Homeland feelings in the movie theater

movie 2805℃
Homeland feelings in the movie theater - LujubaHomeland feelings in the movie theater - Lujuba

is sitting in the high-end contemporary cinema to watch "Wolf Warriors 2", brutal war, thrilling storyline. The fragments flying in the gunfire rushed towards me, and I subconsciously ducked, and the little girl next to me let out a soft laugh, like shrapnel from a movie wiping my ears. I blinked and returned to reality instantly from the magnificent three-dimensional movie. Why do I remember the scene of watching a movie on the small town Shaiguchang holding a small bench. We who were born in the early 1970s, in the eyes of our parents, are people who catch up with the good times. We have never experienced war or hunger. We belong to the happy generation born in New China and growing up under the red flag. The happiest thing we were so happy that year was the notice that came out on the big radio-the movie tonight. Hearing this inspiring good news, the elderly and children in every household rushed out and went to the Shaiguchang in front of the town health center to recognize their seats. Various benches, grass piers, and even half of the broken soil foundation are densely packed in the center of the Shai Valley at the fastest speed. The best location is naturally the small piece in front, which is not recognized by ordinary people. Most of them are taken by people living around. The bench at home is still in use, what should I do if it is not free? This is not difficult. I immediately took out a piece of old coal from my stove, rushed to the threshing floor and drew a circle that is neither square nor round on the ground, which is regarded as delineating the "sphere of influence" tonight, and then inside Hit a few crosses and swore the "sovereignty". As for the screening time, it's not accurate at all. It's all based on the experience of the projector-just look at how many people around you and it's almost the beginning. If it is the busy farming season, the projector will be very considerate to wait for those who are still working in the farmland. Knowing that there will be movies in the town, the people who work in the fields are also "kitten catching the heart". In the farmland, the heart has already flown to the threshing ground. They would eat dinner early and rush to the fields under the high sun to do farm work that can't be delayed. Seeing the sun set, he hurried out of the farmland, washed the mud on his hands and feet in the criss-crossing ditch of the small town, hurriedly rushed home, put on clean clothes and went straight to the drying valley. The Shaiguchang is very flat, and people who are short watching movies on a horizontal plane suffer. If they can't get a seat in the first row, they usually choose to stand on the last row or on the edge. Folks in the village, if they are tall and cover the people behind, they usually take the initiative to change seats. Except for changing the film halfway, no one would stand up and walk around. Someone stood up anxiously and walked out. The projector projected his bent figure onto the screen, and the audience immediately burst into laughter. Someone yelled—you go quickly to see you run onto the screen. Someone shouted with a smile, you are standing next to the female agent, kick her a few feet quickly. Sometimes, the big guy sits too crowded, some people can stand up for a large while going out, and the people who are attentively watching the movie are so anxious. Therefore, it is convenient for everyone to choose to change the film halfway, not to affect others, and secondly to not miss the plot of the movie. Sometimes there are too many people to go easily. Everyone begged the projectionist to wait. The projectionist agreed with a smile, but the people present could not help but greet loudly-you are hurry up. There was another roar of laughter, blowing like warm wind across the quiet town in the night.

Homeland feelings in the movie theater - Lujuba

I glanced at the little girl next to me, holding a big bag of popcorn in her hand. This is the standard feature for contemporary young people to watch movies-holding popcorn in her hand, and another drink, eating and watching. An alluring scent drifted into my nose casually, piercing into my heart and evoking childhood memories. In fact, when we watched movies, we also ate "popcorn", but the rice was Jingui at that time and we ate popcorn. When the master who walked through the alleys of the village came to the town carrying a fellow like a cannonball, the children rushed to tell each other, the adults carefully took out a bowl of corn kernels and sent them to be fried into popcorn. Put them away and just wait to eat them while watching a movie. Some people fry corn kernels at home to save money on frying corn. Fried broad beans and peas without corn, even fried melon seeds for the most high-end. The news of the movie tonight seems to have grown wings and flew all over the small villages and towns. Many people simply cancelled their plans to work in the farmland that night and stayed at home waiting for the good news. Taking advantage of this free time, quickly take out the melon seeds that I kept in my daily life, and fry them carefully until they are crispy and fragrant. It's just that watching a movie and eating melon seeds is a high-class and luxurious display of family strength, not everyone can afford it. Back then, watching movies was an important and coincident ritual. People were very concerned about watching movies only once in ten and a half months or even longer. In addition to bringing small snacks that you usually don’t want to eat, you also have to put on clean clothes like the festival, even afterI won’t wear it until 1 year. The young girl washed her hair clean, put balm on her face carefully, and put on beautiful clothes. Then they filled their pockets with popcorn, melon seeds, etc., and came to the pre-identified seats with joy, and stayed with the neighbors and folks who came to the Shaiguchang early. The generous person took out a handful of popcorn or melon seeds from his pocket and gave it to all "chat friends." Everyone politely gave way, and then happily took over the few snacks, eating, talking and laughing. The busy life was given a short and pleasant rest due to an open-air movie. The relationship also gained temporary intimacy because of this movie.

"Wolf Warrior 2" is still going on. The Chinese warship is sailing in the blue sea, and the special effects of the three-dimensional movie make people feel like standing on the blue sea. Watching the majestic warship passing by, it seems to be within reach. Back then, we cheered for watching a long-awaited black and white movie. The screen that was shown was a simple white cloth, not very white, and crumpled. This white cloth called the screen is hung on the wall at will. The four corners are fixed to the wooden stakes on the wall with ropes. Some wooden stakes are far away, and the rope is stretched too long, causing the screen to tilt no matter how it hangs. From a distance, it looks like a big white worm with several tentacles crawling on the wall strangely. The captain felt that hanging the screen like this was extremely unsightly, so he nailed four wooden stakes on the wall according to the length and width of the screen, so that there were more screens hanging up. If it is windy or rainy, the strong wind will blow up the screen, and the characters above will be distorted and deformed with the shaking of the screen, but this will not affect people's enthusiasm for watching movies, and there will always be a few enthusiastic people who run to death. Hold the screen until the end of the movie. One day, my little friend came to tell me that I was watching a widescreen movie tonight. As the little friend rushed to the Shai Valley field, he saw that the wall hanging on the wall was a brand-new, big white cloth, which was nearly twice the size of the original screen. The movie began, and the characters on the screen were clear and lifelike. The old people said excitedly that the people in the movie are as big as the real people, and they should be standing on top to show us. Since having this kind of wide screen, it has not been positive to recognize seats on the Shaiguchang, because the characters on the screen are big and can be seen from far away. We can sit on the high river beside the court. Watch a movie on the ridge. Later, there were more and more people on the river ridge. The neighbor patted his son on the head and said, "You kids have a way to sit on the river ridge and watch a movie. Not only do you have to worry about being blocked by someone, but the filming is finished. Just go home without lifting the bench.

"Wolf Warrior 2" is still going on, the actor Leng Feng was firmly held down by a large iron plate, and he watched with tears the unarmed compatriots and the local innocent African workers were wantonly killed. The bullet rained on the panicked crowd, and the people gushing out of the house fell into a pool of blood. Leng Feng's cell phone sent a video to the Chinese warship that could not be approached. The young officers looked at the bloody scene angrily but had no choice. As time passed, the audience in the audience had already raised my throat with my heart, and kept crying, why not fire, hurry. At this time, the officers on standby on the warship finally got the order. Before the order was read, the captain roared with tears in tears-"fire". In an instant, a shell fell on the enemy's position, the tank was blown into the sky, and the flame-jetting machine gun instantly misfired. I finally let go of my tightly holding hand, and let out a long breath. Next to me, the little girl sneered and hummed again. In a gaffe, I raised my hand and wiped the tears that were quietly flowing from the corner of my eyes. Why did I think of the movie "Shangganling" that I watched in Shaiguchang back then.

At that time, among the many beloved war "blockbusters", I liked "Shangganling" the most. I can't remember how many times I watched this black and white movie. After being attacked by enemy aircraft and artillery many times, the Volunteer soldiers stayed in the tunnel with harsh environment, lack of food and medicine and no water. The warriors’ chapped lips were full of bubbles, and they opened their mouths to the occasional drops of water dripping from the cave rocks, but they passed the only apple to each other, reluctant to take a bite. The enemy launched more than 20 offensives. Our army suffered heavy casualties, the instructor was seriously injured, and a few soldiers held on to their positions. Every time I see this, my little one bursts into tears. The little friends sitting in the dark, staring at the screen on the wall, whispered and eagerly shouting why the army is not coming, the army is coming. When the familiar Charge horn sounded, we all shouted excitedly, firing, and firing. Seeing the volunteer soldiers leaping out of the trenches carrying the blasted five-star red flag, we stood up and clapped our hands and shouted-we have won. Remember the firstWhen watching "Shangganling" once, when the instructor sacrificed his life, some viewers even cried bitterly. No one laughed at them, but comforted them softly. The battle was long gone, now there is peace, and we have a good life. Both the teacher and the elders in the family said that the movie "Shangganling" was adapted from real events on the Korean battlefield. I have been asking, why does our country not dispatch a large number of planes and artillery? Using machine guns to hit enemy planes, many soldiers were hit by bullets from enemy planes, bleeding and sacrificed. My father pointed to my nose and said softly, "You were still young. You didn't know that our country really didn't have that many aircraft and cannons during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea." I didn’t believe my father’s words. I led my friends to "manufacture" machine guns, carbines, and pistols with cornstalks, but I regret that these "weapons" are fake, or I can give them to volunteer soldiers to fight the enemy. When I grew up, I checked the relevant history books and found out that what Dad said back then was true. When the Korean War broke out, our new China's first aviation force was formally established less than a week ago, and there were fewer than 200 combat aircraft. How could the newly born Republic Air Force compete against the American forces that had already demonstrated their skills on the battlefield of World War II? In the

projection hall, Leng Feng's injured arm was wrapped with a five-star red flag, standing on the forward truck. The belligerents stopped the war as soon as they saw the Chinese flag, allowing vehicles full of Chinese workers and some Africans to pass through the war zone to safety. The workers successfully boarded the Chinese warship and returned safely to the embrace of the motherland. I am gratified that our motherland can drive a warship across half of the earth to rescue our compatriots from the war. And I also know that this movie was shot against the background of several Chinese overseas evacuation incidents in recent years. At the end of the film, a Chinese passport appeared on the screen with a sentence like this-"Citizens of the People's Republic of China: When you encounter danger overseas, don't give up! Please remember that behind you, there is a powerful motherland! ". Seeing this, tears broke down. The motherland not only has the aircraft and artillery that I envisioned back then, but also has military forces that can protect national security. In today's motherland, the comprehensive national strength has been greatly improved, which can bring enough security and honor to the people of the country. At this moment, the tears I shed are no longer sadness, but a kind of unspeakable pride and pride, which are tears of excitement and happiness. Out of the cinema, strolling in the tranquil night. A city full of tall buildings, clean and spacious streets, flashing neon lights, and private cars passing freely. Here, there are the warm homes we have lived in for generations, the land cultivated by our ancestors, and the careers we have worked hard for. This is our country that has become prosperous and strong, a peaceful and tranquil country. The episode "My Motherland" in the movie "Shangganling" echoed softly in my ears: a big river with wide waves, the wind blowing on both sides of the rice flowers. The friend comes with good wine, if the jackal comes, there is a shotgun to greet him. Bless you, my motherland!

Tags: movie