"Black Widow" independent film, can answer 10 questions in the MCU for us

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To be honest, MCU has also had prequel movies before. The first Captain America and Captain Marvel movies took place in the past and are basically prequels. But this is different from the "Black Widow" movie to be released next year. This is the first real prequel movie of Marvel Studios, and the character has died permanently.

Black Widow’s background is quite mysterious in the MCU. Whether it’s Captain America or Thor, we basically know their origins, but we don’t know much about Black Widow Natasha Romanov (comic Except fans), as far as Black Widow is concerned, there are many unsolved problems. Through the "Black Widow" movie, we can expect to get answers to some questions. Here are 10 questions summarized by Xi Shao. Let's take a look. It is important to emphasize that although the answers to some questions can be found in comics, this article mainly refers to movies.

10. Who is Ivan?

'Black Widow' independent film, can answer 10 questions in the MCU for us - Lujuba

Whenever someone comes to the planet Vormil, the Red Skull will say their parents' names to confirm their identity. When Hawkeye and Black Widow arrived, the Red Skull referred to Hawkeye as the "son of Edith" and the Black Widow as the "son of Ivan".

Hawkeye does not believe that soul gems require sacrifice, because he believes that his parents’ names do not represent much. But then the Black Widow said that she didn't know her father's name, so she tended to believe the Red Skull. This may be the background story of Natasha in "Black Widow", we will discover who Ivan is in the movie.

9. What happened to the Sokovia Agreement?

'Black Widow' independent film, can answer 10 questions in the MCU for us - Lujuba

"Captain America 3: Civil War" revolves around the Sokovia agreement, but the movie later evolved into a battle between Iron Man and Captain America, instead ignoring the important Sokovia agreement. Peter Parker knew about the agreement in high school, but everything seemed normal in "Avengers 3." The background of

"Black Widow" is set in 2017, just after the Civil War and before the Infinite War. Therefore, Xi Shao personally hopes to get some answers about the Sokovia Agreement in the movie.

8. How did the black widow escape from the red house?

'Black Widow' independent film, can answer 10 questions in the MCU for us - Lujuba

Xi Shao said earlier that the black widow in the MCU is full of mystery. So far, we have only seen her past in a few flashbacks of "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" (controlled by the Scarlet Witch). Time).

We only know that she was trained as an assassin in a place called the "red house" since she was a child. But we don’t know why she entered the Red House, nor how she escaped from the Red House and turned to work for SHIELD.

7. What is the difference between sacrifice for soul gems and ordinary death?

Many people believe that the sacrifice of Black Widow in "Avengers 4" is far more complicated than it seems on the surface. Dying for the soul gem is different from any other way of death, because even if the Hulk possesses the power of six infinite gems, it cannot bring her back to life.

This has led to many fan theories. As of today, the latest news says that the black widow may not be dead. The reason for this is that the black widow’s hairstyle in a leaked photo is the same as the hairstyle at the time of death.

6. When did Black Widow and Hawkeye become friends?

Among the six original Avengers, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner came together because they were both scientific geniuses; Steve Rogers and Thor came together because they were both fighting madmen; Natasha Romanoff and Clint Button came together because of their relationship with SHIELD. There is nothing to say about the relationship between Hawkeye and Black Widow. Both can sacrifice for each other, but we don’t know how they became good friends. Therefore, in the prequel centered on the individual black widow, it is the best time to explore the relationship between the two. It has not been confirmed whether Hawkeye will appear in the movie, but the answer seems to be yes.

5. Why is there no funeral for the Black Widow?

Iron Man had a grand funeral in "Avengers 4", but Black Widow did not. This issue has always been controversial. Marvel's official explanation is that there is no more Iron Man in the MCU, but Black Widow still has an independent movie.

Some people have speculated that there will be Natasha's funeral in the "Black Widow" independent film, and Hawkeye will deliver a eulogy at the funeral. But will it be what people guess? one way or another,Natasha needs a funeral.

4. The relationship between Bruce Banner and Black Widow

Jos Weeden’s most controversial adaptation of Marvel Comics is to form the CP of Bruce Banner and Black Widow. On the surface, there is no chemical reaction between them, and they are not particularly well-matched. The only female avenger at the time became a sad girl.

However, this relationship was short, because the Hulk flew away on the Quinjet. Marvel did not solve their relationship, so independent film is an opportunity to solve the problem.

3. How did Black Widow and Captain America form the Secret Avengers?

Between "Captain America: Civil War" and "Avengers 3: Infinity War", Captain America, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Vision and Black Widow formed a secret avenger.

And the story of "Black Widow" is set after the Civil War, will it end at the end of the movie when Natasha receives a call from Captain America? Or Natasha called Captain America and eventually formed the secret Avengers team. But if this is the case, it means that Captain America will also return in the movie.

2. What happened in Budapest?

Over the years, Black Widow and Hawkeye have mentioned things in Budapest many times. When the Black Widow compared the experience of the Battle of New York with the experience of Budapest, Hawkeye smiled and said that they had different memories. When the two went to the planet Vomer in "Avengers 4", they mentioned Budapest again. Therefore, the Budapest incident should be very important to the two.

Marvel has not yet confirmed whether Hawkeye will make a cameo in "Black Widow", but if so, there may be a flashback about the Budapest mission.

1. Why is there an independent movie after the death of Black Widow?

The sacrifice of the Black Widow in "Avengers 4: Endgame" is a blow to many fans, but what is even more confusing is that she also has an independent film, a prequel movie for a dead character What is the meaning?

Although the Hulk tried his best, the Black Widow was still not resurrected, and it was confirmed in Spider-Man: Far From Home that she was indeed dead. Therefore, the biggest question of the "Black Widow" movie is, why does the Black Widow still have her own independent movie after her death?

Tags: movie