellent film crews have given us hope. "Wolf Warrior 2" as the champion of the mainland box office also allows us to see the excellent performance in the big scene war movie. To build my country's own film industry brand, we still need to continue to work hard, and there is a long way to go.

Recommend Hollywood classic movie 'Black Hawk Down', big scene war movie, real shock - Lujuba
Tags: movie