7 real details of "Chinese Captain", bright watches are of great significance, Li Qin's waist hurt makes people distressed

movie 1780℃

"Captain of China" can be said to be a dark horse in the National Day file. The story happened until the movie was released, and it took less than a year to prepare, but it won high reputation and high box office on this National Day. Many wonderful scenes in the play let Some netizens commented: When watching a movie, I watched it with my friends. After watching the movie, my hands became thin. Xiao Pa didn't feel thin after watching the movie, but it was true that he held hands with his friends the whole time.

7 real details of 'Chinese Captain', bright watches are of great significance, Li Qin's waist hurt makes people distressed - Lujuba

As everyone knows, this movie is based on a real story. The details in the movie that are highly consistent with reality are also one of the reasons why the movie is well received. So Xiaopa will talk about the real little details in the movie.

7 real details of 'Chinese Captain', bright watches are of great significance, Li Qin's waist hurt makes people distressed - Lujuba

1. The flight attendant checked the fingers and watch of the flight attendant. Before the movie, the flight attendant held a routine pre-flight meeting, spot-checked a few questions about high-altitude flight, and checked the clothing, hairstyle and makeup of Li Qin and Zhang Tianai. These actions must not be unfamiliar to everyone, but there is one lens that is particularly pleasing to the eye, that is, everyone puts the watch on the time together.

7 real details of 'Chinese Captain', bright watches are of great significance, Li Qin's waist hurt makes people distressed - Lujuba

In reality, these are all necessary. The flight attendant inspects the nails before the flight to prevent the flight attendants from accidentally hurting the passengers during the flight. In addition to aligning the watch with the time, each crew member must wear a watch with pointers as required. Air flight is an important item that must be accurate. When it comes to minutes and seconds, once a passenger needs to be rescued due to heart diseases during the flight, a watch with pointers can also be used to time more accurately. I didn't expect simple actions to have such important meaning and long insight.

2. In the drama of the flight attendant's waist injury, there is a paragraph about Li Qin's waist injury. Many viewers do not understand why. In fact, waist injury can be regarded as an occupational disease of pilots, because the plane is overweight when taking off. Overweight will overload various organs of the human body. Everyone must maintain a sitting posture. The waist becomes the most important stress point. People who work on airplanes suffer from waist problems.

3, the captain and the flight attendant's couple combination in the movie Du Jiang and AngelaBaby as well as Ou Hao and Zhang Tianai are the combination of the captain and the flight attendant. In fact, flying in the air is a fascinating and somewhat lonely profession. Everyone can make up for the fascinating place. The lonely thing is that an airline is too big. Some people have never worked with other colleagues from entry to resignation.

is a small circle. If you want to find the other half, you have to look at "the grass beside the nest". So in reality, it is very common for the captain and the stewardess to fall in love and get married.

4. Repeated confirmation before the flight. Before the plane took off, the crew held a set of forms to check the various aspects of the plane. The plot was my favorite. It turned out that the flight crew did so much before we got on the plane. Preparation is not just about standing at the door and saying hello to us. The flight of

​​aircraft requires strict control and inspection of each link. Because of such professional inspections and a high sense of responsibility, the 500,000 people above us every day can smoothly reach where they want to go.

5. After the captain left the cockpit and flew for a while, Du Jiang went out to tease his sister for a while. At that time, Mencius had objections to the captain running out. After the aircraft enters the scheduled route, it enters the cruise state and can fly automatically after setting. At this time, the pilot can simply relax and have a cup of coffee and chat. In a "dual captain system" flight, the captain who is not performing a flight mission will also patrol the cabin to check the situation.

6. Air Force retired pilot changed to civil aviation. Captain Liu Changjian, played by Zhang Hanyu, is a retired soldier from the Air Force. In reality, this kind of air force retired to fly civil aviation aircraft complies with regulations. However, pilots must go through rigorous study, training and examinations. In the movie, Zhang Hanyu also mentioned that he was prepared to scold his master when he was undergoing training, which was also full of graphic sense.

7. Cracked cockpit windshield can be said to be the beginning of the climax of the whole movie. Not only Ouhao who was near the window flew out half of his body, but even the cabin was blew up.

This is the real situation. At an altitude of several kilometers, the windshield of the aircraft broke, and internal and external pressure and air flow worked together, and people who were close could not hear clearly. There is a lack of oxygen in the aircraft, objects may fly around, and even the cabin doors may be pushed open due to unstable airflow.

Therefore, the heroic Captain Liu was able to accurately control the aircraft despite challenging human limits and extreme hypoxia, without any of 36 possible mistakes.In case of a crime, the 119 passengers and all crew members were safely brought back to the ground. Why are they so awesome! He is a true hero!

With the in-depth study of "Captain China", many problems and loopholes in shooting have also caused controversy. However, in many details, the crew is still as close to the truth as possible. For the "hero crew" of the story prototype, "China "Captain" is also a movie worth watching, thank you for every hero who silently sticks to his post.

Tags: movie