The special meaning of the movie "My Motherland and Me"-people who enjoy the people

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The The special meaning of the movie 'My Motherland and Me'-people who enjoy the people - Lujuba

National Day gift film "My Motherland and Me" turned out to be of extraordinary significance.

first, created the narrative strategy of the gift film "Popular Aesthetics".

Mencius said: "Those who enjoy the happiness of the people also enjoy the people." In a word, the narrative strategy of "My Motherland and Me" is the common people's aesthetic strategy, which is "the happiness of the people." The "wind, thunder and lightning" of the big age determines the joys and sorrows of the little people, and the joys and sorrows of the little people reflect the "face and temperament" of the big era. The major events of the country and the personal life are always inseparable. "My Motherland and Me" cuts into the historical moment as a person from the perspective of ordinary people, trying to touch the heart rate and pulse of the times. The simplicity of the common people, the wildness of the grassroots, and the miscellaneousness of the bottom make the grand narrative feel emotional, with temperature, roots, and ground air.

Since the 1980s, with the shift from heroic history to civilian history, the main theme of the movie has also been transformed from heroic narrative to civilian narrative, and the sages who "belong to the world and the road crowns the past and the present" gradually become "constitutional forever". With "fireworks", and the civilian characteristics of leaders, heroes and role models who "stand for the world and life for the people" have also increased, and there is a tendency to become a background or embellishment, retreat behind the scenes, or even be absent. Don't talk about "Fenghou matter", don't talk about "everything will be accomplished", but give way to the protagonist and the stage to the grassroots little people, let it to the common people. The hustle and bustle of mass gatherings and parades, the joy of people at the turning point of history, have basically become a sentimental atmosphere. Those "big rivers and big rivers", "the past are noisy, there are thousands of songs and thousands of dances", the pictures and sounds unique to those times, All become the "dry cloud" of "Tuoyue". The greatest contribution of "My Motherland and Me" to the gift-tributing film is to express the personal feelings of the little people. As ordinary laborers, they proclaimed that "the people are also happy", and the people are the true creators and witnesses of history. .

The second is to change the grand narrative into "trivial narrative".

"My Motherland and Me" focuses on the theme of patriotism and presents the National Day in the form of a collection of 7 micro-films. It changes the grand narrative of the gift film "big body thinking fine", "daily narrative" for daily life, and "personalized". "Individual narrative" is the "trivial narrative" of "collection of arms and arms". This combination of time and change, "giving honor to noble" approach, expands the pattern of the gift film, demonstrating the courage of a great country that is inclusive of all rivers. From the content, it expands the connotation of "gift", breaks through the creative barriers that have consistently represented great heroes and role models for decades, emphasizes "fragmented, short, and mixed" in form, and emphasizes diversification, multi-leveling and Multi-faceted, in line with the individualized, self-oriented, and diverse psychological expectations of the public for patriotic emotional expression in the Internet age.

7 short films with different faces, deeply imprinted with the director's personality, each has its own merits. In general, the works with grassroots and strong comedic character are more favored by the audience. Why? Because comedy contains civilian optimism, it is the most acceptable form of individual narrative and daily narrative, and it is the most popular form of common people. Comedy is not only "mocking at the long play," more importantly, it is a kind ridicule of people's own weaknesses. In this regard, the three comedy short films of "Eve", "Win the Championship" and "Hello Beijing" are interspersed among the four main dramas and tragedies, which fit the comedy atmosphere of the national celebration and have the best reputation. They are "My Motherland and Me". The success has laid a solid foundation. The third of

is a milestone in the history of China's microfilm development.

anthology movies are also called multi-segment movies, which consist of several short films with the same theme. Looking at the selected films from abroad, Hong Kong and Taiwan, most of them are "a work" by the same director. Although they are divided into sections, their temperament and styles are generally similar.

"My Motherland and Me" is more blue than blue. The theme of the film is "patriotism", and the threading is "the moment when a national event happens". However, it revolves around a theme and is directed by 7 directors with very different styles. microfilm". Moreover, the bundle was released in theaters and won a good reputation and high box office. Such works can be described as rare. In this regard, "My Motherland and Me" has made the most successful attempt for the cinematization and marketization of a large number of microfilms in China, and has a pioneering and milestone significance in the history of China's microfilm development.

7 micro-films have their own merits, the current score is as follows:

"Eve" directed by Guan Hu, 9 points. The last-minute rescue mode is in place. There are only a few hours left to the founding ceremony, but if the national flag is to be raised smoothly, the situation is repeated. The small man Lin Zhiyuan who shoulders the heavy responsibility is racing against time, like crazy, the relevant personnel overcome all difficulties, and the people of Beijing are doing their best to help.In the end, the mission is accomplished. The characters are distinctive, with a tense rhythm, and full of humor. It is thrilling to photograph a "trivial matter" of raising the flag, which makes people smile.

"Encounter" directed by Zhang Yibai, 8 points. On October 16, 1964, China’s first atomic bomb was successfully detonated. In order to keep it secret, researchers dedicated their youth and love. The affectionate confession on the bus, sitting side by side but unable to recognize each other, the contradiction between the needs of the country and the love affair of children, is teary. But it is really unreasonable, unreasonable, and embarrassing to make a large and affectionate confession in a public space. If you can use the way of reading letters and voiceovers, maybe even more pressing.

"Win the Championship" directed by Xu Zheng, 10 points. The leader of 7 articles. The girl he likes goes abroad and the boy wants to give souvenirs. The neighbors in the neighborhood watch the women's volleyball championship in the 1984 Olympics and need a boy to adjust the antenna. He ran back and forth, struggling to the left and right. The drama of the short film is full of tension, the psychological portrayal is in place, and the nostalgic scenes are embarrassing, and the editing, director, and cutting are perfect.

"Return" directed by Xue Xiaolu, 7 points. The story of Hong Kong's return on July 1, 1997. Four threads are woven into a network structure: the flag-raiser Zhu Tao trains hard and does not slack off, the female Hong Kong police sister Lian is conscientious and safe, the diplomat An Wenbin negotiates with the British in 16 rounds of non-commitment; the watch repairer loves his wife and is dedicated to the motherland . Net-like narration is a taboo of micro-films. This film can be described as a "statement short film". I want to talk about everything, but it doesn't seem to say anything. No suspense, no conflict, no personality, similar to news reports and documentaries.

"Hello Beijing" directed by Ning Hao, 9.5 points. When the 2008 Olympics was welcoming, the show-off taxi driver failed to be a husband, a father, and was embarrassed everywhere. But Ah Q still had a mentality and a good heart. He resolutely gave him the opening ceremony ticket that he regarded as a treasure. Wenchuan earthquake orphans who went to Beijing. The stories of the little people in the big era are full of wit and can be called a textbook-like performance. Less wins more, simple wins more, full of gimmicks, full of laughter, but the story behind the lens is the underwater iceberg, reflecting the depth and strength of the prosperity and the age of the times.

"Day Meteor" directed by Chen Kaige, 5 points. Question: What is the relationship between poverty alleviation, the return of the prodigal son, daytime meteors, heaven and earth, and the return of the Shenzhou 11 spacecraft in 2016? Answer: It is difficult to understand why. Mysterious and mysterious, it is called the method.

"Convoy" directed by Wen Muye, 6 points. On September 3, 2015, at the military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the female pilots of "One Tendon" overcome psychological and physical obstacles, abandoned love, and finally fulfilled their childhood dreams and soared into the sky. Inspirational? patriotic? growing up? It has everything, but it doesn't seem to be enough.

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