"The Climber" premiered in Shanghai, Wu Jing received "mother fan" on the spot

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Zou Shiming: Every one of us is a climber

The world premiere of the movie "The Climber", we also invited national model workers, national advanced workers, national May 1st labor medal winners, and Olympic champion Zou Shiming, world champion Pan Xiaoting, etc.

Zou Shiming said after the screening: "I believe that everyone has a mountain in their heart, and each of us is a climber. Although there may be only a few people who climb to the top, we Chinese are also all ladders, so we can climb up. People step on our shoulders and stand in the highest place in the world." World champion Pan Xiaoting also said with emotion: "There is no shortcut or fluke to success. The road to success will take a lot of hardship and effort.As an athlete standing on the highest podium and seeing the national flag rise and play the national anthem, I feel that these efforts are worthwhile, paying tribute to the creator of the stage and the heroes of climbing. "

Source: Beijing Daily client

Author: Wang Jinyue

Producer: Li Hongyan

Editor: Off article

process editor: Wu Yue

Tags: news