Taiwanese people were deceived to Cambodia, and the former "legislator" Guo Zhengliang of the DPP exposed the inside story

original 2401℃

Source: World Wide Web

[Global Web Comprehensive Report Reporter Zhao Youping] In the past few days, Taiwanese people have been lured to Cambodia by high salaries and incidents have been reported frequently. Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on the 17th that regarding the experience of Taiwanese in Cambodia, Guo Zhengliang, a former "legislator" of the Democratic Progressive Party, revealed the inside story, saying that due to the cancellation of foreign exchange controls in Cambodia and the popularity of Taiwanese fraudsters, if they are caught When they return to Taiwan, the sentence can be lighter, and Taiwanese who want to make "quick money" will go out to defraud their compatriots. Guo Zhengliang believes that this time it should be the Taiwanese who colluded with the sponsors to oppress the Taiwanese.

Taiwanese people were deceived to Cambodia, and the former 'legislator' Guo Zhengliang of the DPP exposed the inside story - Lujuba

Zhongshi News Network said that Guo Zhengliang disclosed in Zhongtian TV "Green also flips the table" on the 17th that apart from Singapore, in Southeast Asia, only Cambodia has lifted foreign exchange controls, and earned US dollars can be remitted to Taiwan. Guo Zhengliang believes that this time it should be the Taiwanese who colluded with the sponsors to oppress the Taiwanese. He analyzed that Taiwan's information transmission is fast, fraud has been saturated, and Taiwan is an "advanced" area for fraud, so it began to export, "Taiwanese have an 'advantage', so they are also 'popular' in places where fraud is being conducted, and the first is Taiwanese. He speaks Chinese, and the target of fraud is mainlanders; the second is that there are many 'visa-free countries', so you can go back and forth freely; the third is that there are certain 'technical requirements'." The show "Shaokang Situation Room" also broke the news that although the fraud cases occurred in Cambodia and Myanmar and other countries, it has nothing to do with them. Many Taiwanese gangsters have turned it into their "den of thieves", and then tried their best to attract Taiwanese to go there. Therefore, it is Taiwanese who are deceived, and Taiwanese are also deceived.

Guo Zhengliang also revealed that around 2015, Taiwan's telecom fraud industry plus online gambling was as high as NT$20 billion , while Taiwan's fraudsters plus "drivers" (people who specialize in helping telecom fraudsters withdraw fraudulent money) ) has 200,000 people, but the sentence for “fraud” is very light, and the total capacity of the prison is small, only 60,000. He revealed that from 2004 to 2015, the telecommunications fraud deported from overseas committed three or four thousand people, but only 500 people were sentenced, even if the sentence was only one or two years at most. Guo Zhengliang further said that many fraudsters are sentenced to probation after bail, and then continue to engage in fraud.

pointed out that the crime of fraud is a misdemeanor in Taiwan. Shen Fuxiong also revealed that many fraudsters changed their faces when they heard that they would be sent back to the mainland; but when they heard that they would be sent back to Taiwan, they smiled.

As for the current situation, Guo Zhengliang said that the local "Human Snake Group" is in a hurry to transfer victims to other locations, so they will traffic in human beings as soon as possible. Therefore, the number of victims held by the criminal department on the island is different from the outside world. In fact, some victims have been transferred to other areas.

Earlier, a number of Taiwanese businessmen introduced that once the people on the island had an accident in Cambodia, the only useful thing was to go to the Chinese embassy for help. Guo Zhengliang revealed that the current rescue method of the DPP authorities is actually to use money, and it costs about 20,000 to 40,000 US dollars to save a person.

Taiwan's United News Network published a comment on the 18th, saying that for many days, Taiwanese people were lured to Cambodia and other places to engage in fraud due to job hunting. In this regard, the DPP authorities were powerless and could only send police officers to hold up placards at the airport to dissuade them, or passively wait for civilians and other organizations to assist in the rescue. In recent years, the DPP authorities have repeatedly claimed that "there is a government and will do things" and "advance deployment", but when confronted with real tough battles, these slogans instantly turned into bubbles. The article by

Taiwanese people were deceived to Cambodia, and the former 'legislator' Guo Zhengliang of the DPP exposed the inside story - Lujuba

stated that fraud syndicates have been rampant since today. A few years ago, the mainland launched a crackdown on fraud crimes. Many members of Taiwanese fraud syndicates were arrested and tried on the mainland. In contrast, in the past, the suspect was brought back to Taiwan for trial, but the case was closed with a misdemeanor, with no punitive effect; now, it is to rescue the victim, but no one can be rescued. bad fruit. The two sides of the strait could have joined forces to deal with human traffickers and fraudulent groups, but now, the relationship between the two sides of the strait is "frozen", and the DPP authorities are even more helpless.

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