's actor Laura Bailey, who played Abby in The Last of Us Part 2, confirmed she would reprise her role in a third game if given the chance, calling her role her "best" one of the most influential roles".
While this is only fan speculation about the third game, when Abby's Laura Bailey recently told Comic Book Movie that she'll definitely be back in the role again, she's also noticing people There was a backlash against her, but she still called it one of the most "powerful" roles she's played to date.
Bailey said: "I will definitely go back to her. I know the role is dramatic and has a strong reaction, but it's one of the most impactful roles I've ever played in my life. If the opportunity arises, I'll go back 100% More Abby." Bailey also commented on the upcoming HBO Max live-action series, which she said looks fantastic and that she can't wait to see more.
Naughty Dog has yet to officially announce the third entry in The Last of Us series.