"The Pentium Era" premiered at 1.391. Tong Dawei and Jiang Xin's single operation is simply mine

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   The ratings of the premiere of "Pentium Era" last night broke 1, and the ratings of CSM59 city reached 1.391%. The style of the drama is relaxed and lively, the pictures are full of the sense of the times, coupled with the powerful interpretation of Tong Dawei and Jiang Xin, won the audience's praise, and achieved real applause and popularity. You know, period dramas have always been dull and heavy. representative. And this time the "Pentium Era" was launched, the audience not only did not hesitate to stay away, but also urged Zhejiang Satellite TV to say: just one episode is not enough to watch!

'The Pentium Era' premiered at 1.391. Tong Dawei and Jiang Xin's single operation is simply mine - Lujuba

   "Tong Dawei Jiang Xin has beauty and acting skills, bickering and poor, but the lines are very enjoyable." "The period drama can still be shot like this?" "When I see Jin Canlan, I instantly understand the reason why I am single." It's bright, isn't this me..." The audience said one after another. After watching the single operation of Tong Dawei and Jiang Xin in "The Pentium Era", they instantly understood why they are still single. So the question is, what kind of operation has the audience resonated so strongly?

   It turns out that in the first episode of this drama, there are countless high-energy scenes of "single by strength".

'The Pentium Era' premiered at 1.391. Tong Dawei and Jiang Xin's single operation is simply mine - Lujuba

   First, Jin Canlan (played by Jiang Xin) wanted to ask Chang Hanqing (Tong Dawei), who was sitting by the window, to open the window to breathe because of motion sickness in the steam train. But Chang Hanqing, the returned engineer, not only refused the golden window. Instead, he used his excellent "science and engineering thinking" to show a wave of reasoning, saying that he inferred from the traveling state of the train that at this time the concentration of train soot was five times higher than usual, so he refused to open the window.

   Then the two had a dispute again in the car back to the factory about "whether motion sickness can open the window?"-Chang Hanqing was grabbed by Jin Canlan when he reached out to close the window and couldn't move his arm, as he just left the battlefield. The heroine, the strength of the machine gun can not be underestimated. After a few rounds, Jin Canlan got out of the car based on the principle of "people's army for the people", and went back to the locomotive factory after walking forty miles of mountain road in the rain. When faced with Feng Shigao (Zhao Da) who handed himself a raincoat, Jin Canlan said directly: "Climbing the ice and lying on the snow, what is this rain? Use it!"

   In addition, there are many ridiculous "single" golden sentences in the show. For example, when Jin Canlan heard others call herself a "lady", she uncomfortably corrected and said: Don't call me a lady. See clearly, I am a soldier! Presumably this sentence also speaks the voice of many girls (man) (children) now!

   Many viewers said that looking at these bridges, it was as if they saw themselves changing water with their bare hands and being uncomfortable with the opposite sex. Gradually, everyone was made into steel, and no one needs to take care of them. Therefore, even when the opposite sex gets along with each other before, "boys have to screw the bottle cap" The famous Raiders has now become a joke for everyone to ridicule the connotation.

   "The Pentium Era" wraps the connotation of the times with a relaxed appearance. It is a period drama that gets more and more moving. Whether it is an exceptionally exciting play or a line that makes people hooked, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Tonight’s plot will be even more exciting: Chang Hanqing asked a Soviet female expert for locomotive knowledge, but why was he treated as a hooligan? Can Jin Canlan help him get rid of the crime and return the truth to everyone? Don't worry, at 19:30 today, lock on Zhejiang Satellite TV, "Pentium Era" will give you the answer~

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