Wang Jiaer responded that he fell off the stage and injured his bones. Li Yugang, Guo Fucheng and others have suffered stage accidents.

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Wang Jiaer responded that he fell off the stage and injured his bones. Li Yugang, Guo Fucheng and others have suffered stage accidents. - Lujuba

Recently, Wang Jiaer held a new song party. At the end of August, "Wang Jiaer stepped off the stage and fell off the stage" once topped the Weibo search list. At that time, when Wang Jiaer stepped off the stage to interact with fans at a concert, he accidentally stepped off the stage and fell off the stage. Wang Jiaer responded at the new song party this time: "There is something wrong with the bones, but it’s okay."

To recall the situation at that time, when Wang Jiaer wanted to step off the stage and get closer to the fans, he suddenly stepped on it. Empty, fell heavily to the ground, and couldn't stand up for a while. It is reported that the occurrence of this accident was entirely a work error of the organizer: the huge gap on the original steps was actually covered by a black cloth.

Wang Jiaer responded that he fell off the stage and injured his bones. Li Yugang, Guo Fucheng and others have suffered stage accidents. - LujubaWang Jiaer responded that he fell off the stage and injured his bones. Li Yugang, Guo Fucheng and others have suffered stage accidents. - Lujuba

To hold a concert, there are so many things, there will be some things that are not taken into account or considered, but the safety of the artist should be the center of all work if there is no disorder, otherwise, if an accident occurs, the consequences will be serious Up. For example, the following stage accidents, even if a long time has passed, are still scary.

Li Yugang

As a young performance artist, Li Yugang performs more naturally. In a certain performance, Li Yugang appeared as the finale guest. However, the elevator platform on the stage shook suddenly with a loud noise and was unable to land. Li Yugang could only stand on the 5-meter-high elevator platform to complete the performance.

can be seen from the photo that Li Yugang squatted down afterwards, closed his eyes for fear of heights, and insisted on finishing singing.


SHE is a memory of countless generations born in the 80s and 90s. In the past, every three people combined would cause a scream. Now it is a luxury for fans to see the three sisters singing on the same stage again.

In 2014, at a concert, SHE had just finished singing a song and was about to step down to change clothes. Hebe suddenly fell. From the photos, you can see that Hebe was caught off guard at the time and was taken aback. Fortunately, No injuries.

Zhang Liangying

was also persecuted by stage lifts, and Zhang Liangying was also persecuted. In 2015 Jane Zhang's solo concert, Jane Zhang, who had a solid singing ability and typhoon's domineering, was really "pitted". When Zhang Liangying was backing, she suddenly fell into the closed stage lift. This sudden "missing" also caused extreme panic among the fans.

In order to finish the performance, Zhang Jianying returned to the stage after a short break. Even though she deliberately put on a long skirt to cover her legs, she could still see the large bruises on her arms.

Wilber Pan

Wilber Pan is not unreasonable since his debut, not only talented but also special efforts. On the eve of a concert, the restless Wilber Pan deliberately designed many high-altitude actions in order to achieve the stage effect in his mind.

had very high demands on himself, and was not satisfied with performing a high-altitude action more than a dozen times during the rehearsal. In the end, he fell from the height due to lack of physical strength. The concussion caused the concert to be cancelled.

Aaron Kwok

In 2012, Aaron Kwok also had an emergency in the final stage of his solo concert. During the performance, the steel wire of the lifting platform on the stage did not know why it broke, causing the lifting platform at the foot of Aaron Kwok to suddenly drop 2 meters, and Aaron Kwok's back fell heavily on the ground steps. Although Aaron Kwok stood up and continued to perform, afterwards, a friend revealed that Aaron Kwok's muscles and bones were slightly injured.

Christine Fan

Christine Fan suddenly fell from a 2-foot-high stage when a concert was about to end perfectly. At that time, her right elbow was severely bruised. You can see how painful Christine Fan’s expression is.

Everyone should remember that the music giant Huang Jiaju died young because he accidentally fell on stage and suffered serious injuries. Even so many years have passed, it is still a regret in people’s hearts. The deceased is dead, but I hope people can remember the lesson. , Avoid stage accidents, and try our best to protect the artists.

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