"The Climber" trailer Zhang Yi drags the tires, why doesn't this scene appear in the movie?

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has recently become very popular "Climber" has become a good choice for many netizens to go to the cinema to watch movies, because this movie tells the story of several mountaineers in our country climbing Mount Everest after the founding of the People’s Republic of my country. Among them, they have experienced a lot. After suffering, we finally successfully climbed Mount Everest, proving to the world that we Chinese can also climb this mountain of our own. It is because of this climb that

has shown our determination to safeguard national sovereignty to many ill-intentioned countries, so this also allows us to have absolute dominance in subsequent meetings about the ownership of Mount Everest. All in all, the significance of this mountaineering is very big!

'The Climber' trailer Zhang Yi drags the tires, why doesn't this scene appear in the movie? - Lujuba

Therefore, this blockbuster dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the motherland has been loved by many viewers as soon as it was released. As of today, it has gained more than 400 million box office and achieved a good result.

But in the movie, we still have some doubts. For example, before the movie was released, we saw Qu Songlin played by Zhang Yi pulling tires in the trailer, but when the movie was officially released, we found that That shot in the trailer did not appear. Why? Could it be that Zhang Yi didn't perform well, and then this scene was cut off?

'The Climber' trailer Zhang Yi drags the tires, why doesn't this scene appear in the movie? - Lujuba

Xiaoxia thinks it is not. When this episode appeared, the climbers were training, because some of them thought they could not complete the training content, so they were a little unconvinced with the coaches. Therefore, as the coach Fang Wuzhou personally played, showed them his superb skills, and convinced the players that these training contents can be completed. In the

'The Climber' trailer Zhang Yi drags the tires, why doesn't this scene appear in the movie? - Lujuba

trailer, the scene where Zhang Yi drags the tires, Xiao Xia is probably also to prove to the players that the coach can complete these training. As for why this episode was cut, Xiao Xia believes that it is because Fang Wuzhou has already done a demonstration before. If Zhang Yi plays again, it will be a bit repetitive and cumbersome. In addition, it is usually in the promotion of the movie, the trailer The content will adhere to the principle of not appearing in the feature film (Marvel has implemented this very well), so that more content can be shown to the audience, so the plot of Zhang Yi dragging tires does not appear in the feature film, and it is possible It is for this reason.

Of course, regardless of whether this plot appears in the feature film or not, the author believes that Zhang Yi’s performance in the film this time is impeccable. His performance of Qu Songlin is very vivid, and his impulsive and reckless character is vividly played by him, so Zhang Yi It is also because of this movie that attracted a lot of fans.

What do you think about the scene where Zhang Yi drags the tires this time did not appear in the feature film? Please leave a comment below!

Tags: movie