This is a sky that belongs to the brave. Interpreting "Chinese Machine War" and facing the crisis of death

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During the National Day holiday, the whole country is celebrated. For a movie fan, going to the theater to watch a movie is the most comfortable. Compared with watching people and mountains in scenic spots and watching cars on high speed, it is quite happy. During the National Day schedule, coincided with the release of "Captain China" . "Captain China" once again set a box office record, and has already broken through 2 billion. gave the fans a feast of vision and soul. The storyline of the Chinese captain

​​film is already familiar to the audience. On May 14, 2018, Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8633 was flying from Chongqing to Lhasa at an altitude of 9800 meters. The windshield on the right side of the cockpit was damaged and fell off, causing the cockpit to suddenly lose. A serious flight failure occurred. After taking off, airplanes usually fly in an airspace of about 10,000 meters. At this altitude, the air is thin and the climate is cold. Therefore, the cabin needs to be pressurized and heated. It can be understood that the cabin is basically in a sealed state. Once there is a breach, the cabin will quickly lose. Temperature and pressure loss, and this aircraft failure happened to be a breach in the cockpit of the pilot, so it directly threatened the life of the pilot. The pilot is the soul of the aircraft. As the co-pilot was sucked out of the cabin, the cockpit environment was also extremely harsh. Safety is also in extreme danger. In this case, the audience's hearts are directly picked up. For the story that the audience is familiar with, the feature film has become a realistic "documentary". Shooting this kind of realistic film tests the skills of the director and the actors. If the director puts the filming on the narrative of the story, it will be difficult to attract the audience. Vibes. The director is very shrewd, and the film’s excitement is placed on the ups and downs of crises and the response to the emergence of crises and dangers. The director of

​​Liu Weiqiang, born in Hong Kong on April 4, 1960, is a photographer and director in Hong Kong, China. Fans who are accustomed to Hong Kong movies must remember that "Infernal Affairs" , in which Hua Tsai and Wei Tsai starring in the joint role, can be described as a perfect match.

This is a sky that belongs to the brave. Interpreting 'Chinese Machine War' and facing the crisis of death - Lujuba

Director Liu Weiqiang

​​The windshield of the plane was just cracked at first, which already made the audience worried. It was at an altitude of 9800 meters. The glass of the aircraft cabin was not a piece of car glass. The captain and starring Zhang Hanyu calmly told the tower that there was a crack. The critical situation formed a contrast, and the subsequent anxious calls from the tower and the anxious calls from nearby airplanes strengthened the contrast of the atmosphere. The psychological quality of the pilots can also be seen how strong the pilot’s mental quality is. If you think it’s the spectators who are flying the airplane, they are afraid to cry Mother, if I am, I am afraid that the glasses in "Assembly Number" will be on the battlefield for the first time.

This is a sky that belongs to the brave. Interpreting 'Chinese Machine War' and facing the crisis of death - Lujuba

Assemble number

​​In this era where there is no shortage of movie stars and drama, I have to say how smart the film crew chose Zhang Hanyu to play the lead role. If Wu Jinglai is replaced as the lead role, it will be more domineering and less calm. This sense of calmness is precisely the necessary temperament of a good civil aviation captain. Even if a pilot is a captain, he is like an ordinary person. Flying in ordinary years is a job, a career, and thousands of dollars. Just like ordinary workers, when you sit on an airplane, what you feel is ordinary.

​​is also a fan of Zhang Hanyu, from "Assembly" to "Water Margin" Hei Songjiang , look at Zhang Hanyu's style of acting for the characters, he will not be like those young people, yelling, Instead, he takes the audience directly into the play in peace; it will not be like the porcelain face deliberately cool for thousands of years, but with the evolution of the plot of "Chinese Captain", his expression also changes slightly. This kind of change is not big, but it is enough. If it is full of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, it will not look like a captain, but more like a circus clown.

Zhang Hanyu plays the captain

​​The plot of the film is also ups and downs, climax. First, the windshield cracked, and then the cabin windshield completely fell off. The audience's heart was squeezed severely again, feeling suffocated and sweating. Then the plane lost control and the altitude dropped rapidly. The passengers in the cabin could not bear this. The flight status changed rapidly, and some vomited. The passengers felt desperate. Even the stewardess was knocked out and passed out. The audience was already very nervous at this time. If it weren't for a realistic film, you know the plot evolution, really. I think an air crash is about to happen.

Yuan Quan, the actor of Bi Nan, the flight attendant, is a big beauty. Yuan Quan’s beauty is a kind of exquisite and noble classical beauty. It always gives people the feeling of a noble and noble temperament. She is working as a flight attendantFaced with the critical moment of life and death, her magnanimity, her ability to grasp the overall situation, and her temperament are in sharp contrast. It has to be said that the crew chose Yuan Quan to play the role of the crew chief.

​​In times of crisis, the captain has to deal with various unfavorable conditions of the aircraft, and also take care of the first officer who was pulled back from the cabin and injured. If she shows a trace of panic, the passengers will lose control even more. Bi Nan has handled all kinds of dangerous situations very well, the passengers' hearts have been soothed, and the audience's hearts have also been soothed.

Yuan Quan as the flight attendant

​​This is a true story, tells the story of bravery, mankind will always need the psychological desire of the brave, the box office of the film is inevitable, and the success of the film is inevitable, relying on real events. Sketching this story arouses people's inner needs and arouses people's yearning for heroes. Just like "Assembly Number", this film will undoubtedly become a classic in film history.

​​When the audience walks into the theater, they must want to see a high-quality film, at least a film that has no regrets. "Captain China" did it. Seeing the expressions of the audience walking out of the theater, it seems that they are still immersed in the plot and cannot let go. China needs a good film, especially a good film that promotes righteousness. A good film can be passed on for decades, and the heritage of the human spirit can be preserved, as this good film is passed on. With age, looking through old movies has become a habit. Old movies have their own Yan Ruyu, and old movies have their own golden houses! I hope I will have the opportunity to see this excellent film again in a few years, and maybe I will have another feeling. The world of

​​is contaminated with too much copper odor. When people's hearts are wrapped in copper odor, they need pure courage to water the soul, especially when courage is related to life. Just as the film "Superman" series was born during the economic downturn in the United States, in the era when the spiritual spring water is about to dry up, what is needed most is a relief of the soul. "Captain China" is the Chinese version of "Superman." The Chinese audience got a catharsis, as if they were the captain, flying the plane and saving the lives of passengers.

The American classic movie "Superman"

​​No matter how noble your status is, everyone is equal in the face of an air crash, but this "air crash" should be called an attempted air crash. With the crew successfully handling the crisis, Sichuan Airlines flight 3U8633 is in Chengdu The safety of Shuangliu Airport has ensured the safety of the 119 passengers and 9 crew members on board. In the end the plane landed safely, and the audience also landed safely with the passengers, and returned to their respective roles in life.

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