Director Song Yeming: "Diplomatic Storm" is a grand symphony that penetrates history and transcends the world

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  The epic epic "Diplomatic Storm", a major revolutionary historical theme, is currently being broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV and Guangdong Satellite TV. As the main melody TV series dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, the series strongly led the screen gifting season. It not only won the escort of the leaders of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and the leading group of major revolutionary historical themes of the central government, and the strong support of the chief producer Zhao Yifang, but also gathered many The first-line chief creator and actors play bones. This panoramic TV drama about New China's diplomacy has been praised by many parties and received rave reviews once it was launched. It has become the most imposing, brightest and most popular literary and artistic peak in the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

   This is the "Ice Breaking Journey" of "Diplomatic Storm" and the "Ice Breaking Journey" of Song Yeming, the director of the play. Song Yeming had mixed feelings from the anxiety before the filming to the calm and confident after filming. Recently, Song Yeming accepted an exclusive interview to reveal for the first time the story behind the shooting of "Diplomatic Storm" and his insights.

Director Song Yeming: 'Diplomatic Storm' is a grand symphony that penetrates history and transcends the world - Lujuba

"breaking the ice" pursuing the balance between the main theme, emotion and narrative

  Q: As a director, judging from your creative experience, almost all of them are military or major revolutionary historical themes. Why are you keen to shoot such subjects?

  A: Military works can offer many things and have the nature of future wars, allowing the audience to objectively understand the current environment and possible future situations, and inspire our military in improving the quality of soldiers and dealing with future wars. Generate value. Regarding such revolutionary historical works as "The Wind and Cloud of Diplomacy", I want to present the miracle of New China's diplomacy to the audience in the form of a TV drama.

  Q: What is the mission of this revolutionary historical drama?

  A: Propagating an independent foreign policy of peace is the soul of this drama, and it is also the mission that revolutionary historical TV dramas should carry.

  Q: What aspects do you value most when choosing a work? What attracts you most about Diplomacy?

  A: See whether the subject matter is novel and unique, and whether the content can move me. "The Wind and Clouds of Diplomacy" is an epic film that describes the diplomacy of the People's Republic of China in a panoramic manner. It is characterized by big themes, big figures, big vision and big themes. In the past film and television works, although some diplomatic events have been more or less disclosed, some diplomatic stories have been told, but the ice-breaking journey of New China’s diplomacy is truly displayed, the strategic policy of New China’s diplomacy is fully demonstrated, and the international society station is three-dimensionally restored. The wonderful game behind the scenes, this is the first one.

  Q: Many major historical military dramas are adapted from real history, so there will always be a problem, that is, they may all be listing events, which looks boring. How do you balance the relationship between true stories and artistic creation?

  A: The whole drama is based on the documentary style, coupled with freehand techniques to create the historical reality through characters and scenes. However, the meaning of TV dramas is not the accumulation of materials and the listing of events, but to let the audience feel a spirit and inspire a kind of strength from watching. We have added many details to the play, such as Mao Zedong’s true feelings revealed in "Three Banquets", such as inspiring lines, etc., allowing this work of art to restore the true diplomatic history while adding more dramatic effects.

  Q: Do you have any different understanding of the "ice-breaking journey" of Chinese diplomacy before and after the filming?

  A: New China's diplomacy has embarked on a thrilling and heart-stirring ice-breaking journey. Before the filming started, I did have a kind of anxiety as if walking on thin ice, but as I gradually got into the depths of history and talked with great men, my heart was at ease with the in-depth understanding of this grand history. We follow the progress of the filming and review the difficult and tortuous path of the New China's diplomacy, so we can break through the siege and stand on our own among the nations of the world, because we are not afraid of any external forces and firmly safeguard national interests; we always adhere to an independent and peaceful diplomacy Policy, establishing diplomatic relations with countries around the world... Today, I have the honor to restore this extraordinary history in the form of art, open a door to history for contemporary audiences, and dedicate a grand symphony that penetrates history and transcends the present. I feel honored.

Director Song Yeming: 'Diplomatic Storm' is a grand symphony that penetrates history and transcends the world - Lujuba

High-rise building, pursuing great historical depth and grand strategic height

  Q: What was the biggest problem you experienced from pre-production to shooting to post-production? How to solve it?

  A: First, prepareThe work is quite cumbersome and complicated. The number of important foreign heads of state and world organization group leaders involved in the play alone amounted to more than 20 people; secondly, a large number of important historical events were recorded in the play, many of which took place abroad, and a series of magnificent diplomatic historical facts. Increased the difficulty of shooting.

   In order to make this drama well, our main creative staff browsed and studied the diplomatic history of the early 30 years of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and went to the Central News Documentary Film Studio to carefully watch the documentary about diplomatic history in one week. Look for creative inspiration from various angles such as, modeling, etc. In the early stage of filming, we carefully studied the national cultural characteristics of the countries involved in the play to ensure that the characters are exquisite in the environment, costumes, and etiquette. In the selection of actors, we also adhere to the standard that actors should be similar in appearance and spirit. In the play, my country's first generation of leaders are played by domestic first-line special actors, and leaders of other countries are also looking for suitable candidates from their own actors.

  Q: You have cooperated with Tang Guoqiang many times. How do you evaluate Tang Guoqiang?

  A: I have cooperated many times with Teacher Tang. In this play, I constantly exchanged views with Teacher Tang and inspired his creative passion. Many touching details were carefully designed by Teacher Tang. He He is a very good actor.

  The era of offering gifts, tracing the epic background and playing the grand symphony

  Q: From the perspective of the market and the audience, what do you expect from the drama Diplomacy?

  A: To create new ideas on the basis of respecting history, which will be accepted and liked by today's audiences, especially young audiences.

  Q: This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. There are endless dramas at this node. As a director, how do you think the dramas have made a major contribution to many outstanding works?

  A: Every drama has its own pursuit. Before shooting, my requirements for each department are: art should be based on magnificence, especially in foreign environments. In addition, since New China's diplomacy started from poverty and vain, simplicity and simplicity are its keynote.

   The photography technique should be based on the documentary style, and appropriately increase the jumping of the sub-scene, especially the rendering of the spy war scene, so as to mediate the monotony of the drama. At the same time, I hope that music can add infinite emotion and emotion to our works. tension. Under strict requirements, "The Wind and Cloud of Diplomacy" showed the effect I expected, that is, a big pattern, a big vision, and a big sentiment. This is our capital.

  Q: "The Wind and Clouds of Diplomacy" is the first TV drama to describe the magnificent diplomatic history of New China in a panoramic manner. What do you think is the practical significance of creating this drama?

  A: The focus of this drama throughout is Taiwan. Mao Zedong pointed out on many occasions that the Communists should not lose an inch of the land left by the ancestors! We must liberate Taiwan and complete the reunification of the great cause of the motherland! To this day, Taiwan has not yet returned, and the Taiwan issue is still the focus of China's diplomacy. This is also the practical significance of our filming "Diplomatic Storm."

  Q: The TV series "Marshal Peng Dehuai" that you and Ma Jihong screenwriter and producer Gao Jun collaborated with has won many awards in Chinese TV series, and has also been praised many times by the central leadership. How do you feel about working together again?

  A: Both Ma Jihong and Gao Jun are my old friends. Today, we are fortunate to use the form of art to restore this extraordinary history, opening a door to history for contemporary audiences, and dedicating a piece that penetrates history and transcends We all feel honored by the grand symphony of this world.

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