5 spy war dramas to be broadcast in the second half of 2019, there must be one you want to watch!

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In recent years, with the continuous emergence of domestic TV series,

not only saves the audience from the drama shortage, but also demonstrates the soft power of national culture. Among them, among the growing number of TV dramas, spy war dramas have always been welcomed and expected by the audience. Especially when many classic spy war dramas such as Liu Yunlong's "Hunting", "Kite", Sun Honglei's "Latent", Wu Xiubo's "Before Dawn" and many other classic spy war dramas came out in the sky, it has set off an upsurge of audience watching dramas, but also ushered in domestic production. A new era of spy war drama. Below, the author will set up 5 spy war dramas to be broadcast in the second half of 2019 for everyone to make a simple comment, spy war fans can choose to collect.

1, "The Sunset over the Long River"

Director: Zhao Yilong

Starring: Zhang Luyi / Zhang Junning and others

Plot review: The play focuses on the spy war route, the plot is ups and downs, and the cast is luxurious. Judging from the previously exposed posters and stills, it is also full of suspense. The story of the entanglement between the hero and the heroine also made the audience more and more curious. The official WeChat account is also continuously updated, pushing the latest news to the audience. In addition, the drama has a big feature in its cast. The heroine is Zhang Junning and the male lead is Zhang Luyi. This time in "Red", Zhang Luyi won the audience's recognition with his strength and interpretation, but also made The audience lingered for the play, and now it’s time to appear in "The Sunset over the Long River" again to earn the audience's expectations, and even make the play a hit before it airs.

5 spy war dramas to be broadcast in the second half of 2019, there must be one you want to watch! - Lujuba

2, "Man in the Game"

Director: Liu Yu

Starring: Zhang Yishan/Pan Yueming and others

Plot Comment: "The Man in the Game" can be regarded as a two-male lead TV series. In the drama, Zhang Yishan's Shen Fang is a military hero. , But it is actually a hidden underground party. Shen Lin, played by Pan Yueming, is an official of the KMT. He has doubts about his brother’s identity and put his brother in danger many times. However, after Shen Fang died, he was inspired to continue his revolutionary cause. Struggle, completed a personal transformation. The acting skills of Pan Yueming and Zhang Yishan in the play are obvious to everyone. Their confrontation will be one of the biggest highlights of the play. In addition, from the previously completed "Man in the Game", it can be seen even more. In addition to the two male protagonists on the plot that attract the audience's attention, the plot setting of the play is also eye-catching.

5 spy war dramas to be broadcast in the second half of 2019, there must be one you want to watch! - Lujuba

3, "New World"

Director: Xu Bing

Starring: Sun Honglei/ Zhang Luyi and others

Plot review: Looking at the TV drama market in the first half of the year, many TV dramas under the banner of realism, but in fact they have nothing to do with current life, survival and emotion Related suspended urban drama. And the era drama "New World" jointly created by Heli Chenguang and "Red" screenwriter Xu Bing adheres to the creative attitude of realism, restoring the historical atmosphere and historical texture with realistic techniques, which can be described as full of highlights in production. In addition, in addition to the director and screenwriter, the play has gathered many powerful actors such as Sun Honglei, Zhang Luyi, Yin Fang, Wan Qian, etc., which adds a lot of color and highlights to the play. Especially after watching the trailer, many netizens once chanted the slogan of staying up late to chase the show.

5 spy war dramas to be broadcast in the second half of 2019, there must be one you want to watch! - Lujuba

4, "Unknown Detective"

Director: Xie Ze

Starring: Wu Xiubo/Tang Yan and others

Plot review: "The Unknown Detective" is after "Heart" and "Divorce Lawyer", Wu Xiubo and Yaoke Media have joined hands again, as well as Zhai Tianlin Surprise joining, we must not worry about quality. Secondly, the drama is different from the suspense detective drama in the traditional detective narrative style. Each case is very unique. It spreads people’s attention from the case itself to the motives of each involved person, echoing the background of the era from 1924 to 1941. It promotes the spirit of patriotism and reflects that the life and death of an individual is extremely small in the face of national justice. In addition, it is worth mentioning that Tang Yan has a surprise appearance as the heroine, and powerful actors such as Ren Dahua appeared to join, which once made the audience look forward to it.

5, "The Eye of the Storm"

Director: Sands

Starring: Yang Mi / Zhang Binbin and others

Plot review: TV series "The Eye of the Storm" is an urban counter-spy drama directed by Sands, starring Yang Mi and Zhang Binbin, telling the story of quiet ( The story of national security personnel represented by Yang Mi (played by Yang Mi) and Ma Shang (played by Zhang Binbin), not afraid of dangers and always insisting on justice in their hearts, working hard to detect technology theft cases, and protecting the country's rare resources from being smuggled and traded by foreign forces. It is reported that the play focuses on the national security personnel fighting on the front line of covert reconnaissance, paying tribute to the unsung heroes who have made great contributions to national security. GuoanMinistry audit, so the quality should be guaranteed. And Yang Mi's acting skills have gradually been recognized by everyone in recent years, and the reputation has begun to improve, and Zhang Binbin's acting skills can also be. The team is very good, Guoan City counter-espionage theme, I look forward to it.

Are you looking forward to the above five spy war dramas to be broadcast? Or for which one has a soft spot, the code word is not easy, welcome to follow the message, like and share.

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