"Extreme Escape", a dark horse in Korean movies! Can a disaster film be made with little money? Criticizing the gap between the rich and the poor resonates?

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'Extreme Escape', a dark horse in Korean movies! Can a disaster film be made with little money? Criticizing the gap between the rich and the poor resonates? - Lujuba

Mtime.com feature Disaster movies are difficult to shoot. Although natural and man-made disasters are not uncommon, they are difficult to show on the big screen. Hollywood disaster films "2012", "The Day After Day", "Titanic", and "Doomsday Collapse" each have their own characteristics in terms of special effects and stories. It is even more difficult to make a non-Hollywood disaster film that is popular and popular.

Korean filmmakers always like to challenge Hollywood. On the other hand, they are also the embodiment of learning Hollywood. In the current Asian film scene, Korean disaster films have certain advantages in terms of quantity and quality. The previous Korean disaster films "Invasion of Ironworms", "Haeundae", "Tunnel", "Pandora" and "Skyscrapers" have all received good reputations, and the content also involves viruses, natural disasters, accidents, man-made disasters and so on.

Compared with Hollywood, the shortcoming of Korean disaster films is still in special effects. After all, the investment difference between the two sides is several times, and the gap between the big scenes is inevitable.

The dark horse of the Korean movie "Extreme Escape" in 2019 is also a disaster film. This work is very clever to use its strengths and avoid weaknesses. Special effects are not the selling point of the film, but rather innovative scripts and action scenes. Under the premise of insufficient funds, how to make a disaster film that is full of dangers and endless surprises? "Extreme Escape" gives a good answer.

'Extreme Escape', a dark horse in Korean movies! Can a disaster film be made with little money? Criticizing the gap between the rich and the poor resonates? - Lujuba

1. Clever disaster settings, no special effects of mountain whistling and tsunami are needed.

The disaster in "Extreme Escape" is man-made. A Korean chemist who was frustrated at work was fired from the company. He successfully developed a powerful poison gas, but he did not After getting the patent right, the company kicked it away. This may also explain from the side that the work pressure of Koreans is great, not just the chemist who caused the accident, but the pressure of life in Korea is reflected in almost every character in the film, which will be discussed later. The

chemist drove a gas tanker full of poisonous gas one night and chose to release poisonous gas in a prosperous part of the city. The rapid diffusion of

poisonous gas has caused people in a few blocks to suffer. Without the protection of gas masks and protective clothing, humans will die within minutes of inhaling. A small half of the city was captured by poisonous gas, and the hero and heroine began to flee from life to death, and died in the poison ring after running slower.

Seeing this is reminiscent of the "chicken eating game". The poison circle in the game is constantly shrinking, and the poison gas in "Extreme Escape" is expanding and rising from the center. How the people around can run higher and faster than the poison gas is the last word. The main special effects of

'Extreme Escape', a dark horse in Korean movies! Can a disaster film be made with little money? Criticizing the gap between the rich and the poor resonates? - Lujuba

are concentrated in two large areas. Part of the poisonous gas enveloped in the city slowly rises. Under the rendering of special effects, the poisonous gas seems to have life, and has been chasing and blocking the hero and heroine; the other part of the special effect is Focusing on the roofs where the heroes and heroines are running, the methods of scene building and special effects rendering are used to make the roofs of the city look realistic.

There is no overwhelmingly devastating special effects in this movie, so what do you watch in this disaster movie? Watching the plot and adventurous action scenes, the host and hostess used their wisdom and strength to run and escape in the city. Parkour, rock climbing and other extinctions were used, and a gas escape was officially staged. This kind of setting is very clever and novel, which allowed the film to receive 9 million viewers in South Korea, which is a dark horse at the box office in 2019.

2, escape is so stylish? ! Your sports hobby may save your life

At the beginning of this year, a South Korean action comedy about police undercover opening a fried chicken shop, "Extreme Profession", was a dark horse and received 10 million viewers. Although

’s "Extreme Escape" did not set a new record, it was able to make it into the top three of the South Korean film year under the premise of lack of big stars and scenes, and the results are really amazing.

...The following content involves spoilers...

There are two major coincidences in the opening setting of the movie. The first coincidence is that the protagonist Yongnan (Cao Jung-seok) and the heroine Yizhu (Lim Yuna) are rock climbing enthusiasts; the second coincidence It was these two who ran into each other because of the arrangement of fate, and then escaped together. When the

gas leak occurred, the birthday party hosted by Yong Nan for his mother was drawing to a close. At the birthday banquet, Yong Nan met his favorite female classmate Yi Zhu. Back then, Yong Nan had pursued Yi Zhu but was rejected. After a few years, Yong Nan is still a strong and unemployed young man who works hard to practice horizontal bars and rock climbing. Yi Zhu is already the deputy manager of a hotel.

After a moment of greeting, Yong Nan lied that he was already a section chief in the company, and Yi Zhu was still somewhat surprised and liked. A few simple lines fully portray the fierce social competition in Korean society and the huge pressure of young people in life. At the end of the

banquet, Yongnan's family was about to take a taxi downstairs to go home. The poison gas rushed in, encircling several blocks, and Yongnan took his family back to the hotel and was trapped. The

poison gas slowly rises from the first floor, and the people in the hotel must continue to run upstairs to save their lives. However, the top floor is locked, and the gate can be opened from the outside. From the inside, a key must be used to open it. The key is on the first floor where the gas is filled. The protagonist of

, ​​Yongnan, saw the rooftop opposite the window. He planned to jump to the opposite side, then jump back, and climb the rooftop through the decorative bricks on the exterior of the hotel building. This is how he planned and put it into action. From the moment Yongnan jumped out of the hotel window, the enthusiasm of the film was ignited.

Next, I saw Yong Nan showing his great power, climbing flexibly outside the hotel building, and his usual horizontal bars and rock climbing were not in vain. Yong Nan spared his life and climbed to the top floor of the hotel, where a group of people survived temporarily.

However, the poison gas did not give them much time, and it was still rising slowly.

From here, the characters in the film began to complain. People trapped on skyscrapers are easily found and rescued by helicopters. People waiting for rescue on the lower floors can only rely on mobile phone flashes and calling sounds.

's previous Korean disaster films "Haeundae" and "Skyscrapers" were not so pertinent. In "Extreme Escape", the height of the building, the emergency of rescue, and the difference between rich and poor are undoubtedly revealed. Although the film is mostly dramatic and the probability of encountering such a gas siege is not high, this attitude of criticizing the difference between the rich and the poor seems to resonate with Korean audiences. After

, ​​the plot turned again. Yongnan and his group finally shouted to the helicopter through the loudspeaker, but they were overloaded, leaving Yongnan and Yizhu to wait for the next rescue. The two had no choice but to rely on climbing skills and strong physique to escape for their lives. During the period, Korean TV stations rented drones to enter the poisonous gas-shrouded area for live broadcast, and their escape became a reality show.

At this time, the film's main creative irony is that some Korean TV stations do not care about the safety of others in order to make programs, and the lives and deaths of others become the guarantee of ratings.

is precisely this critical color, so that the film's story is not limited to thrilling actions, but can trigger thinking. In the face of disasters, humanity is fully revealed and quite realistic.

3, a different disaster film, "Extreme Escape" is actually a disaster + comedy!

"Extreme Escape" can be regarded as a movie with a funny point and a shocking point. It is thrilling all the way. There are various jokes during the period, especially the irony of the gap between the rich and the poor. It even reminds people of the Palme d’Or film "Parasitic "Insect", why is the criticism of the gap between rich and poor popular in Korea this year?

Watch this Hollywood disaster film, from "Tornado" to "Landslide", "Molten City", "Titanic", "Perfect Storm", "Poseidon", "World Trade Center", "The Day After" and "2012" "Don't Fear the Storm", "Doomsday Fall", "Hurricane" and so on, from reality to science fiction, from love to crime, almost all types of combinations are filmed. But it is really a combination of rare disaster + comedy. Thinking about it carefully, people in disaster movies must have very sad experiences. How to add comedy elements is not consistent with common sense.

South Korea’s previous disaster movies also mainly revolved around a tragic atmosphere. For example, "Haeundae", "Wireworm Invasion", "Skyscrapers", "Pandora", "Influenza" and "Tunnel" all have tragic colors, making the audience feel that disaster movies are not Sentimental is out of place.

As a result, the South Korean filmmakers made this "Extreme Escape", which is indeed refreshing. "Extreme Escape" is acceptable. First of all, such a large-scale gas disaster in the film is rare in reality. The characters in the film basically escaped. The director deliberately reduced the heavy atmosphere of the film.

and the hero, Yongnan, is a positive and optimistic young man, a little second, so he has a sense of joy, which makes the comedy atmosphere of the film slowly spread.

"Extreme Escape" is a very different kind of disaster film. Although shooting funds are limited, it knows how to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses. It is ingenious in terms of storyline and action design, so that the audience will not be inThe Italian film lacks the support of the big scenes. With the two protagonists fleeing all the way, the story of the whole film has almost no cold spots, which makes people very excited. Disaster films such as

may be difficult to replicate, and perhaps this is the only one. After all, it is very difficult to bring out comedic effects in the face of disasters. Improper grasp will make people unconvincing. If you are funny for the sake of being funny, That was a real disaster.

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