American producer: Superhero movies shift to focus more on supporting roles and dark characters

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American producer: Superhero movies shift to focus more on supporting roles and dark characters - Lujuba

On October 20th, at the "2019 Xiamen International Film Technology and Virtual Experience and International Film and Game IP Trading Exhibition", the theme was "The Cross-Border Integration of Film and Television IP and Games Forum", and the guests discussed the development status of global IP. After the meeting, when asked in an interview whether the most popular superhero IP in the United States has tired the audience, and what to do in the future, Gabriel Glenfield, chairman of the academic department, producer and screenwriter of the famous American Film Production Association (Representative works include "Copying Your Wife", "Extraordinary Battlefield", "True Destiny", etc.) gave his own views.

Gabriel believes that superhero movies in the United States did not actually show aesthetic fatigue, but turned to a new direction, which is now paying more attention to supporting characters and the stories behind dark characters. At the beginning, they focused on positive characters. story. A good example is "Black Panther" and "Joker", which are constantly digging into the value of IP.

As for some people's concerns, with the impact of home online on-demand such as Netflix, will theaters disappear in the future? He also made it clear that he would not. "When TV first came out, everyone said that the movie industry was dead, but the advent of TV made us more interested in movies. Movie watching is a collective activity. Netflix is ​​a beast, and Netflix is ​​doing global production. , Invest money in some small countries and regions such as Cuba, Israel, and the Netherlands, let them produce their own products, and then broadcast these products globally. If China is willing to take this ride, it can also enjoy a larger audience worldwide Basics. Netflix has also invested a huge amount of money to make movies. It now spends $150 million to make movies, first in theaters, and then on-demand at home, giving viewers their own choice. Netflix is ​​not only on-demand. Amazon, Apple, Netflix, all major film companies Think of them as enemies, because they break this rule, and its release is faster. But it is true that they invest a lot of money in making movies. Netflix gives producers and creators great freedom, so many people grow up The movie company went to Netflix."

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