The tribute film "My Motherland and Me" premiered, three generations of filmmakers moved to tell the story behind the scenes

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"Tell everyone the good news that the Chinese women's volleyball team has won the championship again, ten consecutive victories!" Last night, Xu Zheng shared the good news with the audience at the premiere of the movie "My Motherland and Me", and he happened to be in the movie. Filming "Win the Championship" tells the story of the three consecutive championships of the Chinese women's volleyball team. Just like "Winning the Championship", the seven classic moments of the Republic were included in the movie "My Motherland and Me" by seven directors, bringing the audience back to the passionate historical moments, making the premiere scene full of passion and passion. Moving. At the premiere of

The tribute film 'My Motherland and Me' premiered, three generations of filmmakers moved to tell the story behind the scenes - Lujuba

movie "My Motherland and Me", seven directors and leading actors Chen Kaige, Zhang Yibai, Guan Hu, Xue Xiaolu, Xu Zheng, Ning Hao, Wen Muye told the story of behind-the-scenes filming. Chief producer Huang Jianxin said emotionally that when the film was completed two weeks ago, he and director Chen Kaige were crying, "After watching, we both started shaking hands. I felt that the hard work this year was okay and a little excited." Director Chen Kaige said that the reason why he linked the landing of China on the 11th to poverty alleviation in the story "Day Meteor" is to talk about the theme of "change", "If a person can encounter a historical opportunity that has been changed, , The power generated is incredible. The landing of Shenzhou 11 changed the fate of the two teenagers, allowing them to see new hope. The real landing place of Shenzhou 11 is Siziwangqi in Inner Mongolia, where all the children are now Everyone will draw the return cabin.” In this story, Tian Zhuangzhuang, who plays the director of the Office of Poverty Alleviation, said: “The Meteor by Day is a dream. In a deserted land, people want to be rich and have a dream of self-esteem. Shooting in Dunhuang At the time, I did feel the size of our country and the tremendous changes in people’s mental outlook. If this dream can continue, I don’t want to wake up."

The tribute film 'My Motherland and Me' premiered, three generations of filmmakers moved to tell the story behind the scenes - Lujuba

Director Ning Hao’s story "Hello Beijing" is very Grounded, he told the collective memories of 2008 through the perspective of a Beijing taxi driver. Actor Gong Beibi said: "2008 should be a happy and a sad year for the whole of China. Sadly, the Sichuan earthquake, and the happy event is the hosting of the Olympic Games. "Hello Beijing" combines these two events very well. In fact, the Chinese are here. When encountering difficulties, hearts merge together.”

The tribute film 'My Motherland and Me' premiered, three generations of filmmakers moved to tell the story behind the scenes - Lujuba

Zhang Yibai's "Encounter" tells a love story behind the success of my country's first atomic bomb. Actor Ren Suxi introduced: "This short clip is about those who are unknown to contribute to the motherland. The perspective is very special. Therefore, we have learned many people in that era who really dared to dedicate their lives to the country. They are worthy of respect. It’s worth remembering.” Two post-90s actors Zhou Dongyu and Peng Yuchang also unanimously stated: “No matter how many years later, our love for the motherland is the same.”

Xu Zheng revealed that he claimed the story of "Winning the Championship". It’s because the women’s volleyball championship in 1984 was a moment when I was very impressed when I was a child. “At the time I was 12 years old, I remember that the adults in my family were very excited. I was also excited. I thought it was a very sacred time. The scene of watching TV together in the alley is restored.”

and director Guan Hu's "Eve before" is about the founding ceremony that he has not personally experienced. "In the beginning, I didn't know how to shoot. Later, I learned that when Chairman Mao raised the flag, there was an engineer standing next to it, so I aimed the camera at the little people behind the great men who worked hard for the founding ceremony."

also tells the story of raising the flag and "Return" directed by Xue Xiaolu. She revealed that after choosing the subject of Hong Kong's return, she only sent a WeChat message to Hui Yinghong and Ren Dahua, and soon received a reply from the other party saying "no problem". The film was shot in Hong Kong throughout the entire filming process, and the team is from Hong Kong. During the filming process, she deeply felt that Hong Kong and the Mainland are as close as one family. Hui Yinghong recalled that on the day of Hong Kong’s return, she was particularly touched by herself. “When I was a child, I begged foreigners in the red light district. I experienced too much bitterness and bitterness. So when I returned, my tears flowed. When the five-star red flag is raised, I can proudly tell everyone that I am Chinese!" Ren Dahua said: "What is returning is not only the territory, but also the soul. When we go home, our hearts are at ease."

Director Makino showed the unique style of female pilots in the story of "Convoy". He said that this story should not only reflect the "handsome" of the pilots, but also the self-confidence of today's young people.Mostly the motherland escorted us. Now that we grow up, whether we are pilots or filmmakers, we have to escort the motherland in our own way. "

Guo Fan, Bidding for the Olympics, Yao Tingting, Liang Xuan, Zhang Disha, Wen Shipei, Dong Runnian, Yuan Yuan, Li Fei, Su Lun and other young directors also came to the premiere that night. Chen Kaige was a young generation of film workers. Send a message: "I hope that on the 80th birthday of the motherland, we can see the birthday gifts offered by these young directors to the motherland. "

Source: Beijing Daily client

Author: Li Li

Photography: White Following the opening

Producer: Zhou Nan Yan

Editor: Off article

process editor: Wang Hongwei

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